Friday 6 December 2013

Review: Lamentation - Ken Scholes

An ancient weapon has completely destroyed the city of Windwir. From many miles away, Rudolfo, Lord of the Nine Forest Houses, sees the horrifying column of smoke rising.  He knows that war is coming to the Named Lands.

Nearer to the Devastation, a young apprentice is the only survivor of the city – he sat waiting for his father outside the walls, and was transformed as he watched everyone he knew die in an instant.

Soon all the Kingdoms of the Named Lands will be at each others' throats, as alliances are challenged and hidden plots are uncovered.

This remarkable first novel from an award-winning short fiction writer will take readers away to a new world – an Earth so far in the distant future that our time is not even a memory; a world where magick is commonplace and great areas of the planet are impassable wastes. But human nature hasn’t changed through the ages: War and faith and love still move princes and nations. 

My thoughts:
The book was strangely compelling, still I did not know whether to give it a 3 or a 4. Yes it was good, but was it great? I think that I will go for the later as it was the world and the plot that made it so. What a plot!

There was once a world, yes might just be Earth but it was destroyed. Some escaped the Wastelands to the New World and built a life there. Now they have magic, but there are remnants of the old world technology. A couple of robots and ships of iron. Also you should not dig too deep into the past, you might not like what you find. Which brings us to the utter destruction of a city of religion and learning. And where the book starts.

I really liked that there had been wars and ruin in the old days and now thousands of years later this is what we have. The almost typical fantasy society. Except for a a few tech things.

I am usually not a fan of too much religion and this was just that, but still it worked. There is a Pope, but the religion is strange. That made it different.

And I really want to know about the Old World! What truly happened. I liked the plot, what a finely woven web, I was impressed by it. And the end, omg the end people! Awesome, best thing in the book.

Good characters too. I like the weird Marsh People, I liked young Neb, Of course I liked Vlad cos he was a mastermind and the Gypsy Scouts and their king were cool.

I do want to read more of this series. Old and new mixes so well.

Would I read more?
Yes, I crave more!


Paperback, 432 pages
Published September 1st 2009 by Tor Fantasy (first published February 17th 2009)
The Psalms of Isaak #1


  1. It looks amazing! I like that you have trouble rating it - that happens to me sometimes

    1. It was good and great at the same time. Good is awesome, but great is great, such issues

  2. Love when a book finishes strong, that usually makes me want to go back to the beginning and start all over again:)

    1. Totally :D I would have bought book 2 at once but it was so expensive :/

  3. I'm glad that the religion worked in this one for you. I'm not a fan of that either.

    1. If it is too Christan or some other known religion I get all meh. I want fantasy to be fantastic. But here it truly worked

  4. oh the world sound well done... but well fantasy and me...

    But you'll be proud I'm planning to read one... soon. I have it on my urgent TBR pile.

  5. It worked cos it was a remnant of the old days, so at the same time it was fantasy it was post apocalyptic

  6. I don't mind the religion aspect at all as long as it isn't preachy. I think that is what most people are worried about. This sounds like an interesting series.

    1. Yeah, I hate preachy. Here it just fit really well, such a well thought world

  7. I love interesting plots, and this certainly seems to fill the bill. Not a huge fan of religion in books, but it sounds like this was sort of an alternate look. Great review!

    1. It worked, fantasy makes it work better if it is not too obvious

  8. Well, I want to know what happened to the old world too!

  9. Makes me think of Planet of the Apes...without the apes.

  10. I can handle religious elements since they are such a huge part of history, as long as no one is trying to preach to me.

    1. I hate preaching. I do love religion in one way, I am talking about made up religion and Gods going on a rampage. But when it gets to familiar I back away

  11. My thoughts exactly Kimba! I can do religion all day long, I have read many a great christian fiction novel. However, when I feel the preachy vibe I instantly get turned off.

    When I first heard of this one B I was a little intimidated but your review has me thinking I'll enjoy it!! Thanks =)

    1. I actually stay away from Chris fic too even if it is not preachy, no religion for me....ok no Christian religion for me

    2. Haha good clarification ;)

  12. Even though is sounds good I don't think it's for me. :(

  13. This old world does sound interesting!

  14. It does sound good. I usually prefer my fantasy on some other world instead of good old Earth though.

    1. I do that too but here it worked cos we could never be really sure, even though I was sure

  15. They changed the style of the covers as the series goes. I wish you could get the soft cover copies. Glad you enjoyed it. I think the books following will explain more things too. :)

    1. The other covers do look really cool :D And I checked again and it is still so darn expensive, and it makes me sad



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