Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Author Post Megan Mulry

IN LOVE AGAIN by Megan Mulry

The Marchioness of Wick is about to get a second chance at life...whether she wants it or not. After twenty years in a loveless marriage to a duplicitous British aristocrat, Claire Heyworth Barnes finds herself broke and alone. Encouraged by her dynamic American sisters-in-law, the shy royal decides to start over in New York City. When she lands a job with a famous interior designer, Claire accidentally reconnects with the first—and only—man she ever loved.

Benjamin Hayek has never forgiven Claire for the heartless way she left him when they were teenagers in the south of France. And even if he could, Claire's not sure she has the courage to contend with how he makes her feel. Can they build a new love from an old flame? Or will a bitter history and a complicated future stand in their way?

Dear Blodeuedd,

Thank you so much for having me here at Books for Life! A lot has happened since you reviewed my first book, A Royal Pain, last year. A Royal Pain ended up being chosen as an NPR Best Book of 2012 and hit the USA Today Bestseller list. My new book, In Love Again, is the third in the Unruly Royals series, after A Royal Pain and If the Shoe Fits. 

When my first book came out, you were one of the first reviewers to remark on how I tend to write across genres. You were totally right! I love the steamy attraction of a romance novel mixed with the longer meditative passages and secondary characters normally associated with women's fiction. I noticed recently that Amazon has a category called Women's Romance Fiction and I thought of your review from last year. I'm pretty sure that's what my books are. I'll never know for sure, though, since I like to joke, I only write the books, I have no idea what they're about! In the end, I think, it's up to readers to decide what they are.

My new book, In Love Again, uses a lot of the same tropes from A Royal Pain but with a totally different outcome. It is still the story of a British aristocrat who falls in love with a fiery American, but that's where the similarities end. Claire Heyworth Barnes is the quiet older sister of Max, the Duke of Northrop. She is 38 years old and in the midst of a terrible divorce when the story begins. Whereas Bronte was all fire and ambition, Claire is tentative and vulnerable. She wants so much to be independent and strong, but it does not come easily to her.

New York City is a big part of this story too. It always symbolizes renewal for me personally, and I think that comes through in my books. It just seems that no matter where you are in your life, you could go there and reinvent yourself. 

In this book, the hot American is the hero, Ben Hayek. He is Claire's long-lost boyfriend from the summer before she married Freddy, Marquess of Wick. He has a good life in New York, as a dentist in private practice, but his emotional life is in the crapper. He is not a wild man, but he has a fire that comes more from the unexpressed passion he feels for life. When the two of them finally connect, it is a wonderful second chance for both of them.

The last part of the book takes place over the holiday season, with Claire and Ben introducing each other to their respective families. Much of the book deals with how we grow and evolve through different phases of our life and how our families of origin mesh with our families of choice. Claire's relationship with her adult daughter, Lydia, is also a big part of this theme. I really wanted to explore how we as women navigate being daughters, mothers, wives, and sisters all at once, while still retaining our integrity and sense of self.

So, in some ways In Love Again is different book from my others because Claire is a far more vulnerable heroine, but it still takes place in the same glamorous fictional world. I would love to know what your visitors think: Do you prefer a heroine who kicks ass (sometimes to her detriment) or a heroine who is a bit more tentative in her pursuit of her happily-ever-after? Or do you like all different heroines depending on your reading mood?

I would love to give away digital copies of In Love Again to three random blog visitors who comment. 

If you want to learn more about me or my books, you can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Goodreads, or on my website!

Thanks again for having me!

Megan Mulry writes sexy, stylish, romantic fiction. Her first book, A Royal Pain, was an NPR Best Book of 2012 and USA Today bestseller. Before discovering her passion for romance novels, she worked in magazine publishing and finance. After many years in New York, Boston, London, and Chicago, she now lives with her husband and children in Florida.


  1. I like all different types of heroines. Sometimes I'm in the mood for a girl to kick some ass and take names (mostly because that's not how I am and I like to live vicariously), and other times I like to read about women who seem to be a little more like me:)

    1. Hi Jenny, Thanks for commenting. I feel the same way--sometimes I want kick-ass and sometimes I want more familiar. Please email me at so l can send your winning e-book copy of IN LOVE AGAIN. Thanks!

  2. I like different types of heroines, too. I'm a moody reader so I like different genres and different characters. Each type has merit to them.

    1. Hi Yvonne, moody reader describes me too. And technology failure for not seeing these comments until today lol. Please email me at so l can send your winning e-book copy of IN LOVE AGAIN. Thanks!

  3. I just love it when authors cross genre lines and do their own thing. I'm not much for romance OR women's fiction, but your recommendation is good enough for me.

    1. Hi Maja, Thanks for commenting. I agree, crossing genres is fun for authors *and* readers. Please email me at so l can send your winning e-book copy of IN LOVE AGAIN. Thanks!

  4. Replies
    1. LOL! I didn't see any of these comments until today. Thanks so much for having me and I will contact commenter/winners of ebooks now. Thank you!

    2. I think there was a few mix ups cos did not even know about the contest

  5. Sweet the American is the hero. I loved Royal Pain and look forward to reading this one. Congrats on the nomination.

    1. Hi Kimba! I'm so happy you loved Max and Bronte. Please shoot me an email at with your preferred e-book format and best email and I will send you a winning copy of IN LOVE AGAIN :)

  6. I enjoy both kinds of heroines, but I admit, I do tend toward the kick-assed-ness. LOL Obvs, I also like to make up words. :)

    1. Kick-assed-ness for the win. Making up words: it's what we do. Please send me an email at with your preferred e-book format and best email and I will send you a winning copy of IN LOVE AGAIN :)

  7. it's nice to try mix genre like that. Like that you always have something original.

    1. Hi Melliane, thanks for commenting. I agree that for readers and writers, mixing it up keeps it fresh. Please contact me at with your preferred e-book format and best email and I will send you a winning copy of IN LOVE AGAIN :)

  8. In general I like heroines who kick ass, but my mood changes quite often. Sometimes it's nice to have a more normal heroine who doesn't just step up and know exactly what to do when faced with difficulties. Thanks for sharing this guest post!

    1. Another moody reader. I like it! Lately, I like that hint of hesitance…makes it feel more real. Thanks for commenting. Please email me at with your preferred e-book format and best email and I will send you a winning copy of IN LOVE AGAIN :)


About Me

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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

Publishers/authors: I am open for reviewing books so please contact me if you want your book reviewed.

Look at my review policy for more info
I review from most genres on this blog, and those genres are: fantasy,chick-lit, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA, historical/+romance, contemporary romance and literary fiction. + some other genres read by my guest reviewers.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site are my own, if not stated otherwise. Then they were sent for free by the author, publicist or a publisher. I do not get any compensation for my reviews. I do this all for fun. google-site-verification: googlec45f9c3acb51f8cd.html
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