Friday 18 January 2013

Rameau Reviews: In His Eyes - Emmie Dark

This is a well written Harlequin romance, but it just didn’t enthrall me as I expected it would. 

Zoe Waters returns to Tangawarra to bury her grandfather and sell the family vineyard after a decade’s absence. She’s basically been on the run from rumours and her past ever since she left and it’s a high time she reconciled with things she couldn’t change. Part of that is facing an old neighbour and lover, Hugh Lawson, who wants to expand his business and buy Zoe’s family legacy. Neither of them expects to regress back to their teens at the sight of each other but that’s exactly what happens. 

It made sense for Zoe to act the way she did, to resort to her old tools for coping, but it didn’t make it any more enjoyable to read. I’m tired of reading about adults acting like teens and teens acting like adults. Where are the adults who act like adults? Teens acting like teens should stay in YA and in minor roles in romance novels written for adults. 

The plot and the tangled history were quite straightforward, predictable and pleasant to read. Just as Zoe’s characterisation and actions made sense, so did Hugh’s although I never really connected with him either. Dark writes well—competent is the word I want to use—but it lacks the spark that elevates a story above all others in my eyes. I wouldn’t mind reading more from her in the future, I just doubt she’ll ever make it on my list of favourite authors.

3 stars

Series: N/A
Pages: 288 (paperback)
Publisher: Harlequin
Imprint: Superromance
ISBN: 1459235398
Published: August 1st 2012
Source: Bought


  1. I can understand it's difficult sometimes to understand the acts of some characters. thanks for the review, I didn't know this book.

    1. Thanks. I saw it recommended on Dear Author and bought it on the eHarlequin -50% sale.

  2. I've read another author like that too... competent but no magic... I never read another by her again.

    1. Unless I absolutely hate the writing and story, I'll give an author a second chance. It won't be a priority but I won't completely turn away from a recommended book either.

  3. I'm always surprised to see you review romances. Don't know why. I agree with the whole adult/teen thing. Would love a good book with adults in it. :)

    1. I read surprisingly many romances, but I guess they get lost in between all my genre experimenting.

      Adult characters without manufactured communication issues? That's like the dream.

  4. I need my romance wrapped in suspense, or mystery or a little paranormal woo-woo..great review!

    1. Thanks.

      I've tried those too, but my expectations tend to go up when there's a mystery or suspense element involved. With paranormal I'll start dissecting the world building.

  5. A lovely, short review! Adults acting like adults do - a reader can dream, right? Especially if you take one of those pesky romances ;p. I know love is blind but must it be also so immature?

    1. No, it mustn't. How do we get romance authors to acknowledge this?

      And thanks.

  6. I know what you mean about books where adults act like teens and vice versa. I do enjoy Harlequin romance every once in a while though.

    1. It's a habit I inherited from my mother, but I don't read nearly as many Harlequins as she does.

  7. I do like the second chance at love trope, when they already know each other. But well, acting like teens, not so much.

  8. Yet, despite all their problems, I keep going back for more.



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