Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Review: Head Rush - Carolyn Crane

In an attempt to put her unhappy past behind her, Justine Jones throws herself into nursing school and planning her wedding to Otto Sanchez, the man of her dreams. But something is off. Random details aren’t adding up, and is it her imagination, or are her friends and fiancé keeping secrets from her? And what’s with this strange sense of unease, and her odd new headaches?

Justine tries to stay upbeat as Midcity cowers under martial law, sleepwalking cannibals, and a mysterious rash of paranormal copycat violence, but her search for answers leads her into the most dangerous mindgame yet.

With the help of unlikely allies, including her paranoid dad and best frenemy Simon, Justine fights her ultimate foe…and unravels the most startling mystery of all.

My thoughts:
I am so weird, I wanted patiently for the print to come out. Even though book 2 was this biggest OMG! No you didn't!!!!! of last year. And what do I do when the print is out...much much later. Yes I buy an ebook *groans, I am an idiot*. But to my defense I could not read ebooks before and now the library has an e-reader. Still idiot here.

But at last I read it and I was on the edge of my seat all way through. Justine thinks Packard killed Avery. She does not know Otto had Sophia change her memories and now Justine and Otto are getting married! Noooooo!

Still I do not hate Otto because in the end everyone is out of their mind in this series. Justine thinks she could die any moment. Otto is..well insane and powerhungry but but, he loves her! I just can't hate him. 

And Justine, she has doubts but she loves him..or? I kept wanting her to remember what she shared with Packard. Still it is weird that I still like Otto more but still want her to be with Packard? Yes that is how loopy you get from this crazy book.

What a ride! Thrilling! Filled with crazies and just a great ending to this series.

Series: The Disillusionists #3
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Pages: 323
Published: 2011 by Samhain


  1. Yay for a good conclusion! :)

  2. YAY for a great series which is complete!

    1. So awesome, just a trilogy. No million parts series that starts to suck

  3. Mmmm... Otto sounds like Bill Compton...

  4. Congrats on finishing the series! I'm glad the ending ended, well....swimmingly. :D

    1. I am happy to have finished at last one ;)

  5. Oh it's only 3 books? Oooooo... I need to read all 3... and since they are out, I won't have to wait.

    And no, you aren't weird... wait... you talk to me... I guess you are! ;)

    1. Hey! *sulks in the corner for being called weird but then realizes that she is weird* ;)

      Yep, all out :D

  6. Well, I'm glad that it all worked out in the end!! Does your library let you check out the ereader???

  7. Aaaah, you had to get it! :D LOL. It was an amazing trilogy in all. :) Glad you enjoyed it.

    1. I finally had to read it, i could not stand it anymore..and I found a GC :D

  8. bahaha filled with crazies, this sounds good! and I don't think you're weird - I want to buy the second installment of The Maze Runner on audio even though I have it as an ebook lol

  9. Wow I really can't wait to start this series, I have the first one and I'm sure I'll love it. thanks for the review!

    1. You must read it! Oh the crazy people and madness

  10. Wasn't it a head trip? I really enjoyed this series :)

  11. Everyone is out of their mind, LOL! Sounds like a wild ride.

  12. It does sound like a great ending to the series.

  13. Lol, I once tried the first book and could not get into it, and then I was distracted by some shiny new ones from favourite authors. But one day, I will try again, as everyone really seems to love this series.

    1. is not for everyone I think. The crazies are crazy. But still, i hope you give it another go

  14. Yes, you are crazy! LOL and suited to this book! I loved it too and very curious about Caroline's new project Mr.Real. Have you heard of it, Blodeuedd?

    1. I saw something about it on her blog and yes I am intrigued about it :)

  15. OMG I had forgotten that you waited for this book! You are THE most patient person on the planet - this proves it. I am so glad you enjoyed it after your long wait. :)

    1. I know! I am clearly insane! I wanted it, and I wanted it, but I refused to read on my pc

  16. Yay! I'm so happy you finally got to read it and enjoyed it. I can't imagine how you all waiting after that book #2 ending! Luckily I read them all at once over 3 days.
    I'm definitely a Packard fan but I have to say I understand everyones motivations. They all do good/bad things with good intentions.

    1. I am deranged. I must be. That ending was so evil. I cried out in pain after reading it...and still I wanted way too long to read the next. Alas, I got it at last

  17. I agree with you, this was a great end to the series.


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