Thursday 4 July 2013

Review: The Outcast Prince - Shona Husk

Caspian Mort can feel the history in anything he touches, a gift he inherited from his father, the Crown Prince of Annwyn. Devastated over his ex-wife's infidelity, Caspian has withdrawn from human contact except when working as an antiques dealer. 

While assessing the contents of the historic Callaway House he encounters the beautiful Lydia Callaway and senses that her home is haunted by a banished fairy. But what does the dangerous exile want? Unbeknownst to Lydia, she's the owner of the last remaining portal to Annwyn—a mirror hidden somewhere in the house. To keep Lydia safe, Caspian will have to divulge the secrets of his heritage, and risk losing his heart again.

Paperback, 320 pages, Published July 2nd 2013 by Sourcebooks Casablanca, Court of Annwyn #1, Paranormal romance, For review

My thoughts:
I read her Goblin series and when I saw that she was to publish a series with fairies I was intrigued. I liked what I heard about Annwyn, it was the not so kind Fae types. ..

Caspian is a changeling and has never been to his father's court. He is human, but still got those fae qualities too. I must confess that I sooo wanted his father's story while I read it, to see him fall in love. Le sigh, wonderful :) But that is a future book. Now we got Caspian and he falls for Lydia. A nice and sweet woman. They suited each other. Both with pasts and secrets.

But that was not all it was about. We need some drama and danger too and in comes the hunt for a mirror. And the court of Annwyn is in trouble and the ripples are causing bad things to happen in our world. I can't spill it all, but Annwyn was different, and I liked what she did there.

Romance and a man caught between two worlds. A good start to this series.



  1. Only ok for the cover?! Even though it isn't a headless torso?! ;)

  2. Sounds like a good start to a new series. Caspian sounds like a cool hero.

  3. I was thinking the only reason I would pick this one up is because of the cover. ;)

    1. It's good, I am just not keen on him ;)

  4. My review post next week and like you I thought it was a great start to the series!

    1. I look forward to the next about the Hunter and then the King to be, yay

  5. I've wanted to read her goblin series and haven't gotten to it yet. Now you entice me with this one. Looks like I'll be adding another book by her to my wishlist.

    1. I do wonder what she will come up with next...goblins, Fae, yes what comes after that

  6. They are always fun and naughty and evil

  7. it sounds like a nice pnr book, I didn't know this one

  8. I met Shona at ARRC in Brisbane earlier this year. I've got a couple of her books but haven't read any as yet, oops. Glad you liked it :)

    1. Cool :D I wish I could meet nice authors too. They have to come here

  9. Sounds good and I love the cover :)

  10. I dunno. I really dunno. The cover screams 'not my scene' but I like fairies...

    1. Still it is very sweet and I do know you

  11. I like the sound of this one! And the cover!

  12. When I saw this one I knew it was all you B :)

  13. I agree....the man on the cover is too pretty. However, it seems to fit the prince character.

    1. That it does, still he could look a bit more rough. haha

  14. Ooo, I'll take the hunk on the cover. ;D LOL Sounds like a winning author. :)

  15. I always love getting new takes on fairies, and this one sounds like fun! But I'd say the cover is way more than OK. :-) *fans self*

    1. Haha, well I am glad folks like him. Cos he is pretty, just too pretty for me

  16. Nice review B, I still have this author on my wishlist, but one day ...

  17. I've thought about reading this author's work and I just might as I like faeries and goblins!



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