Tuesday 20 August 2013

Review: Crush on You - Christie Ridgway

The Baci sisters are on a mission to save the winery that's been in their family for generations-by transforming it into the perfect wedding destination. If only Alessandra Baci-affectionately known as the "Nun of Napa"-didn't need the help of tempting neighbor and business rival Penn Bennett.

My thoughts:
I wanna make this short, I am so tired today for some reason.

Right, so I read book 2 first I think, then book 3 and at last book 1. Don't say anything ;)

I wanted to read about Alessandra since day 1. The Nun of Napa. She was sweet and kind. In a way there was not anything special about her. Except for that her husband to be died 15 min before their wedding and the whole town has tip toed around her ever since. Mourning is one thing, but being the living memory of him and no men looking at her is another thing. As I got to know her, I felt sorry for her.

Penn is a bit full of him at first, I wanted to smack him over the head (yes I do love to do that ;). Quite a few times actually. Truth be told, I never truly warmed up to him. I did not feel all gaga over him.

I did rush the end a bit as it took a 3 days to finish the book (just not enough time). I did not like it as much as the other books. And I think that if I had read this one first I would not have gone for the rest. Still it was good, just not special.

I liked it, but it could have been better.


Paperback, 304 pages
Published June 1st 2010 by Berkley
Three Kisses #1
Contemporary romance


  1. Do you think it would've been better if you read it first? I find when I go back to read books in a series I have higher expectations then I would have if I had read them in order.

    1. I honestly do not know...and I will never know now :/

  2. Great review and maybe it's good you read them backwards..get some rest!

  3. Wow, her husband to be died 15 minutes before the wedding? That would be traumatizing and awful and I kind of want to give her a hug! Too bad you never warmed up to the hero though, this woman clearly deserves someone special:)

    1. I know, poor girl :/ For that to happen *shakes head*

      The hero, I do not know, he was just such an ass cos he thought she was acting

  4. I guess sometimes its better to read the books out of order. Lol.

  5. I started to feel really sorry for her the more I knew. Let the poor woman date

  6. I've heard good things about Christie's books, I'll have to give one of them a try.

    I hope you get some rest dear *hugs*

    1. It was in..July? Early Aug?n I do not even know why I was tired anymore ;)

  7. Well, at least you enjoyed it somewhat. Hm... might have to skip this one although she does sound sweet.

    1. It might just work better as book 1...or just skip it and move on to 2

  8. I read one of her books ages ago - it was about a knitter. And that's all I remember!

    1. I heard she had a series about a knitter

  9. Ooooh I feel ya. I was super lazy with my movie review today. >.< So tired.

    1. Last weekend I was all zzzzzz all weekend long, horrible

  10. The Nun of Napa. Ha! It's good that you read these out of order.

  11. Have to admit I'm intrigued by the synopsis and your review. I'll read it first if I decide to try the series ;-)

  12. So sometimes it is lucky you don't read in order :)

    1. Sometimes it truly works out for the best



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