Thursday 5 December 2013

Review: Dangerous Decisions - Margaret Kaine

Helena Standish knows that a good marriage will complete her father's social standing, but she s her papa's daughter and not about to accept any fool. Marriage to the handsome and charming Oliver Faraday appears to offer a perfect match, so what cause does she have for misgivings?

Dr. Nicholas Carstairs has scant patience with frivolous pleasure-seekers and an upper class that closes ranks against outsiders. Why then is he haunted by the lovely girl in the window, someone entirely beyond his reach?

A champagne celebration at Broadway Manor marks the start of a happy future for Helena, but what no one can predict are the consequences of her decision or the appalling danger it will bring.

My thoughts:
This is not a romance, this is romantic fiction and cos of that there is a long way to Helen's HEA.

She is a nice young woman, and when a nice man courts her she does think he seems ok. But there is something about Oliver that gave me chills from the start. But they marry and we see their married life, the happy and unhappy parts.

There is also someone else in the shadows, a doctor called Nicholas. Oh she should have chosen him but how could she as they were not the same class and therefore never really introduced. There were just glances. Those were the days. The whole social issue is shown throughout the book, we get the whole downstairs upstairs thing and comments about social issues at the time.

Now do not think it's an unhappy book. No there is romance at first and then a bit of dangerous things happening too. I liked it as it felt more real. She did not have time to think over things and therefore chose rather quickly. He was a respectable nice man. It was a step up for her. But that does not always mean happiness.

A good book that even had a bit of suspense at the end.

Would i read more?


Paperback, 400 pages
Expected publication: December 7th 2013 by Choc Lit
Historical romantic fiction
For review


  1. I think there should be a slow burn in romantic suspense.

  2. Well now I just want to know how things work out for her! Guess reading could probably help with that, huh?

  3. you have me curious, I love romantic suspense, and you teased me enough that I need to know!

  4. Oooh, sounds good! I'll have to look for this one!

  5. This one sounds good and one I might like.

  6. that's sad for her but I'm curious to see what happens when the sad moments arrive.

  7. Poor Doctor Nick....:/ I always feel worse when the lower class person falls in love with a rich is more heartbreaking then when the rich fall in love with a poor person.

    1. It was very sad :/ And it could never really happen as they just never got the chance

  8. It sounds good and I quite like the cover too.

  9. It's good that you mentioned that it isn't an unhappy book. I couldn't handle one of those, but this I'd probably enjoy.

    1. No, not unhappy, just more truthful, bad things happens, good things happen

  10. Sounds like a good read. I like the cover.

  11. Well, it doesn't have to be all roses for me to enjoy a book... just as long as it isn't all sadness... :) Sounds like a good read!

    1. It's never oh my heart is breaking sad, just...not happy at times

  12. I like the idea of a bit of romance and danger. Sounds like a good one!

  13. I don't like all the class stuff in historicals that's why I only read the ones with feisty heroines that go against everything lol

    I'm not a purist! ha

    1. Haha, I do love them too, and there is not too much of the class thing. It's in the background as she is thinking but not really being feisty

  14. It's not crying unhappy, just holding my breath almost sad

  15. Enjoy your three-day weekend...

  16. cool when a character creeps you out from the start or as you said "gives you chills" ... I'm kinda curious

  17. These days I seem to like romantic fiction more than romance, so yep, this one sounds good!

  18. I've always loved class stories with the whole upstairs downstairs feel. I'm worried about Helen's HEA but it does sounds very good. Great review!

    1. She does get it, I just can't say when or how ;)

  19. Hmm interesting. I haven't read a romantic historical fiction yet. I tend to like the whole HEA no question about it thing. I read one historical fiction earlier this year it was very nicely written but the romance and such ended very badly. This one though sounds like one I could probably handle. WIll check it out.

    1. Ended badly? Ugh, I do not like that. This is worthy of the name romantic. There is a HEA, I always knew it would come, just not how

    2. Oh then I could definitely handle that.

      Yeah this one. After 20+ years of fighting for their hea, going through the great depression, etc and being ripped apart they finally find each other. And literally 5 minutes later are both killed. There were just not words strong enough for that. Made me nervous about historical fiction.

    3. Omg that suuuuuucks! I would have thrown that book at the wall

  20. This sounds interesting, especially with the whole social issues theme of the time.

  21. Historical fiction, meaning this was an actual person's life, but romanticized?

    1. No, still fiction, in a historical setting



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