Friday, 21 September 2012

Review: A Crown of Swords - Robert Jordan

Elayne, Aviendha and Mat come ever closer to the bowl ter'angreal that may reverse the world's endless heatwave and restore natural weather. Egwene begins to gather all manner of women who can channel - Sea Folk, Windfinders, Wise Ones, and some surprising others. And, above all, Rand faces the dread Forsaken Sammael, in the shadows of Shadar Logoth, where the blood-hungry mist, Mashadar, waits for prey..

The WOT re-reading challenge continues

My thoughts:
What should I say about book 7 mean the last book I talked and talked about the characters and truth be told not that much has happened to make me feel one way or another.

Well Nynaeve met Lan again, I liked her more at once as they got it on. But he needs to remove that stick from his behind. All Warder and stiff. Maybe she will stop tugging that braid now.

Oh Mat, quite the rake these days...grrrrr The Seanchan are coming.

Not much happened when it all comes down to it. Elayne and Nynaeve looked for a bowl to fix the weather. Mat drunk and chased women. Rand was Rand, must get Sammael, can't sleep with Min and be in love with A and E. Some Forsaken learned a lesson. And that was pretty much it.

By now the books move slooooooooooooower. Still I love it, and I did read it over a month so it went slow indeed. But that is the pace I have set for this re-read challenge.

These UK covers are boooooooring.

Series: The Wheel of Time #7
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 762
Published by Orbit (first puböished 1996)
Source: My own


  1. gah, slow books and boring covers. lol

    1. The UK ones are just so bleh!

    2. hahaha yeaaah. Usually they come up with such good ones.

    3. Truth be told, most of the WOT covers are bleh

  2. You finished book 7!! I'm still on book 4, last night I stayed awake till 3:30 listening to it. I want to finish it but listening to audiobooks takes a lot more time than reading the books. :(

    1. I know :/ So much longer. But I am so behind, I have read almost nothing of book 8! And I am supposed to finish it in September

  3. I like the covers on my Dutch books better, yes. And still, I so loved this series, and I really do not want to read the last book. What if I hate it? After all, a different author has written it.

    1. I know! But Sanderson does a great job and Jordan had already written down what would happen

  4. I really have a problem with slow books. One day I'll have to try this author, I see his books everywhere.

    1. It's not that they are slow slow, it's just that there are a million plots going on

  5. I've always liked Lan. He reminds me of Aragorn somehow ;) I like these covers more than the finnish ones. Nice and simple.

    1. But they all look the same :( And yes the Finnish ones are pretty bleh

  6. I still need to read this series! I don't always mind slow. That fact that you still enjoyed it speaks well and so I still have them on my wishlist.

  7. The UK covers are boring! I havethe forst book on my TBR pile but it never really shouts at me to read it...

    1. It should shout to you, it is awesome! Just look past the boring cover

  8. chunksters and not much happens argh! I have the books but I think I'll have to save it til I retire :)

    1. He does have a tendency to drag things out

  9. grr.another series i have on my list, you just reminded me!

  10. Another character with a stick up his bum? LOL! Yep, that cover is dull.

    1. Haha, oh yes a lot of them have sticks up their bums

  11. *waves weakly* a slow seven installment might be not my thing after all.

    1. Oh seven is nothing, just think there are seven more to go

  12. Maybe that's why my love affair slowed down with this series because this one was slow.

  13. I'm impressed that you're sticking with the challenge. I'm so bad about giving up on mine. I agree on those covers - boring indeed!

    1. I have to ;) The last book is coming out in 6 months and I need to all to rememeber

  14. You are a superwoman, Blodeuedd! I wouldn't dare to take on such a big challenge... Well done! P.S. The covers are very uninspiring!

    1. It's the kind of cover I would just go by :/

      Thanks :D I only do it to remember it all

  15. Not really my genre, but sounds like an interesting series. It's funny how many series books seem to lose their steam as they keep chugging along.

    1. Oh they are still awesome...they are just so long

  16. I downloaded the first few books on my Kindle when they were freebies but I haven't started it yet.
    I get intimidated by these long series - like I'll never catch up because I already have so many books to read!

    1. Well, they are plenty to to read. Make it a 5 year plan ;)

  17. I don't like the UK covers either. I'm not even a fan of the new US covers. These books do tend to plod along about this time, but I can't remember ever being bored with them. I think I love the characters too much. I'm getting ready to reread book 4 within the next few days.

    1. Same here, they may go slooowly, but I still like them :) It's totally the characters that make it so.

      In the end, most of the covers in this series is a bit meh

  18. My brother and I were just talking about this series over the weekend. *sigh* One day...

  19. I've been thinking, instead of re-reading my copy of this series, maybe I could get an audio format and listen to it instead of reading it 'coz I have to agree with you that the series kinda slowed to a stalling pace from about book 4 or 5 as far as I could remember it...

    1. Yup, that it does, and that would make a LOT of audio ;)
      Good luck!


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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