Tuesday, 27 October 2020



Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog. Feel free to leave your links in the comments if you are participating.

 10/27/2020 How do you like to be scared? Horror or thriller?

Neither to be honest. I do not like to be scared at all. I have tried to watch zombie movies and tv, but I get really bad nightmares. It is freaky to be honest and trust me, you do not want to dream that zombies are trying to eat you.

Horror movies, nah, people are so stupid in them.

Books, well those are better, a bit of fright there could be good. And horror, cos thrillers, what, those are not scary. I also like more psychological terror and unknown then just plain scary

Next Week: 11/3/2020 What do you do for fun when you aren’t blogging?


  1. I like scary movies and books, but I think movies can set up the suspense (if done right) a little better. The music and timing can put you on the edge of your seat. My husband doesn't like scary movies either, lol. :)

  2. I totally agree I can not watch a horror flick but can better handle a scary book but no to zombies, just NO

  3. I like books like that from time to time. But how do I like them that's a strange question. Scary? lol

  4. Rachel
    True, movies can set it up real nice. Ohhha adn yes the music! I did listen to this good audio that had eerie music and that set the tone

    Good choice

    Too scary!


  5. It's funny, because I often dream of characters from my favourite/most seen TV series, but even after years of watching Supernatural, I've never dreamed of anything truly scary. I'm not particularly impressionable, at least in my old age. As a teen, I used to be really squeamish...

  6. Yep, I get bad nightmares - I still have some from what I watched when I was a teen. No thanks. Give me Hallmark!

  7. Thrillers probably for me, and yeah I like psychological terror a lot.

  8. I don't like to be frightened and while zombie movies or shows aren't my thing, I can handle them better than those movies where there's some freaky serial killer out to get everyone. I hate those. We already have those in real life I do not want to watch them on tv. Then I'll never want to leave the house.

    I do love paranormal shows though. Like the haunted history of ancient sites or buildings. Not the reality show ones.

  9. Back in the day, I loved watching scary movies and tv shows, but that's definitely not these case now.(lol) I like to be shocked by an unexpected ending in a movie or a book, or an unexpected act from a character. No zombies or Halloween 99(lol) or more for me. Hugs, RO

  10. I'm not a fan of being scared and I get the nightmares, too. I'll stick to suspense for my thrills. :)

  11. Roberta
    The weird thing is the things I watch never scare me, but then I get these horrible nightmares

    Right! One time SO was watching a zombie thing and I only heard it and still got nightmares, lol

    I will sure rather take the psych one

    I have never watched any of those, but that does sound good

    No thank you zombies

    Good choice

  12. Definitely thriller. I think that keeps me more interested than horror. Of course, it'd be perfect if there was both!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  13. Mogsy
    Ohhh that would be a great idea

  14. Oooo I love scary movies. I do get bad nightmares sometimes tho...

  15. Carole
    the nightmares are always like 100% scarier than any "scary" movie


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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