Friday 7 April 2017

Mata Hari - Michelle Moran

From the international bestselling author of Rebel Queen and Nefertiti comes a captivating novel about the infamous Mata Hari, exotic dancer, adored courtesan, and, possibly, relentless spy.

Paris, 1917. The notorious dancer Mata Hari sits in a cold cell awaiting freedom…or death. Alone and despondent, Mata Hari is as confused as the rest of the world about the charges she’s been arrested on: treason leading to the deaths of thousands of French soldiers.

As Mata Hari waits for her fate to be decided, she relays the story of her life to a reporter who is allowed to visit her in prison. Beginning with her carefree childhood, Mata Hari recounts her father’s cruel abandonment of her family as well her calamitous marriage to a military officer. Taken to the island of Java, Mata Hari refuses to be ruled by her abusive husband and instead learns to dance, paving the way to her stardom as Europe’s most infamous dancer.

My thoughts:
Moran is a great writer, and for that reason I did wish that the book had been longer. As it stood now it did not even reach 300 pages. Which is sad cos she does brings life into her rl characters. I always wonder who she will write about next.

I can't say I knew a lot about Mata Hari except how she died and that she created this persona . In this book we follows her from her start in Paris and to her end. The book is heavy on her beginning and honestly how did people buy all those lies? Silly people. She sure knew how to tell a story. A fascinating person. I liked how Moran showed the human behind her. She was weak, but strong. She loved to spend and not think of her future. She adored a man in a uniform and did not care what people though of her. She loved her daughter dearly even if she had not seen her for years. She was a great liar, but could not save herself in the end.

As for the whole spying thing, I do wonder, if so she must have been bad at it. But then the way she is described here the whole thing does make sense. She could be a fool, who did not think forward.

It's a rather light book, I read it fast. It was simple and short. It was a quick insight into an enigmatic woman. But she did achieve what she wanted, she is still famous.

Now I  again wonder what Moran will write about next, I better go check ;)


Paperback, 272 pages
Published April 6ht 2017 by Quercus Books (first published July 19th 2016)
Historical fiction
For review


  1. I liked it because even though I'd heard of her I really didn't know much about her. Moran does a great job fleshing the story out with her rl characters. I agree, can't wait to see who she writes about next.

    1. It's strange how we all have heard of her, but really do not know a lot

  2. I don't always care for historical fiction because it's too detailed for me at times. This one sounds like it might be more to my liking because it's not so dense.

    1. This one was not as detailed so I am sure you could enjoy it

  3. I would love to read more historical fiction about Mata Hari! Never new Michelle Moran wrote one, this is totally going on the list.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  4. That's suprising. Considering with whom this book is based, you'd think it'd be longer. Hmmm

  5. Eeek, Moran. After her "Madame Tussaud" I steer clear of her books.

    1. That is like my second fav of hers, so yes this one is not for you then

  6. I love Moran!:D Added to m TBR list

  7. Sounds interesting. But I always want to know what is truth and what is fiction in historical fiction books!

  8. I've not tried her before. Or read anything about Mata Hari. Sounds good!



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