Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Hollow Empire by Sam Hawke

Paperback, 560 pages

Published December 1st 2020 by Tor Books

Series: Poison War #2



I liked the book, but I did not think it was as great as book 1. I do hope there will be more (it looks bad on that end, a shame really cos it book ends, not with a cliffhanger, more like a dagger over everyone. It might fall now, or in a few years.)

Two years has passed. There was a siege. Now they have moved on. Jovan is still working in the shadows, I do like him, he is trying his best to save this damn city, and no one is listening! Because something is still going on, there is still an enemy coming for them.

Kalina, Jovan's sister, is, ok now when I think about it what did she do? She tried to snoop around. Maybe I do not like her? Why can't I remember what she was up to? Weird.

Terrorism is bringing to city to its knees. Who are the bad guys? Who is behind it? And then a bloody cliffhanger. All is well...for now, but they are still out there so, I do hope she writes more.

I liked it, but it did feel slower than book 1

Poison was only the beginning.... The deadly siege of Silasta woke the ancient spirits, and now the city-state must find its place in this new world of magic. But people and politics are always treacherous, and it will take all of Jovan and Kalina's skills as proofer and spy to save their country when witches and assassins turn their sights to domination.


  1. You know this is why I like to read/review epic fantasy series once they're all over because come on how are we supposed to remember all the stuff from the previous book from more than a year ago. And yes sometimes book 2s are slower. Thanks for sharing I always look forward to your reviews

    1. But it is also hard to know if there will be more, some series end when the publisher does not want more :(

  2. I hope the next one works out better for you. I hate when a book you're anticipating to read didn't live up to your expectation.

    1. Still good, but the first one was awesome, so I expected that

  3. It sounds good in some ways. Not sure it's my kind of book though.

  4. Shame it didn't live up to the expectations.

  5. I bet you'll find there will be another one eventually!

  6. I still need to continue this series, but "slower than book 1" does not really fill me with confidence :(

  7. Oh, cliffhanger! Bummer. Hope he comes out with more books and that the pace is better in the next one. :)

  8. Ooh it is always so hard for a book to follow up one that we love. Sorry to read this one didn't quite live up to your first read.

  9. I love the cover! (This may be a duplicate comment... internet being wonky!)

  10. Glad u liked it overall. Hopefully u get more info in the next!


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