Tuesday, 9 March 2021

TMST. Social Media


Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog. Feel free to leave your links in the comments if you are participating.

Social media: love them or hate them?

It depends. Facebook is just, honestly I never see anything from people I want to see, it is mostly like things FB thinks it wants me to see.

Twitter, I used to really like twitter, I got book news and yes I liked the drama too. Now it is mostly politics and I can't say I care.

Insta, how to people take suck pretty bookstagrams!!! Agrhhhh.

I like social media, but it is mostly used as nothing, I scroll, I do not see. Candy for the brain, or maybe drugs for the brain is more like it

3/16/2021 Does blogging cut into your other hobbies/chores? 

3/23/2021 How do you organize your bookshelves (real and virtual)? 

3/30/2021 Have you ever thought of quitting blogging? What made you reconsider the idea?


  1. I'm with you on FB. And I miss book twitter, it's gotten so political when all I wanted was to keep hearing the new release stuff. I've gotten to like Insta more over the past few months now that I've found the book people :) I am seeing posts on new books and deals so my TBR list is happy again!

  2. Can't really get away from politics nowadays, but since Biden got elected, I've pretty much left Twitterverse. Just because I feel like things are all right in the world again. Lol.

    I love Instagram but and drool over people's pretty pics as well. #goals

    1. It is less political now, but still not like old timey twitter that was all books and book drama

  3. ah social media the things we love to hate unless they are working for us LOL. I mainly use my FB blog page and twitter to promote my blog, regular FB I use to catch up with family and friends and insta well lets just say that Princess Pippa and I are usually posting about our morning walks. :)

    1. I tried having two facebooks, but I keep forgetting about the other one

  4. Haha, yes on Facebook and Twitter! One uses stupid algorithms which never show anything interesting, another takes way too long to wade through. And I can't do pretty Instagram posts, so I don't try.

    1. Ugh those damn algorithms, I know you think you know me FB but I want people! Not just my bloody shitposting groups

  5. Same. I'm kinda over Facebook...

  6. Social media for me is all about books and quilting. FB is good for family and I follow quite a few authors there as well.

    1. Books!
      And yes Fb is where I talk to my mum

  7. Facebook can be frustrating that way. Sometimes it takes me days to see a friend's post and I hope they don't think I was deliberately ghosting them. Still, at least I see mostly posts I don't mind. Twitter is a crapshoot. Instagram- I poke about there now and then. Guess I'm not a big social media person.

    1. I miss twitter so much :/
      Yes, I see something really important days later and cringe

  8. I honestly used to like it much better, but now I can barely stand to be on social media. Facebook is still bearable, but Twitter is mostly a cesspool of drama these days.

    1. And why do I even bother? Social media is draining

  9. Twitter used to be so much fun and it's were I met so many of my book/blogging friends. Now it's mostly trash. Oh well.

    1. Social media is constantly changing, though I can't see the point of tiktok, that just seems to time consuming

  10. I like FB and Insta more. Twitter is confusing.

  11. I've cut back a lot but IG and Twitter are still my faves. I hate FB.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Fb is good for scrolling through stuff I could buy

  12. I deleted Facebook off of my phone and am much happier. I look at twitter every once in a while but don't interact a lot. I am really enjoying Bookstagram though :)

  13. At least Twitter has lists...I go through them every day (I have to say I only put people I do care for/things I'm really interested in on them).

    Your "I scroll, I do not see" made me chuckle. Great tagline LOL.

    1. I tried lists, but ack...I should try again!


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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I review from most genres on this blog, and those genres are: fantasy,chick-lit, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA, historical/+romance, contemporary romance and literary fiction. + some other genres read by my guest reviewers.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site are my own, if not stated otherwise. Then they were sent for free by the author, publicist or a publisher. I do not get any compensation for my reviews. I do this all for fun. google-site-verification: googlec45f9c3acb51f8cd.html
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