Sunday, 28 March 2021

Discussion: Carrie Pilby


This month Carole and I are reviewing, Carrie Pilby. 

I am in pink and Carole in red.

Title:  Carrie Pilby

Genre: Comedy, Drama 
Running Time: 1h 38 min
Rating: Not Rated 
Released:  4 April 2017

A person of high intelligence struggles to make sense of the world as it relates to morality, relationships, sex, and leaving her apartment.



 I had my eye on this one for quite some time, and when it was time to find a movie I thought why not :D

I’m glad we picked this movie! I liked it a lot!

Me too, I liked the characters, and story itself. It truly worked, it was weird, it was good.

Yessss! I adore the characters. Esp Carrie and her therapist. Not the professor. Boo to him!

I know he would be bad news, but it just got worse. Ugh him!

I knoooow! I was like okay...ew he’s a creep…and then BAM. Who does that??????? Asshat indeed!

And the book! Ugh him. But yes, I liked Carrie a lot, she was great! And her therapist was just so calm, she totally needed that.

At first, I was annoyed with Carrie but when we got to know her more and understand her I grew to adore her. I want to be her friend!

Me too! Though she is way too smart for me, I’d feel a bit stupid. That girl was smart

I’d have to keep google up alllll the time to keep up with her lolllll. She is super smart but screw her dad for tossing her at college that young. Too young to be alone with her dad across the sea. Poor thing. 

I did wonder about that, sure Harvard is good, but couldn’t she have gone to Oxford or Cambridge!

Right??? Strange that they picked Harvard...unless she was being a teen drama queen and was all “NO I HATE LONDON! I WANNA GO TO THE US!!!!!” LOL

Might be that, and if she was angry at her dad. So she went to Harvard and lived her own life. I had to check the book on GR to see if I could learn more. If they had changed anything but dunno

OH? This is based off a book? I had no idea!

Yes I remembered it from IMDB, but ugh, one of the covers is so not her. Check out out!

Maybe it can be a future book ;) We can compare/contrast!! LOLL I am curious for sure. 

The grade is not that good, hmmm, I wonder if the movie is better!?


Who knows!!! We’ll have to see ;) hehehe. But I am curious. I think the only drawback was that there was some missing info and a couple plot-holes. Like...can a 14 year old go to Harvard and live alone? IDK. I just need more info. And I want to find out what happens now. 

Well, I am sure they have someone to check in on her, genius needs to go to school to

See? That is the info I need! Like was there an agreement? Did she have to do extra testing? Did she have to get a VISA or something? How does the therapist know her dad? Are they friends? SO MANY QUESTIONS!


Lol, that is a lot of questions! I am not sure even the book covers that. It seems to be fluffier


Mmmm maybe. LOLLL. I guess that is what makes the story so good. You want more. 


True, like what happens in a year!? I do want her settled


That scene when she prayed broke my heart and gave me a tear! Poor thing finally realized how much she wants to be happy and loved and she wants more than her lonely life. I want her to be happy and have everything! 


Same. All the best for her :) And yes I would recommend it. It is not one of those blew you away, it is just a real movie, fun and just good! I can’t think today


It really makes you think. Life is not black and white. It’s all crazy shades of grey. It’s a good movie to just chill and watch with some wine. Like what I did. LOLL!!


I will throw in rainy day and wine, yes, good fit


It’s perfect for that! I want to watch it again. Haha. I highly recommend it. 


Omg we picked something good! I have hope for this year


Me too! :D 


The end?


The end! 


  1. "I have no idea what you just said " :)::))

  2. Huh. I'm not at all familiar with this movie. Glad you both enjoyed it!

    1. Netfli showed it to me, so I was aall ok, netflix, I will trust you

  3. Not something I would watch probably, but glad it spawned such lively discussion! And so much is based on books these days, it's like the movie industry is out of ideas.

    1. I get based on books, but all the movies coming out that are not even 10 years old, no need to make new ones

  4. Oh I didn't know about this one

  5. Sounds like a good one ladies. Thanks!

  6. Yea! I'm glad you guys enjoyed this one... I've never heard of it and I'm all confused!

    1. Neither had I before I saw it on netflix


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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