Sunday 12 January 2014


I do not post DNFs, but it's Sunday, I had thought about it and thought why not. They should be mentioned too. Sometimes I just delete them without even putting them on GR but I really should remember them. So these are from the last 6 months.

Two men. One is a prince of royal blood. The other is a half-breed, part human, part elf. But the part that is human is also royal.Two women. One is a princess, pampered and protected. The other lives in the forest, the leader of a band of rebels. She too has elven blood.

This is their story -- the tale of love and hate, courage and cowardliness, and magic both dark and light.

Why it was a DNF:
It could have worked, but it did not for me and I have to DNF it. I read up to page 80 or something and then skimmed the rest. I just could not bother with it.

The best part was the beginning and even that had me skimming. The evil guys were evil, and I do like when there are stupid religious people trying saying everyone else is wicked. But who cares. That was my problem who cares. I don't.

The formula was generic too, and sure I like the whole old school stuff. But I was never invested in anyone. Then when the young prince took over the story, again who cares, and why are you so stupid in the first place to go there? Honestly man.

So a fail.

Mass Market Paperback, 393 pages
Published February 1st 2000 by Ace Books
Sword, the Ring, and the Chalice #1, The Stories of Nether and Mandria #1

The Dominion, once divided by savage clan wars, has kept an uneasy peace within its border since that long-ago time when the clan Leonne was gifted with the magic of the Sun Sword and was raised up to reign over the five noble clans. But now treachery strikes at the very heart of the Dominion as two never meant to rule--one a highly skilled General, the other a master of the magical arts--seek to seize the crown by slaughtering all of clan Leonne blood.

Why it was a DNF:
*yawns* I have the worst of luck. This one, bleh from the start. I made it to page 50 and did not even bother to skim the rest cos it was too bloody long and boring to skim.

I was confused, wtf was the book even about?

Mass Market Paperback, 764 pages
Published July 1st 1997 by DAW Fantasy
Sun Sword #1

In this exciting debut, author Keri Arthur explodes onto the supernatural scene with a sexy, sensuous tale of intrigue and suspense set in a world where legends walk and the shady paths of the underworld are far more sinister than anyone envisioned.

Why it was a DNF:
I give up, I can't do UF on audio

Audio, Unabridged - Digital Download, 10 pages
Published January 31st 2006 by Random House Audio (first published January 1st 2006)
Jenson Guardian #1

Set in a modern-day London spiced with magicians and mystery, The Amulet of Samarkand is an extraordinary, edge-of-your-seat thriller with many unexpected twists. Following Bartimaeus and Nathaniel in turn, the story introduces us to two wonderfully memorable characters–destined to go through many adventures together and bound by a spell that is nearly impossible to break.

Why it was a DNF
The audio was boooooooooring. Stuff happened, whatever. Gave up

Published August 28th 2007 by Listening Library (Audio) (first published September 30th 2003)
Bartimaeus #1

In an alternate 1914 Europe, fifteen-year-old Austrian Prince Alek, on the run from the Clanker Powers who are attempting to take over the globe using mechanical machinery, forms an uneasy alliance with Deryn who, disguised as a boy to join the British Air Service, is learning to fly genetically-engineered beasts.

Why it was a DNF:
I am sure I could have done better than DNF but honestly, I do not have the time. I liked Alek's story, I did not care for Deryn. And as it was a library book it feels easier to actually give up.

Paperback, 434 pages
Published May 27th 2010 by Simon & Schuster Children's (first published January 1st 2009)
Leviathan #1

I thought it was over. That my time with the fey, the impossible choices I had to make, the sacrifices of those I loved, was behind me. But a storm is approaching, an army of Iron fey that will drag me back, kicking and screaming. Drag me away from the banished prince who's sworn to stand by my side. Drag me into the core of conflict so powerful, I'm not sure anyone can survive it.

Why it was a DNF:
I was bored and honestly by page 60 I gave up. I am not gonna force myself to finish this series. Dunno when it fell apart

Format: Paperback Publication Date: 1/25/2011
Paperback, 358 pages
The Iron Queen (Iron Fey, #3)

Part murder mystery, part gothic fantasy, part steampunk adventure, The Peculiar is Stefan Bachmann's riveting, inventive, and unforgettable debut novel.

Why it was a DNF
And I gave up...again. This book was cool and had a lot of promise but as audio. No way. Too much jumping around and this and that. I would like to see if it works better in print

Hardcover, 384 pages
Published September 18th 2012 by Greenwillow Books (first published September 2012)
The Peculiar #1

Ten years ago, two children witnessed a murder that still haunts them as adults.

Why it was a DNF:
It was confusing, it was too much and I did not give a damn. The world was interesting though.

Paperback, 688 pages
Published April 3rd 2012 by Orbit (first published November 8th 2011)
The Tainted Realm #1

An epic tale of seduction, war, and unrequited love. Patricia Bracewell, an outstanding new voice in historical fiction, weaves together a story that spans countries and dynasties to extraordinary dramatic effect.

Why it was a DNF:
It actually started off interesting but then I saw it takes place during just a few short years. And it's a trilogy and they never even reach the part of her life that is the most interesting...that is when I decided to read it another time instead.

Hardcover, 432 pages
Published June 6th 2013 by HarperCollins (first published February 7th 2013)

Risa Jones is as extraordinary as her heritage. Born from a lab-enhanced clone mother and an Aedh father, she can not only talk to the souls of the dying and the dead, but she can see the reapers and walk the gray fields that divide this world from the next.

Why it was a DNF:
I have had trouble with audio books lately. I need something that I can listen to while working and this one did not work. I gave up half way through cos nothing had happened

Published March 1st 2012 by Recorded Books (first published September 27th 2011)
Dark Angels #1


  1. I've read some in your list and really liked them but not in audio so maybe it's different. I'm sorry they weren't for you.

    1. It sadly is different and I do wonder if they would have worked better in print or not. But as it stands now I do not even wanna try

  2. Re Leviathan-I also preferred Alek's story to Deryn's though most reviews I've read stated the opposite. Sorry it didn't work for you as I thought it was a pretty good trilogy altogether. Better luck with your other reading!

    1. I just looked up from it and said why bother. I have so many books at home and books I want to borrow from the library to deal with that

  3. I've got a DNF sitting here. I keep hoping I'll pick it back up but I really should face reality.

    1. It's so sad when you have to face reality

  4. Although I finished Bracewell's book, I had a hard time with it and didn't find it particularly interesting. Everyone else seemed to love it though...

    1. Hm really? Maybe it was a good thing I stopped reading then, it had some promise but I can't say it had grabbed me when I stopped

  5. I kind of enjoy reading DNFs because nobody does it often and I'm curious to see the reasons for it. Thanks!

    1. I mention books I read but really disliked so why not DNFs too :)

  6. Well none of these are on my list to read or wishlist and it looks like it will be staying that way.

  7. Aw sorry to hear that these didn't work for you.

  8. I'm sorry there were so many DNFs for you. I usually will stop reading and try again at a later date. I'm about to do that with a book now. It will be interesting to see if I still feel the same way.

    1. I just have too many books to bother, and I doubt I will get back to them

  9. I always wonder if I should post DNFs. I don't have many, I think two I can remember off the top of my head. But I don't. I don't want to upset anyone, reader or author. It's me and sometimes books just don't work for me. No harm, no foul. Thanks for sharing. I was surprised that there were two that didn't make it. I'm not as surprised about. ;)

    1. Oh I wonder which you mean....

      I do get that, but at the same time I felt like I should mention these too

  10. I liked Leviathan on audio and I read The Iron King and was so unimpressed I didn't bother with the rest of the series, but then I've really enjoyed the spin-off series ... go figure lol

    1. Huh..really? Well yes one series can be good and the other one can suck ;)

  11. Ekk. So many. lol. Good for you having pride and walking away...I'm pathetic and I force myself. I may skim a lot...but I force myself because I'm a sap and I have stupid faith that it gets better.

    1. When it comes to my own books and library books I can give up ;)

  12. I like to see DNFs posted when the reasons are listed. It's helpful (to you as well as other readers). So, thanks ;-)

    1. I am glad you liked it :) I thought about it when someone else usually post them too

  13. I like that you posted your reasoning for DNFs! I don't usually DNF books, but sometimes you just need to - if only to maintain your sanity ;)

    1. For some reason it's mostly library books and audio books ;)

  14. Hehe! I always feel weird posting bad reviews... and I have a real problem with DNF books (I just can't seem to stop reading even when it's a train wreck -- must work on this!) So yeah, thanks for sharing. None of these are on my list either, but I'm surprised to see Leviathan here - have been hearing a lot of good things about it (although again, it didn't make my to-read list either).

    1. I used to be like that but my TBR pile is killing me and why read books that suck? It wont make me happy.

      I have heard only awesome things too about L but it was just so meh

  15. I like this format - lumping the DNF books together and giving a brief about and why. Great idea.

    1. I am glad you thought so :) I know do not want to post them, but I do want to read them so I posted them

  16. I suck at DNF-ing books. I feel bad and usually keep going even though I'm hating the book. I think in my whole life I have DNF less than 5 books. I need to learn to give up on books and don't feel guilty about DNF-ing.
    You are not alone with UF in audio, I also have problems with it and romance. I'm sticking to fantasy and YA. Those work great for me.

    1. Whaaaat? Omg, I have DNF so many, most have been library books. My own books hurt too much, But I have learned.

      Ya have worked well for me, but UF is just so weird. I should try fantasy but they are sooooo long

  17. So many Blodeuedd, I am very sorry they did not entertain you more. I do DNF a book more easy now, but often I put them on a pile to try again someday.

    1. I know, the thing with audio and me is that often it does fail. Some of these I could try again but most no way

  18. Sorry to hear you didn't like Leviathan. I actually enjoyed that one more than I thought I would.

  19. Haha, I know, a fall filled with them.

    Ohh bad! I have been lucky most of the time, I have only struggled with a few books. And most of those times I have given them to a friend and she have finished them and reviewed them

    Yes! I can read books that I am almost hating but I just can't listen

  20. I hope you give the Keri Arthur books another try when they aren't on audio - they're some of my favourites :) I would say read the Riley Jensen series first before you get to the Angel books, about Risa, as there are some spoilers in there for the other series.

    1. I do think they would work better in print...

  21. Whew that's quite the list! I love the Keri Arthur Riley Jensen series. But I read those. I haven't had much luck with audio and can't imagine trying it with pnr/uf. That sounds pretty tricky to me.

    1. It's very weird, I haven't found one good one so far

  22. I love reading why people DNF books. I'm with you, sometimes the audio just isn't working, and you just have to jump ship. UF usually works for me on audio, but only if it's exciting and fast-paced or the characters are really sassy and funny. Sorry these didn't work for you!

    1. Hm...dunno why it does not work for me. But then I just like short stuff, and cute stuff on audio. That works ;)

  23. Wow, that's a lot of DNFs! :(

  24. Ah, well. DNFs happen. I can't imagine suffering through 750+ pages of bleh. :-(

  25. Leviathan was an odd-bird book. I gave it 3 stars after we read it for FF a few weeks ago.

    1. I thought I would like it but some parts just draggggged



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