Thursday, 14 May 2009

Spirits unveiled - Amanda Cummings

Spirits Unveiled by Amanda Cummings

~A thousand years have passed, the old ways forgotten. One clan remained, hidden away, passing down the knowledge, so that one day, when the time was right, peace and prosperity could reign once again, uniting the clans.~

In a land where people carry within themselves an animal spirit lives four clans; Bear, Wolf, Hawk and Tiger. Darien, leader of the Wolf clan, finds himself captured and imprisoned by his enemy, the Bear clan. Emotionally battered her entire life, Raina, daughter of the Bear clan leader, fears a forced marriage to a horrid man looming in her future. A plan forms--free the prisoner in exchange for his protection to find her safety. Inexplicably drawn to each other, Darien struggles with his inner yearnings. They are from rival clans. Yet with every touch, every heated kiss, he is unable to deny what his body craves. Secrets and visions are revealed and hope lies within Darien and Raina if they can only embrace who they truly are, for the Spirits have destined the two to make right a terrible wrong that took place a thousand years ago.

Steamy Fantasy Romance
from 2008

Taken blurb there when I wanted to give it justice.

A little lost for words here when I know the author. How do I normally do this again, ok I will start from the beginning.

Raina have lived a horrible life with an abusive father, and now she is going to be married to a total creep who stalks her every move. Demarius sure has it coming for him, but books needs bad guys and him and her father are perfect in those roles. No one could like them.

In comes Darien, a captured leader who now will face torture and an eminent death by his enemies hands. Raina feels something at once for him, and I can feel that connection. They should be together, but everything seems to be against them. Her father is feared by all, and how could Darien's clan then ever accept her?

It's a wonder that Raina isn't all messed up after her years, no she still has her spirit intact and Darien brings it out in her. He is a wonderful alpha, and I really do like him. Strong and still so loving. She is a great heroine who always have had something bigger before her than the life she has lived. I kept hoping they would get a HEA.

I can't forget the supporting cast, her friend Taryn for instance, who I at first see just as another minor character but then she comes to her own and I get really intrigued, and Darien's friend Alon. I shouldn't forget him. There is also Gavin that is the leader of the hawk clan, and I could see him in a book of his own *hint hint*.

It is a book that has a bit of everything, a lot of romance and sexual tension, danger, some fights, oh and I do like fights. Great characters and an ending that left me wanting more, especially something about the Tiger clan. I do see myself reading more.

Check out Amanda's blog where you can read the story

Thank you Amy :) Sorry it took a while though, I am bad with ebooks, they take forever to read, I really should get a laptop, or a e-reader, lol, ok shouldn't think about shoppping now.


  1. Sounds interesting. Love the racy cover. ;)

    Diary of an Eccentric

  2. Sounds good! And that is one extra steamy cover!

  3. Anna,
    Oh yes racy indeed. Nothing like that elsewhere on my blog ;)

    My thoughts exactly when I first saw the cover. I do think I would have blushed if I would have read it as a real book in public. But I love it

  4. Hi, Blodeuedd! Great review. I read Spirits Unveiled and have to agree that Amy did a wonderful job incorporating a bit of everything into the story. I really enjoyed reading it.

  5. Hi Blodeuedd:

    Isn't "Spirit's Unveiled", a lovely story? I thought Amy did a wonderful job and when she was publishing weekly chapters over at her blog I looked forward to each Monday.

    Thanks for the review, it took me right back to the story!

    FYI: Devyn's contest is oped to EVERYONE over at my blog today and I would love to see you enter. This is the last day.

    Warm Regards

  6. I've read this one quite a few times, and just love it.

  7. Hi Barbara,
    I do like a bit of everything in the stories I read. She did such a terrific job.

    I went over and read your first review just :)

  8. Lea,
    I am glad that I wasn't around just then cos I do hate waiting. It drives me insane not knowing what is gonna happen, lol, I am so bad.

    Thanks for telling me, dunno where my eyes were when I missed that.

    And yes the book was just lovely :)

  9. Go to my place.. I have something for you tooo see on the side bar!!!

  10. Hi Cecile,
    How cryptic you are...must rush over at once! :)

  11. I may have been embarrased to read it in public, just by the cover. It sure looks steamy.

  12. Scrap girl,
    Yup that is sure what e-books are for :)
    And it was very steamy inside too, the cover fitted

  13. I love the cover and after all the neat things people have said about it- I might have to look into it..

    All i could see was a bear and a wolf together - the stuff of nightmares... I love the cover - so hot.


  14. EH.
    Yes it was the cover that made me wanna read it. So hot. Give it a go

    Lol, I didn't think about it like that, a wolf and a bear, scary indeed. I wouldn't want to run across those

  15. This sounds really good. Great review.

  16. Yvonne,
    Thanks for stopping by :)
    Fun read indeed

  17. Hi Blodeuedd!

    Sounds really great with a tortured heroine. She sounds so strong, good for her. I loved these kind of books.

    I have trouble reading ebooks too, really have to get an ereader of some kind. Hopefully this summer. I was going to get one for Mother's Day and decided to wait... my kids tuition bill seems to get higher and higher. lolol

    Dottie :)

  18. Morning Dottie,
    She is very strong, I sure know that I would have been nothing like her. So good for her.

    Tuition sure is more important than an ereader, but hey I hope you get one. it would sure makes things easier. I thought I spent a lot of time infront of my pc, but truth is I spend my time infront of many pcs, lol. I cna't sit there reading always

  19. That looks very, very steamy ;)

  20. Lenore,
    Steamy is the word for sure ;)

  21. WOW.. what a steamy cover.. just looking at it wants me wants to read it!!
    I'll have to check it out :)

  22. Desert Rose,
    I know, I felt the same when I first saw it, I think my eyes popped out ;)
    Go check her site

  23. Oh my, my cheeks are flaming! You reviewed my book! You liked my book! I'm just so darn happy right now! Thank you so much, my friend :).

  24. Hi Amy,
    Lol, yes I reviewed it, and I sure liked it :D
    And you sure left me wanting more from that world, I was intrigued.


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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I review from most genres on this blog, and those genres are: fantasy,chick-lit, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA, historical/+romance, contemporary romance and literary fiction. + some other genres read by my guest reviewers.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site are my own, if not stated otherwise. Then they were sent for free by the author, publicist or a publisher. I do not get any compensation for my reviews. I do this all for fun. google-site-verification: googlec45f9c3acb51f8cd.html
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