Tuesday 10 February 2015

Night Broken - Patricia Briggs

When her mate’s ex-wife storms back into their lives, Mercy knows something isn’t right. Christy has the furthest thing from good intentions—she wants Adam back, and she’s willing to do whatever it takes to get him, including turning the pack against Mercy.

Mercy isn’t about to step down without a fight, but there’s a more dangerous threat circling. As the bodies start piling up, she must put her personal troubles aside to face a creature with the power to tear her whole world apart. 

Mass Market Paperback, 292 pages
Published January 27th 2015 by Ace (first published March 11th 2014)
Mercy Thompson #8, Mercy Thompson World - Complete #12
Urban fantasy

My thoughts:
The book was definitely better than book 6 and 7. But still not up to par with earlier books...just almost. Slowly getting there you know. So close.

The ex drama in this one, omg, I hate stupid bitches. Arghh, I wanna kick Christie. What is her problem!? You left him. Mercy is chill (even if stressed out of her mind). I would totally just have left cos that is more drama than one woman needs. Christie, Adam's ex wife shows up after her loved started stalking her and she tries to get everyone to turn against Mercy. It was stressful even to read about. Christie has never been a fav (how could she) but I truly hate her now.

So the bad guy in this one is the guy who is stalking Christie (I would totally have kicked her out and let him have her, damn she was mean.) He was insane, in a good way. Just out of his mind, raging, and wanting to tear the world apart. I also liked who he was...

And now I have to wait a year for book 9! BUT, since I am not gonna buy hardback (do you KNOW how many paperbacks that is?!) I have to wait 2 years since I want it in print. God damn me.

I started reading this one morning and finished it a few hours later ;) 



  1. Ugh, I hate exes like that. >____> Crazy. But I am glad it is getting better!

  2. I've still not read this one. I need to. I know. I can't remember why I didn't at the release. Too buy I guess.

    1. It came out in hardback only so that is why I waited a year

  3. Oh yes, I despised Christy. DESPISED. I wanted Adam to stand up to her a bit more and defend Mercy, but I loved how Mercy always took the high road. She's a better woman than I am ;-)

    1. I did admire her. I would totally have moved out and said F you all. But I did want Adam to stand up more for her

  4. I looooved this installment! I totally thought it was going to have so much angst with Adam's ex-wife back in the picture but Mercy and Adam are rock-solid and I adore them to pieces. Great review--so glad you enjoyed this one! :)

    1. I never doubted them so that was awesome, I was just scared she would turn the others on her :/

  5. I love getting the latest book in a favorite series and reading it in one day!

  6. "Almost" is exactly how I would describe it! :)

  7. One day I'll start this series... soon...

  8. I know I could buy it in hardback but I am too cheap, that is only something I would do with one series at the moment

  9. Probably my favorite book of the series so far, but I wanted to smack Christie. And I wanted to smack Adam too for letting her manipulate him like that.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  10. lol at the HB/pb situation. Damn you!!

    I hate ex's and I hear Adam wasn't always great in this one. I know that would piss me off.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. ;)

      I could have stood up more, he tried to please too many

  11. I ran out of steam on this series... a while ago.

  12. Shet! I still have to read this. Maybe I'll read it with Dead Heat. Do a back to back kind of thing.

  13. I would have had to back my truck over Christy..lol

  14. Oh yes this book was really good!

  15. Exes are evil! :D Hm, I wonder which book have I stopped in this series? I think I need to investigate... Great post!

  16. i love the Mercy Thompson series but I am always behind because I can't bring myself to buy them in hardcover either. It was nice to read that you thought this one was better than the last two! I am hoping the series gets back to the level of the first books, cross my fingers!

    1. I do love them but hardcover...so expensive. My budget would like allow me a book a year then

  17. I love this series, I have loved every single book but this one. Sadly I didn't like this one much. I hated the "ex" storyline just to create conflict between Mercy and Adam.

  18. I HATED that chick. She needed to be torn apart by werewolves. Grr.

  19. I'm so far behind ... not sure I want to keep going. stupid bitches should just be killed off :)

  20. The paperback wait is terrible sometimes! I'm glad this book was better again. I dislike drama too, so I agree with you that she should've kicked the nasty girl to the curb.

    1. So sad the waiting for PB is (I went all yoda ;)

  21. LOL. Yeah, the waiting sucks. I was one of the oddballs who liked the last couple of books way more than this one (and the earlier ones too). BUT. I do love that cover ;)

    1. So the ones that did not work for me worked for you? Interesting. I do not even know why does did not work as well, one should analyze

  22. Interesting. Book 6 was probably my favorite of the series. I started this one and after listening to the opening, I had to turn it off and I haven't gone back. I was so irritated and pissed at how the pack treats Mercy, I was done. I will go back eventually, but .... grrrr.

    1. I know, I was all arghhh, I wanna hit you all in the head. Not cool people!



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