Thursday, 31 August 2023

Joint Discussion: Never have I ever 4


This month we decided to review 'Never Have I Ever' season 4. 

Blodeuedd is in blue and Carole is in pink.

Title: Never Have I Ever (season 4)
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Released: 2023
Rating: TV-14
Site: Netflix 

The complicated life of a first-generation Indian-American teenage girl.

Click here for the trailer. 


I do admit that my recollection might be hazy ;)

I knowwww I’m sorry I took forever to finally finish it. Adulting is dumb *shakes fist*

I do know about that, it took me 4 months to finally start Queen Charlotte. Though I did binge Never have I ever, cos last season!

Once I got through the second episode….I couldn’t stop. UGH the feelings! The drama! The humor. Who allowed that Granny to become my favorite character??? She is hilarious!

Granny brings all the feels, I like that she had a story in this one. Go Granny!

Yesss! She grew so much from the last season. She has loosened up and is taking America by storm! 

I do like how it makes me cringe too, cos omg the trouble she gets in. It is such a fun show. Together with all the sides, like Granny obvi lol

Ooooo Davi. I adore her but OH the cringe hit hard sometimes. WHICH they are teens so the cringe seemed real. Just thinking about the things I said and did at that age….*shudder*

Still, Davi, omg, she truly is the queen of messes. I love her for it, but yikes. But it does feel real, she just wants things so much

That final episode when she wrote that essay? I literally sobbed. That whole scene was perfection. 

True, she finally, finally got it.

Yesssss! It took seasons upon seasons but she finally got it. Her therapist had the patience of a god!

I am sad it is over but at the same time. It is college time and it would not be the same

The ending hinted that maybe there will be more? But I think how it ended was great. Maybe a quick one-long episode of “where are they now” would be fun….but idk sometimes it is best to end on a good note. We can all assume what will happen or what we want to happen. HEA for all. Friends forever. Maybe Davi will have a sibling….hehe….and Granny will live forever. 

I forgot about that, hmm, I mean I am not against it! I´d love to see everyone more settled…now you got me all excited again

I actually wouldn’t mind re-watching it. I may try and get the Hubby to watch it too. He’s so weird though on what he’ll watch. He always surprises me. Like he adores Bridgerton and Queen Charlotte. Typically that isn’t his type of show. 

My guy does not like these shows either, and nope on Bridgerton too. Though he always managed to come inside when Queen C was on and in a naughty scene, I am not kidding. I am always the one watching naughty scenes alone then lol. I think these kind of shows are just too dull for him. He does not know what he is missing. They are fun, and cringe, and makes you think back. Not Queen C though obvi, I am not that old.

Men usually don’t like the feely-feely shows. I tried to get him to watch Heartstopper and he was nearly passing out so I watched it without him. Maybe it is the naughty scenes in B and Queen C he likes ;) He also loves Lady Danbury. But anyway…yeah - I am tempted to re-watch this one now that everything is said and done. Can I be honest???? I will block this out for spoilers….I wasn’t that keen on her ending up with Ben. I still had hope for Paxton. :/ 

Spoil away, and I agree, I felt for them. But she did mess it up. Dunno where I stand in the end.

I like Ben, don’t get me wrong….but I think they won’t last long. I feel like they will struggle and fight ALL the time. Super toxic household for sure if they have babies. 

They will be over before College ends

Agreed. Maybe I’ll get my wish after some years. Davi and the person I mentioned…maybe they will grow up and try again. #dreamer

I think so too ;)

Now I am itching to re-watch hahahahaha. 

From the start!

Yessss! OH! I do have a single issue I just remembered…I wish Aneesa had more screentime. She had like 2 lines the whole season!!! I missed her. Like…what happened to her? Where did she go? ANSWERS NETFLIX ANSWERS!!!

True, she was not in it a lot…maybe we need that new season or a movie

Now I really want one. I get she ended up just being a side character, but she was their friend. I feel like she got no love this season. A little 10 sec blurb would’ve been nice. 

Maybe they wanted to wrap things up

Maybe. And maybe the actress had zero time or something. She was talented that is for sure. 

Might be on another project for sure. Anyway, I do not have a lot more to say. Awesome series, fun new season. Def watch this series, it is so funny.

Agreed. This was such a fun show. I for sure recommend it. :D Laughs, tears, cringe….fun. 

The end?

‘Till next time!!!

Wednesday, 30 August 2023

Audio: Jaran by Kate Elliott

Book 1 in the Novels of the Jaran series

Author Kate Elliott

Narrated by Cindy Kay

Publication date Aug 15, 2023 by Tantor Audio

Running time 20 hrs 26 min

Scifi/to review


Great narration. For a book that is a lot about travelling she keeps it interesting, and always entertaining. She was good with different voices 


This audiobook was a long one for me, I am more used to shorter ones when it comes to audio. I would say it was like anthropological Where to even start...

Aliens took over earth. A man named Charles tried to rebel but instead they made him a prince. His sister Tess is on her way to him, but instead spies on the aliens and is stranded. On a planet where the native population does not know about space travel, or anything. So she pretends to be from overseas and learns to know the Jaran people.

It is slow, a lot could have been left out in a way. But still it is compelling. I wanted to know if she ever reaches her brother (spoiler she does not. Travelling by horse is slow, the world is big. There are more books.) I did not want to stop listening, I wanted to know. But yes they spend a LOT of time travelling.

And yes there is that guy that she will end up fancying, but she has some fun before she even gets to know him like that. And that is way at the end. Not a romance, but she does get to explore. That was a good thing about this culture, women got to do what they wanted, but only until they got married.

Will I read more? Well I would want to, but they are so long. I will see. It took me quite some time, and yes it was only 20 hours, some fantasy books are 40+. That would take me a month.

 In the past, humans were the dominant star-traveling species in the universe—until the Chapalil came, conquered, and absorbed the Earth into their intergalactic empire. One of the only humans ever granted nobility by the Chapalil, Charles Soerenson once led a failed rebellion against the alien overlords. Now his sister, Terese, has abandoned her homeworld, impelled by a broken heart to seek a new life among the worlds her brother rules.

On Rhui, a planet off-limits to interstellar voyagers, Tess stumbles upon a dangerous Chapalil conspiracy—and only the timely arrival of the Jaran saves her from near-certain death. A tribe of nomadic humans roaming the plains of Rhui, the Jaran have long forgotten their ancient Earth history and heritage. Intrigued by their world and their ways, Tess shares an immediate emotional connection with Ilya, the Jaran's brilliant, charismatic leader.

But despite her growing loyalties to this proud chieftain and his people, Tess must take care. For Ilya's ambitions threaten to trigger violent planetary upheaval. And the Jaran have been chosen to play an unwitting role in a plot that could have powerful repercussions far beyond the nomads' volatile world.

Tuesday, 29 August 2023




Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog. Feel free to leave your links in the comments if you are participating.

8/29/2023 Which books are you looking forward to reading this Fall? (Sept-Nov)

No idea what is coming when, I never keep track. I know I know, boring answer

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog. Feel free to leave your links in the comments if you are participating.

If you are interested in participating in TMST or receiving periodic emails that list the upcoming TMST topics and questions,  please fill out this GOOGLE FORM.  Participation is optional and never required.

Carole's Monday Vow to protect

Author: JL Beck & Monica Corwin
Meghan Kelly & Aaron Shedlock
Title: Vow to Protect
Series: Doubeck Crime Family #1
Genre: Dark, Contemporary Romance
Published: August 13, 2021
Where I Got It: Audible

They call me a monster.

Murderous and hateful.

Beautiful but broken.
Nothing can calm the ever raging storm inside of me. As the ruthless leader of the Doubeck family there is a certain standard of brutality I have to uphold.

To be gentle or kind is a weakness I cannot afford.

That is until the day I meet her.

Beautiful, innocent, and so very afraid.

Valentina is a rival family's daughter, and the little temptress has purposely tangled herself in my dark web.

She seeks me out, needing my help, but the price for what she wants will be steep.

Since my father’s death I’ve needed a wife to solidify my family name and this woman has piqued my interest.

We strike a deal intertwining our futures.

I’ll put a ring on her finger, own her body, keep her safe, and kill them all.

I make a vow to protect her at all costs.

That is until her secrets come to light, and I’m left with the choice of becoming the monster she’s only ever heard rumors about.

Who doesn't love a bad good guy? ;) 

Here we follow Valentina and Adrian. They are both part of the mafia world. Adrian has taken over his father's Doubeck family after his death. Val is the daughter of their enemy. When Val has had enough of the abuse and evilness of her forced fiancé, she turns to Adrian for help. They strike a deal that will forever change their lives....Val will marry Adrian and Adrian will forever eliminate Val's fiancé.

PLEASE NOTE - this is a pretty dark story at times. Lots of it is talk like what Sal and his goonies do, but there are scenes of abuse that Val has to go through. 

I felt so bad for Val. She is stuck between an abusive father and an abusive future hubby. I'm shocked it took her that long to be done with it, but she is a victim and it's hard for victims to get the help they need. PLUS she is stuck in the dark mafia world and the cops won't be able to save her.

Honestly, Val needed a therapist. She had been abused for so long and Adrian is not going to fix anything with his Even though I hated (and how many times I rolled my eyes at her inner thoughts/etc) how needy she becomes and how weak and can't blame her one bit. If Adrian really cared for her, he would get her a mafia-paid therapist. I imagine they have to have those on retainer lol. 

Adrian was def super Alpha and super "Mine!" But he is a mob boss so it is to be expected. However, he does encourage her to do her own thing and buy what she wants and etc. Which good! Granted he wants her to have protection which she really should. Her father wants her back...her ex wants her dead or back (I really don't get him)....and I'm sure others will be gunning for her now that she is his wife. He did get a little annoying with the "Angel" thing though. Give her a different nickname. 

WHICH brings me to my big issue, this felt so repetitive at some points. Same convos...same inner monologue. Sighs. It felt like we had a lot of filler. 

And that end...WTH?????? You can't leave us like that! From what I read of the summary of the second book she is going to overreact and whatnot. It's going to annoy me, but I'm going to want to read it.

The narrators were okay. I liked the guy voice for everyone much more than the female voice. Her Val was too whiney for me. 

Overall, I enjoyed this. It was pretty dark esp with Val's ex. *shudders* I have a feeling book 2 will be pretty predictable, but I am curious so I'll eventually do the audio of it. I'll give this 3 stars. 


- #34 for Audiobook challenge

Sunday, 27 August 2023

The last stand of Mary Good Crow by Rachel Aaron

522 pages

Series: The Crystal Calamity (#1)

Published: June 1, 2022 by Aaron/Bach

Western fantasy/Own

I do love love Rachel Aaron, but, hmm, this just felt so slow at times.

I wished it had been more about Mary

Rel sucked

Josie was boring.

Not a lot happened. The premise was good. But something was lacking

Hungry darkness, haunted guns, tunnels that move like snakes—the crystal mines of Medicine Rocks, Montana are a place only the bravest and greediest dare. Discovered in 1866, the miraculous rock known as crystal quickly rose to become the most expensive substance on the planet, driving thousands to break the treaties and invade the sacred buffalo lands of the Sioux. But mining crystal risks more than an arrow in the chest. The beautiful rock has a voice of its own. A voice that twists minds and calls unnatural powers. A voice that turns men into monsters.

Mary Good Crow hears it. Half white, half Lakota, rejected by both, she’s forged a new life guiding would-be miners through the treacherous caves. To her ears, the crystal sings a beautiful song, one the men she guides would gladly burn her as a witch for hearing. So, when an heiress from Boston arrives with a proposition that could change her life, Mary agrees to push deeper into the caves than she’s ever dared.

But there are secrets buried in the Deep Caves that even Mary doesn’t know. The farther she goes, the closer she gets to the voice that’s been calling her all this time. A voice that could change the bloody story of the West, or destroy it all.

Thursday, 24 August 2023

Carole´s Thursday: Rebecca


Author: Daphne du Maurier
Title: Rebecca
Genre: Classic, Fiction, Gothic, Romance, & thriller
Format: Paperback
Pages: 441
Published: August 1, 1938
Where I Got It: Borrowed from my friend

Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again...

Working as a paid companion to a bitter elderly lady, the timid heroine of Rebecca learns her place. Life is bleak until, on a trip to the South of France, she falls in love with Maxim de Winter, a handsome widower whose proposal takes her by surprise. Whisked from Monte Carlo to Manderley, Maxim's isolated Cornish estate, the friendless young bride begins to realise she barely knows her husband at all. And in every corner of every room is the phantom of his beautiful first wife, Rebecca.

Rebecca is the haunting story of a woman consumed by love and the struggle to find her identity.

Never heard of this book until it was selected for our book club. I decided to jump right in without reading the summary. I wanted to be completely surprised. 

We follow our timid heroine who was a paid companion to an elderly lady. Life is bleak until she meets Maxim de Winter and they fall in love. They get married and he whisks her to his isolated Cornish estate called Manderley. Once there our heroine will realize she barely knows her husband at all and every corner of every room is haunted by the first wife, Rebecca. 

The beginning was slow and slightly confusing. We start where the story ends. Which was unique for sure, but I was all "Okaaaayyyy". Once we got into the past and started our story I was hooked. 

It is a classic novel and we all know writers back then were bored so things take forever. The convos are long. I still enjoyed it though. I do wish our heroine had a name, but that was commonplace too back in the day. 

This is a hard review to write because I do not want to spoil anything. There are a lot of twists and turns and one shocking moment at the end. Ooooo damn you Rebecca. 

Once I got to the ending the whole beginning made all the sense. I actually re-read the beginning because I couldn't remember anything. 

All-in-all, I enjoyed this. The beginning was a hair rough since it was technically the ending, but once you get through the story it all makes sense. It is a little slow, but it worked to build up the tension for the ending few chapters. I'll give this 4 stars. 

Wednesday, 23 August 2023

The Empire´s Ruin by Brian Stavley

960 pages, Paperback

published July 6, 2021 by Tor

Series; Ashes of the Unhewn Throne (#1), Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne (#5)

Format: 960 pages, Paperback

Fantasy / Own

Damn, I have forgotten a lot from the previous series. Like what happened to Kaden? Ack. But yes it still worked great to jump back in into this new series.

We follow Gwenna, sent to find more Kettral in a hostile land. The first part of the trip was not the most interesting, but when they got there. Oh so good.

Then there was Ruc, I liked him at once. But when Gwenna´s story started getting really good, Ruc´s waned as he was stuck in one place. Oh and totally need more info about his foster parents. It kept me reading like crazy

Then there was Akiil. He just was. Sorry man, but Gwenna´s and Ruc´s stories was too good. I needed to binge through those.

Such a good book and I can´t wait to read more. I need more now!

The Kettral were the glory and despair of the Annurian Empire – elite soldiers who rode war hawks into battle. Now the Kettral’s numbers have dwindled and the great empire is dying. Its grip is further weakened by the failure of the kenta gates, which granted instantaneous access to its vast lands.

To restore the Kettral, one of its soldiers is given a mission. Gwenna Sharpe must voyage beyond the edge of the known world, to the mythical nesting grounds of the giant war hawks. The journey will take her through a land that warps and poisons all living things. Yet if she succeeds, she could return a champion, rebuild the Kettral to their former numbers – and help save the empire. The gates are also essential to the empire’s survival, and a monk turned con-artist may hold the key to unlocking them.

What they discover will change them and the Annurian Empire forever – if they survive. For deep within the southern reaches of the land, a malevolent force is stirring . . .

Tuesday, 22 August 2023




Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog. Feel free to leave your links in the comments if you are participating.

8/22/2023 Have you ever picked up a book you didn't finish/didn't like and ended up enjoying it?

Hmm, that is hard. How could I remember?! I have read books that I have later on enjoyed more in audio. But to not like and then enjoy? No, that is to hard and I have no idea.

8/29/2023 Which books are you looking forward to reading this Fall? (Sept-Nov)

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog. Feel free to leave your links in the comments if you are participating.

If you are interested in participating in TMST or receiving periodic emails that list the upcoming TMST topics and questions,  please fill out this GOOGLE FORM.  Participation is optional and never required.

Friday, 18 August 2023

Audio: Magic Claims by Ilona Andrews

By: Ilona Andrews

Narrated by: Hillary Huber, Michael Glenn

Series: Kate Daniels: Wilmington Years, Book 1-2

Length: 12 hrs and 21 mins

Release date: 07-10-23

Publisher: NYLA

Urban fantasy /

Kate and Curran can NOT keep a low profile. Well I think Curran could, but not Kate. Someone comes to ask for her help and off she goes to help. But then these people really need help.

There is action, danger and just fun Kate and Curran times!

I really hope there will be more

Narration was great as I said in the first one.

 In Book #2, MAGIC CLAIMS, Kate and Curran have just settled into their new home and their “low profile,” when a local businessman approaches them with an offer they can’t refuse. A mysterious evil has spawned in the nearby forest and is holding a defenseless town hostage. The “ransom date” is rapidly approaching.

It’s exactly the kind of fight the Lennarts can’t resist, not for the prize the town offers, but for the people who will surely die if they ignore it. If they succeed, they’ll be rescuing an entire community and can build a strong new base for their family and the Wilmington Pack. If they fail...well, fail is a four-letter word.

Nothing comes without a price. Now Kate must decide if she has what it takes to pay it.

Wednesday, 16 August 2023

Audio: Resonance Surge by Nalini Singh

Book 7 in the Psy-Changeling Trinity series

Author Nalini Singh

Narrated by Angela Dawe

Publication date Aug 15, 2023

Running time 13 hrs 21 min

Paranormal romance /to review

The bears are very, well they are bears. Loud, obnoxious, friendly and protective. You have to love the bears.

A Jack the ripper type is haunting the streets of Moscow. The Marshall family is coming to terms with their ghosts. And a bear is having visions that ends in blood.

Thea is a hidden Marshall. She has love Psy powers, she should have been killed at birth. What a waste of good genes. But she has a powerful twin and he has protected her even as they were separated. And now her twin wants to deal with the bad things their granddad did. And he sends Thea to RU to investigate an institution. Where lowgrade Psy were sent.

As her companion she gets a bear, and we all know how these Psy Changeling books go. He falls for her, she can´t resist him, even if she is Ice herself.

The killer is loose. These two fall in love and lust. Thea is dealing with her own powers and what has happened to her. And dang, her brother Pax sounds so interesting. We also gets bits and pieces of Yakov´s brother Pavel and his mate Arwen.

Another good installation in the series. The ending was rather chilling. I really need the next book because I am hoping it is Pax.

Great narration as always. Angela Dawe makes these books perfect. She is the narrator. Her voices are excellent and I really feel the power of everything

StoneWater bears Pavel and Yakov Stepyrev have been a unit since birth, but now Pavel’s life is veering in a new direction, his heart held in the hands of Arwen Mercant, a Psy empath—and the only man who has ever brought Pavel to his knees. This is it. A point of irrevocable change. For Pavel . . . for Arwen . . . for Yakov . . . and for another pair of twins whose bond has a far darker history.

A low-gradient Psy, Theodora Marshall is considered worthless by everyone but her violently powerful twin, Pax. She is the sole person he trusts in their venomous family to investigate a hidden and terrible part of their family history—an unregistered rehabilitation center established by their grandfather.

Places of unimaginable pain designed to psychically wipe minds, leaving the victims shells of their former selves, the Centers are an ugly vestige of the Psy race’s Silent past. But this Center was worse. Far, far worse. And now Theo must uncover the awful truth—in the company of a scowling bear named Yakov who isn’t about to take a Marshall at face value . . . especially a Marshall who has turned his dreams into chilling nightmares.

Because Yakov is the great-grandson of a foreseer . . . and he has seen Theo die in an unstoppable surge of blood. Night after night after night . . .

Tuesday, 15 August 2023




Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog. Feel free to leave your links in the comments if you are participating.

8/15/2023 Do you DNF books? When do you decide to stop?

Yes I DNF. It was hard to learn. I used to finish everything, but then slowly I realised, why?! Why read crap books?! When I could focus on good books! But I still find it hard at times and march on even if a book is meh. But most of the time I just DNF

As for when, as quickly as I want. Yes I might have done it on page 1 once or twice. When I know I know

8/22/2023 Have you ever picked up a book you didn't finish/didn't like and ended up enjoying it?

8/29/2023 Which books are you looking forward to reading this Fall? (Sept-Nov)

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog. Feel free to leave your links in the comments if you are participating.

If you are interested in participating in TMST or receiving periodic emails that list the upcoming TMST topics and questions,  please fill out this GOOGLE FORM.  Participation is optional and never required.

Monday, 14 August 2023

Carole´s Monday: City of storms

Kat Ross
Title: City of Storms
Series: Nightmarked #1
Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, 
Format: ebook
Pages: 506
Published: August 23, 2021
Where I Got It: My shelf (Amazon)

A city simmering with repressed urges…

A fallen angel bent on chaos…

And a conspiracy that could destroy them all.

Can one woman harness her own psychic power to stop it?

In a world with three layers of ever darker magic, few dare to wield the most dangerous. And those who try can fall prey to violent madness.

The Church keeps a tight leash on its citizens.

It tests every child for psychological deviancy.

If you pass, you're given a Mark. A tattoo that lets you use the ley power—and shields you from your most primal desires.

For the lucky ones, the world is at their feet. The rest suffer a life of menial jobs and hopelessness.

When tarot reader Kasia crosses paths with a young priest who hunts deviants, her own ugly secret is dragged into the light. Will they learn to trust each other in time to stop a greater evil from corrupting their world?

The cover caught my eye and then I read the summary and I knew I had to give this a shot. 

Between suppressed urges, a fallen angel, a conspiracy, and the church....this city and the people are on the verge of utter destruction and chaos. Can a single woman harness her own psychic power to stop it? Kasia will cross paths with a young priest whose job is to hunt deviants. Will they learn to trust each other in time to stop a greater evil?

On paper, this sounds like the book for me....magic, love, danger, and a wild world. However, I just could not really get into it. 

I had a hard time really grasping and understanding this world. The details were there, but I just couldn't understand or, to be honest, care. My level of caring for sure went in waves. There would be chapters I would be totally into the story and then other chapters it was a struggle to get through. Near the end I found myself skimming just to be done. 

What kept me going instead of DNFing? The characters and hope. The bones of the story were there and I liked our main heroine so I kept pushing forward in hopes I would fall into the hole of love. I never found it sadly. 

In the end, there are a couple of good things that kept me going, but I struggled big time. I'll give this 2 stars. 

Saturday, 12 August 2023

Review: Magic tides by Ilona Andrews


By: Ilona Andrews

Narrated by: Hillary Huber, Michael Glenn

Series: Kate Daniels: Wilmington Years, Book 1-2

Length: 12 hrs and 21 mins

Release date: 07-10-23

Publisher: NYLA

Urban fantasy /stream from

I missed Kate!!

I wanted to get this book, but was all ebook meh. But then I tried another audio streaming site and they had this one, win win! (I have tried 2/3 of the biggest ones here now. Some books none of them have :/

In this one years have gone by, Kate is trying to stay under the radar, but then someone kidnaps a teenager and she goes on a hunt. Curran just sits back and deals with the aftermath. I love them both. So supportive and just takes it all as it comes.

A good fight, a good story. I went on to book 2 at once. As this audiobook are book 1 and 2 together in audioformat.

Good narration. I did try the last Kate book in audio, but these two are new narrators and it works for me since I read most of the previous series.

In Book #1, MAGIC TIDES, Kate, Curran and their son, Conlan have left Atlanta, vowing to keep a low profile, and are settling into a new city and new house…but some things never change! Magical mayhem is about to erupt when Kate undertakes the rescue of a kidnapped youth, while Curran guards the home front.

It should be a simple retrieval, but with monsters on land and sea, Kate’s got her work cut out for her. Still, she's never let her blade dull or her purpose falter. And that low profile? It’s about to wash away with the raging tides!

About Me

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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

Publishers/authors: I am open for reviewing books so please contact me if you want your book reviewed.

Look at my review policy for more info
I review from most genres on this blog, and those genres are: fantasy,chick-lit, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA, historical/+romance, contemporary romance and literary fiction. + some other genres read by my guest reviewers.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site are my own, if not stated otherwise. Then they were sent for free by the author, publicist or a publisher. I do not get any compensation for my reviews. I do this all for fun. google-site-verification: googlec45f9c3acb51f8cd.html
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