Monday 11 August 2014

How the white trash zombie got her groove back - Diana Rowland /Cold Blooded - Amanda Carlson

It’s zombie versus zombie as the Saberton Corporation declares war against the Zombie Mafia, kidnapping several of their party. It falls to Angel to lead the remnants of her gang halfway across the country to claw their way through corporate intrigue, zombie drugs, and undead trafficking to rescue her friends—and expose the traitor responsible for their abduction...

My thoughts:
I know I should not let silly stuff bug me, but omg the text was tiny. I do have the attention span to finish a book in a sitting, but that is cos at least I turn the page a lot. Here it took a while and I was all booored. I got issues.

But that was not all that made this one not as awesome. I just do not know. It felt a bit like the air has gone out of the balloon, it used to be  hilarious. Now it's more, ok, she is funny again. Whatever. I mean I can't blame it all on the tiny text can I?

Sure Angel is still cool, but, I am tired of the Saberton company. The zombie struggle. I still liked the book, it was good. I just fear it will go downhill from here. Like, the next book is only ok 0_0 Aye that would make me sad.

Cool and icky

Paperback, 336 pages
Published July 1st 2014 by DAW
White Trash Zombie #4
Urban fantasy

Jessica arrives back in town to find her best friend missing and the most powerful witch in the country is blaming her for it. But before they can move to save her, the group is attacked.

On the run, Jessica and Rourke head to the mountains. Several surprises await them, but in order to save her father they are forced to leave for New Orleans early. Arriving on the Vampire Queen's doorstep unexpectedly, and bringing trouble on their heels, the Sects are thrown into an all out war. The vicious skirmish ends up forcing the vamps and Jessica to fight on the same team. The Vamp Queen ends up owing Jessica, but what Jessica doesn't realize is just how soon she'll have to cash it in...

My thoughts:
I did enjoy it, it was good, but at the same time it left me a bit cold and it feels like I am still going after how cool book 1 was.

I think my biggest problem is that a lot happens, but at the same nothing happens cos most of the book took place in like 5 minutes (not really but hear me out). Everything happened fast, boom, then another thing, boom, tiny fight, boom, another tiny fight, the end. Just too fast and way too easy. She met a lot of friendly people that helped her and she is over cos uber-strong and perfect and I get these Mary Sue vibes.

But it was good action, getting close to Roarke. Interesting turn of events. I do want more. I only hope that book 4 will be awesome again cos if not (book 2 was not awesome either), then I might just give up. Some series I can read even if they never hit awesome status. Some, eh.  I just wanted more.


Paperback, 336 pages
Published October 8th 2013 by Orbit (first published January 1st 2012)
Jessica McClain #3
Urban fantasy


  1. I'm tired of the Saberton story line too, and yeah, as much as I love Angel, this series seems to be going downhill... Same goes for Cold Blooded, there's just too much going on, and I miss Carlson's werewolves.

    1. :/ We feel the same thing then. I am still high on IT USED to be good. But this was not good if I had read this then I would have disliked it :/

  2. Oh that's sad they weren't as good for you as the others. I still need to read the first series but I have book 1, so soon? And well I have already read all the books Carlson books, we'll see how it is next.

    1. It starts off really well, but this last one was disappointing.

      I hope they both will improve again

  3. Sounds like neither of these really blew you away which is a shame. In the case of the zombie one, I hope the next book makes up for it and has you remembering everything you loved about the earlier books!

    1. I hope so too. I am gonna give both one more chance, but after that. I am done

  4. I'm not familiar with either one. I'm sorry you weren't all that thrilled. The Carlson one sounded promising.

  5. That is quite the cover on the zombie one. Goodness. I've not read either of them yet. One day maybe.

    1. Haha, I know they all creep me out. So icky, but very well done

  6. I'll admit that I was hoping for more from Angel and the Zombie storyline. I was extremely disappointed in the ending. I really enjoy The Jessican McClain series, though I would like to get back to more werewolf stuff. I can't wait to see what happens with Red Blooded.

    1. It was disappointing, it was all so !! and then nothing. I went all eh.

      Yes more wolves! I liked that, this recent stuff has not been as fun

  7. Well, here's hoping the next books over both series will pick up again.


  8. Oh...honestly then I doubt you will enjoy the rest :/

  9. I feel you! I can't say exactly what was it that made WZ not as enjoyable as its predecessors, but I felt the same way you did :( maybe she really gets her groove back in the next installment. I did enjoy CB a little more than you did, but if I remember correctly the narration left a lot to be desired.

    1. Cb was not bad, just not, awesome either, it has too many ups and downs.

      Aye, she certainly did not get her groove back in this one

  10. 1. Oh dear....good luck with the next one!
    2. Again...oh dear. 0.0

  11. I did enjoy Cold Blooded but I get what you mean. So sad about Zombie book. I still love those covers though. :)

    1. I expected more, I expected it to be as good as previous books

  12. I need to read Cold Blooded but the issue you mentioned is similar to my issues with hot Blooded. It felt like a filler book where nothing really happened. We'll see...

    1. I liked Hot a tiny bit more but to be honest, they were the same. Fillers, I was just all in book 1 was good! mode to actually see that book 2 was pretty meh

  13. I hate when sequels feel like filler books! And yes I think small typeface would get on my nerves too, it makes me feel like i'm not progressing fast enough.

    1. So tiny! I was all come on! Not good.

      Anyway, fillers, sigh

  14. Small text makes me crazy..I have to get out my sexy librarian glasses..but sometimes even those don't work..I will make a note to get this series on my nook.

    1. Lol, I always wear my sexy librarian glasses

  15. Seems like your reads weren't that great. Sorry. :/ You explained it well thoug.

  16. I want to read more zombies book and despite it not being as great as you expected I am going to give White Trash Zombie a whirl!

    1. Do give it a go, the first ones are fun :D

  17. Amanda is also a trophy winner of the endings that leave you needing the next book. lol. I like her style at it though, she finishes a story before starting a new one.

  18. I think I'm going to hold off on the zombie series until I get caught up with Rowland's demon series, and I'll be keeping an eye out for your Jessica McClain review, b/c I didn't think book 2 was great either, and I don't want to bother with 3 if 4 is bad too.

    1. Love the demon one ;)
      You felt the same? Yikes, well maybe I will read 4 one day, I hate giving up

  19. I was disappointed, that I was

  20. I haven't read How the White Trash Zombie Got Her Groove Back, but have heard it wasn't as good as previous book, so... you are not alone.
    I agree about Cold Blooded, I had the same problem you had, nothing happened for many pages and then everything happened in a minute.

    1. I am glad I am not alone on my Cold opinion. I had wished for more there. Not so easy.'

      Hopefully her groove will come back for real



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