Thursday, 4 March 2021

Audio: The Highlander's excellent adventure by Shana Galen

Narrated by: Victoria Aston

Series: Survivors  Book 8

Length: 11 hrs and 14 mins

Release date: 02-23-21

Publisher: Tantor Audio

Historical romance

To review

A two in one! Ines wants an adventure, but for now she wants to escape a suitor and hides in a carriage. Then she wakes up far from London. Oops. So she pretends not to speak English as the owner is Duncan Murray, the sexy Scot she has seen around.

Meanwhile Emmeline runs away from yet another failed season, luckily she runs across the son of her mother's friend. A certain Stratford Fortesque, who has been in love with her for years.

These two couples run into each other and decides to travel together.

Ines really wants Murray, while he needs to marry an English Lady. I wanted to smack him over the head so much.

Emmeline thinks no one will ever want her. Statford is stupid, who cares about your parentage!

There is some danger, there is romance, there is back and forth. I enjoyed it, even if Duncan should have given in earlier, but I get it, they had issues.

Aston is a great narrator when it comes to romance. Distinct voices, nice accents and she gets the feel of it all 

Ines Neves and Emmeline Wellesley have both run away. Ines hid in a carriage from a tedious suitor, only to find, too late, the carriage had traveled out of London, not just around the block. To make matters worse, the carriage is that of a stranger: a handsome Highlander. Or perhaps a big, strapping Highlander makes matters better? Emmeline Wellesley has had four Seasons and cannot tolerate another. To force her mother to listen to her, she's run away. But things haven't gone well. She's been locked in a closet, had all her money stolen, and somehow adopted a dog. When an old family friend shows up to save her, she doesn't exactly welcome his help.

Doesn't mean they don't want to be found.

Duncan Murray doesn't know what to make of the Portuguese-speaking woman in his carriage. She refuses to return to London, so he takes her to meet Nash Pope, a so-called friend who speaks Portuguese. On the way, he meets up with former soldier Stratford Fortescue and Stratford's opinionated distant cousin, Miss Wellesley. The four travel together to Nash's estate, and that's when everything goes really wrong. On the run to Scotland, Duncan finds himself increasingly attracted to Ines, even though he knows he can never marry her. Stratford has always wanted Emmeline, but his family secret means he doesn't deserve her. This excellent adventure might bring the couples together, but only if they manage to elude gun shots, a murderous brother-in-law, a vicious dog, and outlaws. (


  1. Replies
    1. It should have been read so I could get a bingo square! lol

  2. Sounds interesting but not really my genre. I love the color of her dress on the cover though.

  3. Probably not my thing, but I have to agree with everyone, the cover is gorgeous.

  4. I have had luck with this author before. This sounds fun!

  5. Two stories in one are always a great find. I mean, as long as their stories intersect, that is. :)

  6. Duncan does sound like he needs a slap upside the head, lol. :)


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