Wednesday, 4 September 2024

Carole´s Wednesday: Of Swine and Roses


Author: Ilona Andrews
Narrator: Hillary Huber 
Title: Of Swine and Roses
Series: World of Kate Daniels
Genre: Short Story, UF, Paranormal Romance, YA, Novella
Format: Audiobook
Published: August 13, 2009
Where I got It: My shelf (Audible)

A young adult short story about a girl, a pig, some magic, and the worst date ever.

Chad Thurman is a thug, who carries brass knuckles in both pockets and lays magic traps for intruders into “his” neighborhood. The last thing Alena Kornov wants to do is to go on the date with him. But when her family pressures her, she can’t say no. Now the ice-cream is absent, the pig is running for its life, and we won’t even mention the dead guy…

That title!!!! I snorted like a piggie. I was excited to get started on this one. 

We have poor Alena who is being forced to go on a date with a dude named Chad (you know it's going to go bad based on the name alone). He is a thug and his morals are questionable. After a crappy movie and no ice cream...she finds herself trying to save a pig that Chad is out to murder. 

This was rough in the beginning. I get you don't want to upset a local family, but forcing her to go on a date with Chad? Ew. Bad parenting right there. 

The date was crappy and I was so worried she was going to fall head over heels in love with this punk. Bleh. Spoiler....she doesn't. Yayy!

Things got better but the beginning was rough because I was so worried about our girl. 

The narrator did a great job. Perfect for everyone. 

This was cute. Not my favorites of the shorts, but I loved the ending. 

3 stars. 



Author: Ilona Andrews
Narrator: Michael Glenn
Title: Retribution Clause
Series: World of Kate Daniels #6.7
Genre: UF, Short Stories, Paranormal Romance, Novella
Format: Audiobook
Published: June 5, 2012
Where I got It: My shelf (Audible)

Saiman's cousin, Adam—a frost giant and also an insurance adjuster—and his enigmatic partner, Siroun, set out on an impossible mission to enforce a client's Retribution Clause; that is, to kill the person who killed her.

Chipping away at all the shorts from the Kate Daniels series!! I came across this one next. Slightly worried because they are new characters.

We have Adam who is Saiman's cousin. He's a frost giant and also an insurance adjuster. His partner is Siroun. They are set out on an impossible mission to enforce a client's Retribution Clause....kill the person who killed her. 

How fun!!!! Adam was cool and I liked Siroun. I hope there are more of their stories out there! 

What a cool concept. I guess even in worlds like this we need insurance adjusters ;) 

Loved every moment of this story. 

The narrator was wonderful and brought everyone to life. 

All-in-all this was cool and fun. Slightly different, but in a refreshing way. 5 outta 5. 


- Audiobook #39 & 40


  1. Thanks B!!! :D I can't get enough of this world.

  2. I love the cover for Hex Appeal.

  3. Aw, sad that Of Swine and Roses doesn't really hit all the high notes, because the ingredients sound so quirky--lol! Not surprised that it's just cute at the end of the day, though.

  4. I sort of lost touch with that world but they were fun reads and even better to get a few quick ones in.


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