Monday 9 December 2013

Review: Alien Research - Gini Koch

When rumors of a new super-drug surface, the FBI comes to Jeff and Kitty Katt-Martini for help. It becomes quickly apparent that the drug is merely the tip of a deadly iceberg and a much more insidious plan is underway involving Titan Security, Gaultier Enterprises, and YatesCorp.

As newly discovered A-Cs and hybrids begin to surface, each with expanded and deadly talents, more and more signs point to a new evil genius who’s using the A-Cs and their enemies both as guinea pigs. Then Area 51 and the Dulce Science Center go silent while Alpha Team, Airborne, and most of the worldwide A-C Security team are there for training. And if that’s not bad enough, Centaurion Division is hit with more bad, and deadly, news: Chernobog the Ultimate, isn’t a hacker myth, he’s a real person -- and he’s on the bad guys’ side.

Now Kitty and company must find the real Dr. Feelgood and stop him or her before the latest version of Surcenthumain hits the streets and more people they love are harmed, or worse. But when the inconceivable happens, Kitty’s focused on two things only: reviving the ACE entity before their enemies realize Earth’s best protection isn’t actually active…and revenge.

My thoughts:
Will Kitty ever get a quiet day? The answer is no. There are always plots out there to take them down. 

Now how to review this book? Omg, you can't review a Koch book properly. I can't begin to explain all the things going on, it has to be experienced. You know what, I just realized what an awesome tv-series this would be..ok back to the point now.

Stuff is going down! Evil guys are back. Plans are made. Crazy religious nuts are protesting. ACE is still missing. There are struggles, there is pain. 

This book felt darker than the rest, I will not tell you why, but it was. ..

Non-stop action and good things at the end that made me want to read more at once. Oh oh! I almost forgot about a certain revelation, I did not see that coming! Very cool.

See, the review makes no sense. Just go and read this series!

Would I read more? 
Of course


Paperback, 521 pages
Published December 3rd 2013 by DAW
Katherine "Kitty" Katt #8
Sci-fi romance
For review


  1. I think it's cool on the cover that they're both in the same pose.

    1. I do love it and I like it better than the last one and the anorectic one

  2. I think I need to try this series, and ooh I like that this one is dark!

  3. I keep seeing praise for this series, I think it's time to finally give it a chance. And a darker installment actually sounds great.

  4. Ahhhh! I'm so far behind in this series! I've only read book one. I fail. One of these days I'm hoping I'll be able to get caught up:)

  5. This sounds good and I really like that cover. But, I'd have to read the series from the to find the time :)

  6. I think this is the same series Karina @ Nocturnal Book Reviews was raving about, right? I should probably check it out.

    Yes, the review made little sense - but it sounds like a great book! :)

    1. Pretty sure it is :D

      haha, I know, it is book 8, you have to have read them to get it ;)

  7. I didn't realise there's so many books already in the series! Thinking do I really need to start another series...

  8. I need to catch up on this series.

  9. I was so lost and then I realized this must be part of a series...and I was thinking the same thing as I read...This sounds like a tv show! I should check this series out!

    1. Haha, I know, to start from the beginning and explain it all...spoilers upon spoilers

  10. The non stop action sounds great.

  11. I'm so going to read all of these... in order! Yes, you heard right. You have taunted me enough with your reviews of this series. Must read!

    1. Yes you MUST! This is so not a jump a book series (I know, I do it too)

  12. Hahahaha, yeah that pretty much sums up a Koch novel. Maybe that is why I have never gotten around to writing reviews for them! Can't wait to check this one out though.

    1. They are insane! All I can say is try one cos to explain way

  13. I like how they are mirroring each other's pose!

  14. I always feel bad for the characters, because the evil writers are always making them do stuff. We should stand up and defend the rights of these fictional characters! ARISE!

    1. Haha, yes let's stand up and fight for their rights. I sure know a few suffering ones out there

  15. I sure hope you get the time

  16. With a good narrator I think the audio would rock

  17. Great review Blodeuedd, and I also love this book/series. It is impossible to write something coherent about it, so much happens in there.

    1. I know, boom boom boom! And I was all...omg to put this to words?!

  18. I love this review, it spoils nothing but has me absolutely itching to read it! I love any book that would make a good TV series because that usually means excellent characters and plot. Adding this to my list now, thanks! :-)

    1. it would make the BEST tv series, but I doubt they would pull it off cos the books are just too cool

  19. Oh...*whimpers* I reeeeeally need to get to this series.

  20. I just have to read a Koch book, 2014 I will start the series *gulp* :)

  21. *note to self* read this series. Why have I not read this series yet?

  22. I haven't tried these yet but always kind of fun to find one that leaves you speechless :)

    1. So hard to describe these crazy wonderful books



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