Monday 23 December 2013

Author Interview and bookgiveaway: Emily Greenwood

I have one more author interview before Christmas. Today's author is Emily Greenwood and there is a giveaway at the end too.


Thank you so much for having me here today to celebrate the release of GENTLEMEN PREFER MISCHIEF!

1. Tell me about yourself
I love to read and cook, and I love writing when it’s going well, and not so much when it isn’t J I have watched a decadent number of TV and movie productions of nineteenth century books. Austen, Bronte, Dickens, Eliot—I find them all enduringly fascinating. I have two teenage daughters and a husband, who are all super supportive about my writing. 

2. Your new book is called Gentlemen prefer Mischief.  Tell me about the book too :)
It all starts with haunted sheep. Or rather, rumors that the sheep belonging to Miss Lily Teagarden have become possessed by the evil spirit that’s believed to inhabit the woods between her family’s property and the estate belonging to their neighbor, Hal, Viscount Roxham. The rumors are causing trouble and she needs Hal’s help, however much she doesn’t want to ask for it— he’s pretty much her least favorite person.

A teasing, playful rake, Hal broke Lily’s heart four years ago without even knowing it. When this prim, cool beauty appears at his estate and insists he resolve the problem in the woods, he’s instantly intrigued, both by her ridiculous problem, and the way she’s changed since he last saw her years ago. But hardly has he begun to investigate when she mysteriously begins throwing mischief in his path. Soon, the fascinated Hal can’t seem to get enough of Lily—too bad she’s the only woman in England who doesn’t think he’s Lord Perfect.

3. Why is Roxham the man to fall in love with this winter?
Roxham would definitely keep a reader feeling cheery over the long days of winter. He’s a golden boy from the top of his blond head to the soles of his polished black boots, and it’s hard to miss the spark of mischief in his blue-green eyes. In addition to being witty and smart, he’s all about play and pleasure…what’s not to like? 

4. What made you drawn to writing historical romance?
Many of my favorite books were written in nineteenth century Britain. In addition to loving the pretty settings and clothes, I’m fascinated by the tensions in a society so ruled by class and gender. So when I discovered authors like Mary Balogh, Jo Beverley, and Judith Ivory, I was hooked on historical romance.

5.  What is coming next from you?
The final book in my Mischief series is MISCHIEF BY MOONLIGHT, which will be out in June 2014. Here’s the story in a nutshell: Engaged to the perfect man, Miss Josie Cardworthy wants her sister to find the same bliss—with Josie’s dear friend, the Earl of Ivorwood. But when Josie gives Ivorwood a love potion, she’s the one who falls under the handsome earl’s spell.


1 copy of Gentlemen prefer mischief

1. Open to US and Canada
2. Ends Jan 4
3. Just enter :D Ask questions if you wanna too


  1. Oh a historical romance series, that's great! It's nice to know the series is almost finished like that if I want to try it I'll be able to read them all at once.

  2. Oh I love the sound of this from the time period to the love potion. Thanks for introducing us to Emily Greenwood. I put Gentlemen Prefer Mischief on my wishlist!

    1. Thanks -- I think the Regency period is the perfect time for mischief :-)

  3. This sounds fun... haunted sheep? :) I'm definitely curious. Adding this one to my list. Thanks for the wonderful interview and giveaway. :)

  4. The haunted sheep has me intrigued. Thanks for the giveaway.

    1. Haunted sheep…they're actually pretty cute :-)

  5. I do love a good historical romance! This sounds like a fun series.

    1. Fun was definitely what I had in mind when I was writing this story :-)

  6. Thank you for the interview Emily :)

  7. Thank you for the interview! I enjoyed it! =D

  8. These kind of historical romances are fun. The rake always falls in the end. :) Plus, how can you go wrong with haunted sheep. :D Oh put my name in the hat for the book, plz. :)

  9. A love potion and two friends who turn into more, Gentlemen Prefer Mischief sounds like a fun story and I'm looking forward to reading it.

  10. I love a romance with a bit of mystery!
    My neighbor used to have sheep - once in a while they acted a bit possessed.
    sallans d at yahoo dot com

  11. Sounds like a good one! Thanks for the chance.

    mlawson17 at Hotmail dot com

  12. This sounds like a really great read. I also love to find new Authors.

    The cover is absolutely gorgeous. Congratulations on your new release.


  13. Congrats Emily on the new release!! Sounds like a lot o fun :) My parents live next to a pair of very polite, friendly chickens and that's as close to "rustic" living as I've ever gotten. Happy Holidays!

  14. Great interview. I love the cover of Gentlemen Prefer Mischief. I know it is really hard for authors to decide on one so I want you to know that, from the cover alone, I want to read this book.

  15. Sounds like a very interesting book. I love the part about the haunted sheep. I'd enjoy reading it. Thanks for having the giveaway.


  16. I've been in the mood for a good historical. Sounds like this may be one to help with that. Thanks for sharing!

    caroaz [at] ymail [dot] com

  17. Gentlemen Prefer Mischief is a great title and the cover looks like a winner. Thanks for the giveaway, these are aklways fun.

  18. Love the cover and the title. Thanks for the giveaway. Good Luck everyone.



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