Friday 19 October 2012

Sad Desk Salad - Jessica Grose

As a writer for Chick Habit, an increasingly popular women's website, Alex Lyons gets paid to be a bitch. She's churning out several posts a day, and she saves her juiciest ones for blog prime time, when working women eat their sad desk salads in their offices. Alex tells herself she's fulfilling her dream of being a professional writer; so what if it means being glued to her couch and her laptop from six a.m. to six p.m., scouring the web in search of the next big celebrity scandal? Since Chick Habit's parent company keeps close tabs on page views, Alex knows her job is always at risk.

So when an anonymous tipster sends her the year's most salacious story—a politico's squeaky-clean Ivy League daughter caught in a very R-rated activity—it's a no-brainer. But is Alex really willing to ruin the girl's life by igniting the next Internet feeding frenzy? And what she doesn't yet realize is how this big scoop is about to send her own life spiraling out of control.

My thoughts:
I needed something light and funny and this was the perfect book for that. Though it was not just happiness and sunshine, no this book did look at the internet a bit more closely too.

Alex the heroine gets up around 6 am and then works for almost 12 hours. She does not dress, take a shower and often forget to eat. She is obsessed with her work as the tempo is high and she needs to find and write several pieces a day and get a lot of traffic for the website. Is she happy? I think she is too busy to consider this. But I did like that she wanted more.

The book takes place during a hectic week as she gets an email with a video. Do post or not to post? Where does one draw the line? She already has angry comments on some post and this, this could be really bad, but also really good for the site. There is pressure and figuring out what really is the right thing to do. Not to mention, getting out of that disgusting muumuu she is wearing.

I liked the light was it was written, and there was a lightness in the air too. But it did not get too light thanks to the drama going on. And as a blogger I knew the situations that came up, I have seen the drama.

As for the title, when everyone is at lunch then is the best time for a good post. As women sit around their desks eating a salad.

A fun book that you can read in a heartbeat.

Cover thoughts:
It's both funny and kind of meh

Genre. Chic-lit, fiction
Pages: 304
Published: October 2nd 2012 by William Morrow
Source: For review


  1. Oh, you've made this sound so good! I can't wait to read it!

  2. I like light and funny books. I do! :) They are the best and especially in weekends.

  3. I've seen this book around the blogs but your review is the first that makes me want to read it!

  4. Alex sounds like a fun character, and she's getting paid to be a bitch? Lucky girl! I have to do it for free. (Kidding!) Sounds good. As a blogger, I really want to read it.

    1. Haha, oh yes paid to be a bitch ;) But so not worth it in the end.

      And as a blogger I did feel more connected to it

  5. Sounds like a premise a lot of us book bloggers can relate too even if we aren't so much in the celebrity scandal business! I'm not sure I could post something that would ruin someone else's life even if it would cost me my job. I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt!

    1. True, we may not do that but we still deal with the drama of authors gone bad, angry comments and things like that.

  6. I love the title and's odd but bright and original.

    This book sounds perfect for a quick, light read.

    1. It does work, but still kind of boring, and then not.

      Quick and light is the best

  7. Oh I'm intrigued it sounds a little different, I like the idea.

  8. Same here, I stay away from all that drama. It's just too much

  9. Honestly I wouldn't have picked it up with that premise. However, this might be interesting as long as it isn't too gossipy. Hm.. I know you like the "drama" as much as I do, so I may have to give it a try. :D

    1. Haha yes me and "drama". And it isn't too gossipy, it mostly deals with what she should do and her being all sad cos of hateful comments

  10. Hey, that is a good way to make a living if it pays enough for the mortgage!

  11. I have seen this one around and it sounds good. I think us bloggers can relate to her a bit as far as the posting on the site goes. Cute cover.

    1. I did like that fact cos I have seen it, the negative comments, the drama, and all that

  12. If it was perfect for you I am very glad! I don't ike the cover very much though.

    1. It's both funny and boring, which is interesting

  13. She wears muumuus? That's scary!

    1. Lol, yes and one she has not washed in ages!

  14. Glad you got your light and fluffy fix, this sounds interesting

  15. the title is so me. My salads used to be known as sad Jenny salads because they were just lettuce and cheese. how sad. I've gotten better though.

    I could never have this kind of job. It would make me too depressed. Great review :)

    1. Lettuce and cheese, that is sad, it does need more ingredients :)

      I would be stressed out of my mind

  16. To post or not to post. That is a tough one. Mmmmm, what would you do B?

    1. Her job was on the line..still dunno. it would have been posted anyway

  17. I couldn't imagine having to write several posts a day to keep traffic coming to the ol' blog!

    1. That would be a sure way ti stop liking what we do



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