Sunday, 14 August 2016

Carole's Sunday Review: Samuel Pepys and the Stolen Diary - MJ Lee

Author: MJ Lee
Title: Samuel Pepys and the Stolen Diary
Genre: Historical Fiction & Mystery
Pages: ebook
First Published: January 29th 2016
Where I Got It: My shelf (Given to me by the author/publisher for an honest and unbiased opinion)

England, 17th century.

Samuel Pepys has been keeping a diary for many years; a diary that tells of all the political shenanigans he is witness to at the court of King Charles Stuart. And of all his own marital indiscretions as well.

And now it has been stolen, along with his wife’s favourite locket. Samuel must get it back, or he might lose his head in the Tower. He will certainly lose his wife, who thinks he’s given her locket to his latest mistress. 

I have been reading a lot of historical mysteries lately! Not usually my top 10, but I have been utterly addicted of late. 

Now, this story follows Samuel Pepys and his pal Will, after his diary and his wife's locket was stolen. Yes, Mr. Pepys was a real fellow and his diary was real as well. Was it ever stolen? Perhaps! The contents surly were steal-worthy from what I have heard. I have never read it, but now that I did some research on the real man (like I normally do ;D), I am curious to see what he has written and his view points on the times. 


This was a fun and exciting mystery. I thought I had the mystery solved, but then the ending through me for a loop. I mean the culprit had been suspicious, but a little overly so, so I paid it no mind. Kuddos to the author for getting me in the end! I was worried the King would not believe him since there was not an over amount of evidence.

I like Samuel even though he was a cheating bastard at times, but he was a man in 17th century England, so what is to be expected? 

I loved Will. Poor guy! I did some research, because I wanted to know if he was a real dude and he was. A part of me wanted Elizabeth to leave Samuel for him, which never happened, but a girl could hope! ;D Hopefully Samuel did turn around his cheating ways to be faithful to her. But I think Will would've been a better husband. 

My one and only compliant was the pacing of the book and length of some dialogue. There were moments of extreme slowness and moments of quickness that forced me to reread the section to fully grasp what happened. I think what dragged things out at times were the lengthy dialogue. Yes, it was important, but sometimes I wanted more directness and to have the story move on. 

In the end, this was a fun and exciting ride! I couldn't put it down, because I wanted to know what was going to happen next. The characters were fun. I loved Will and I want him to have his story shared next! I liked Samuel even though he was a cheating butthole, hopefully he keeps his promise to his wife *fingers crossed*, because Elizabeth was cute and deserved a loving husband *cough* like Will would've been *cough*. I do recommend this to those that like a good mystery. Out of five stars, I stamp this with 4 stars. 


  1. While it's not my kind of book, glad to hear you liked it.

  2. oh this sounds like a good one!! i don't like those cheating characters either, but sometimes they turn out good in the end.

  3. Sometimes we get hooked on different reads. That's not bad. :) Glad you enjoyed this one!


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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