Tuesday 3 December 2013

Review: Crazy Rich Asians - Kevin Kwan

When Rachel Chu agrees to spend the summer in Singapore with her boyfriend, Nicholas Young, she envisions a humble family home and time with the man she might one day marry.

What she doesn't know is that Nick's family home happens to look like a palace, that she'll ride in more private planes than cars and that she is about to encounter the strangest, craziest group of people in existence.

Uproarious, addictive, and filled with jaw-dropping opulence, Crazy Rich Asians is an insider's look at the Asian jet set; a perfect depiction of the clash between old money and new money - and a fabulous novel about what it means to be young, in love, and gloriously, crazily rich.

My thoughts:
Wow, that was some crazy rich Asians. There were old money, and new money. Mainland Chinese and those who had lived in Singapore longer. Everyone looked down on everyone else. Some flaunted their money and some were richer than God but did not show it. It's so tacky to talk about how much money you have you know. All in all making this a very interesting world to read about.

A quote on the cover called it Pride and prejudice meets Dallas. Now do not think it's Pride and Prejudice. No, it's more about the whole prejudice thing like I already talked about. Against each other and flashbacks how they were treated before when they went to the west. How could they afford anything, they were Chinese after all. Any later how they were not liked cos they just bought too much.

I have not even begun to talk about what happens. Rachel meets Nick and falls in love. Later he takes her home for a wedding. All should be well, it's just that he forgot that his family is MEGA rich. And his mum is not happy. So she will be treated like dirt and their romance will suffer. The book is also about Nick's cousin Astrid who had troubles of her own, and insights into other characters here and there. Making it a fascinating story.

I read it on the train so I read it non-stop, the story always moved forward and there was never a dull moment. Great characters and a great setting. I hope he writes something more.

I recommend it

Would I read more?


Paperback, 416 pages
Expected publication: December 5th 2013 by Corvus
for review


  1. wow, this is different, and I love the setting.

  2. Oh I love books that hook you and pull you in :)

  3. That does sound like a fascinating world.

  4. Sounds awesome and crazy - in a good way

  5. I would like to read this one. Talk about class...

  6. that title cracks me up. And Pride and prejudice meets Dallas? Really?

    1. Like I say, PP...eh, more like if Lizzy met Catherine the Burgh

  7. I like a book that surprises you. Too bad it wasn't a retelling that you wanted. :)

    1. Well I did not want a re-telling or thought it would be ;)

  8. Wow....poor girl. :/ BUT hopefully they have an HEA so it was worth it in the end.

  9. Huh. That's, well, I don't know what. lol Sounds interesting and very different! Glad ya enjoyed it!

  10. *waves wildly*

    Ugh, today was a week long.

  11. Sounds like the perfect train book :)

  12. Oooh, this one sounds really good. Must check it out!

  13. That's definitely not a book that makes me think of P&P!

    1. The author who blurbed that did not really hit the right spot

  14. P&P meets Dallas brings funny images to mind. But I like your description better. This sounds like an interesting read. Definitely going to have to check this one out!

    1. It was much funnier and interesting than I thought it would be :)

  15. I feel like I would either love or truly hate this book, depending on how the women were portrayed.



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