Tuesday 22 July 2014

The Good House - Ann Leary

Hildy Good is hiding a secret from her town, her family - and even herself. 

Hildy Good has reached that dangerous time in a woman's life - middle-aged and divorced, she is an oddity in her small but privileged town. But Hildy isn't one for self-pity and instead meets the world with a wry smile, a dark wit and a glass or two of Pinot Noir. When her two earnest grown-up children stage an 'intervention' and pack Hildy off to an addiction centre, she thinks all this fuss is ridiculous. After all, why shouldn't she enjoy a drink now and then?

But we start to see another side to Hildy Good, and to her life's greatest passion. Soon, a cluster of secrets become dangerously entwined, with devastating consequences...

My thoughts:
I had no idea if Hildy was an alcoholic or not. She was so much in denial and kept saying it was nothing. And that is the thing, I the reader know nothing, but little by little we learn more about Hildy. So is she an alcoholic? You will find out.

The book was not just told about her day after day life. There were lots of little episodes where she told about houses she had sold. But it all came together as you later will see. And that was her life, selling houses, and being a bit lonely. Her husband has left, her children live elsewhere and Hildy, ah yes Hildy. I liked her, but the more I got to know her, less I wanted to like her.

There is also a bit of drama later in the book, I am not going into details. But something happens as she is trying to go on with life.

It was well done, I really was in her head, believing what she believed and it also made me realise how alcohol can be different to everyone. Every alcoholic is not the same.

A good, and quiet book in a way.

Simple, it works

Paperback, 304 pages
Published July 3rd 2014 by Corvus (first published January 15th 2013)
For review


  1. This sounds very good, and like Hildy is a character that sticks with the reader.

  2. I liked this but didn't love it as much as many other people did.

    1. I liked it too, not love though. She was hard to love

  3. This sounds like a good fall read. I will keep it in mind and see if my library has it :)

    1. Sounds like good idea :) The audio is supposedly good ;)

  4. I have a hard time sympathizing with characters who have addictions but if Chess (Stacia Kane) can win me over, I'm sure that Hildy can too!

    1. She never won me over ;) I think I liked Hildy cos I was never really sure what she was

  5. It sounds like the story slowly unravels…

    I've known people who are alcoholics but not the loud, falling down type so they hide it well.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I guess those can be the most dangerous too

  6. I love when an author can transport you into the character's head!

  7. This sounds like a good book.

  8. Hildy does sound like a memorable character. I think I'd like it.

  9. So cryptic with your review. I'm guessing she's an alcoholic and her "good" life were all illusions or things that happened in the past before she became an alchie? Yes? No?

    1. *mumbles something* ;) Both yes and no. Past and now

  10. Based on the cover, this is about a really well-built birdhouse.

    1. That is her home, she is actually a bird, lol. I guess every good house needs a birdhouse or something

  11. it's great to be connected to a character like that. It's something a little complex in a way.

  12. The novel seems kind of like a mystery and the more you read, the more the story unfolds and the more you learn about your characters. Me likey!

    1. Yes exactly! It was very well done and I kept wondering

  13. Not sure this one is for me, but I'm glad you liked it!

  14. Ah. Gotta love the unreliable narrator. :) But I may have to skip this one. Glad you liked it though!

  15. This sounds like a good book, but I don't think it's for me.

  16. Even though birds totally freak me out I'm liking that cover.

  17. I want ... cute cover, for a not so cute story :)

  18. I'm drawn to the cover, but I'm not really drawn to the story itself.



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