Friday, 30 September 2016

#FitReaders: Final Sept Check-In

#FitReaders is hosted by Geeky Bloggers Book Blog  and That’s What I’m Talking About.

Join in

Sat 12 km bike. 30 min walk
Sun 1h  walk
Mon 12 km bike. 
Tue  1 h yoga, 6 km bike. 
Wed  6 km bike. 1 h zumba
Thu 8 km bike, 6 km walk. 15 min walk
Fri 30 min walk, 4 km bike

Been so bad at taking pics. We usually take late walks and it is dark now, noooo

Thursday, 29 September 2016

My brown-eyed Earl - Anna Bennett

William Ryder, Earl of Castleton, is at the end of his noble rope. Not only has he broken ties with his longtime mistress, his mother has publicly announced her wish for him to marry a suitable young lady―if only to help him raise the twins left in his care. Hiring a governess should solve some of Will’s problems…but when he meets the candidate in question, he finds himself in an entirely new predicament.

Miss Margaret Lacey is brainy, beautiful, and, once upon a time, Will’s betrothed. But she bowed out of the engagement―and, since then, has never been the same. A tragic accident robbed her of everything, and now, at age twenty-three, her marital prospects are slim to none. Penniless but not without pride, Meg convinces the vexingly handsome Will to hire her for the job. What neither of them could have expected from this arrangement, however, is an attraction that burns stronger than ever. Are these two lost souls finally ready to be schooled in the art of love? 

My thoughts:
A wilting wallflower meets an Earl and everyone lives happily ever after.

Meg lives with her uncle, they have no money, and he is believed to be mad. Therefore the wilting wallflower part. She is kind, looks after her sisters and wants to earn money for her family. And that is how one becomes a governess.

Will is an Earl who suddenly gets his cousin's twins to take care of.  I liked how he started to fall for her fast. And how he cared nothing for his matchmaker mum who thought she knew better.

They do their dance. She takes care of the twins, she likes them, she even starts to like Will (there is history).

It was a nice romance, with some passion too. I do want to know what happens to her sisters too.


  • Kindle Edition, 352 pages
  • Expected publication: October 4th 2016 by St. Martin's Paperbacks
  • The Wayward Wallflowers #1
  • Historical romance
  • NG

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

A star shall fall - Marie Brennan

The Royal Society of London plays home to the greatest minds of England. It has revolutionized philosophy and scientific knowledge. Its fellows map out the laws of the natural world, disproving ancient superstition and ushering in an age of enlightenment.

To the fae of the Onyx Court, living in a secret city below London, these scientific developments are less than welcome. Magic is losing its place in the world—and science threatens to expose the court to hostile eyes.

In 1666, a Great Fire burned four-fifths of London to the ground. The calamity was caused by a great Dragon—an elemental beast of flame. Incapable of destroying something so powerful, the fae of London banished it to a comet moments before the comet’s light disappeared from the sky. Now the calculations of Sir Edmond Halley have predicted its return in 1759.

So begins their race against time. Soon the Dragon’s gaze will fall upon London and it will return to the city it ravaged once before. The fae will have to answer the question that defeated them a century before: How can they kill a being more powerful than all their magic combined? It will take both magic and science to save London—but reconciling the two carries its own danger… 

My thoughts:
I read book 1, but I did not read book 2. But for me it worked excellent like this anyway. Book 1 took place 200 years before this one and book 2 100 years before this one. And the main character was not born back then. Though there is this other big POV that they do mention was around in book 2, but I really can't say how much. I got to know her here and that was fine.

Haley's comet is approaching and with it a dragon that wants to destroy London. This London is the normal London and fairy London. The queen of the Onyx court I got to know in book 1 as she got her throne, but here she is only in the background. This book is Lord Galen's, the human consort of the queen. The one who stands in both worlds (though nothing romantic about it, they are not lovers. It is just a title.) Galen was young, he wanted to save the world, and he was totally in love with his queen. Poor thing.

The book is also about a sprite, Lady Irrith that comes back to the Onyx court. She gets involved in court intrigues, meets Galen and is the one that shows more of the fae world.

The next book jumps ahead again so this is it for this crew.

It's an interesting series, but I do fear for the Onyx court. Iron and all that you know. The world is changing.

  • Paperback, 595 pages
  • Published September 2016 by Titan (first published January 1st 2010)
  • The Onyx Court #3
  • Historical fiction
  • For review

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Chaos come to Longbourn - Victoria Kincaid

This humorous Pride and Prejudice variation begins at the Netherfield ball. While attempting to suppress his desire to dance with Elizabeth Bennet, Mr. Darcy flees the ballroom only to stumble upon a half-dressed Lydia Bennet in the library. After a shrieking, nerve-stricken Mrs. Bennet discovers them in this compromising position, Darcy is forced to make Lydia an offer of marriage.

A few weeks later, Bingley returns from London to discover that a heartbroken Jane has accepted an offer from Collins. Bingley instead proposes to Elizabeth, who accepts with the hope of reuniting him with Jane. Now Darcy must cope with jealousy toward Bingley and a fiancée who longs to get her hands on the grand estate of “Pembleton” (or is it “Peckersly?”). Lydia, in turn, is jealous that Wickham has proposed to Charlotte Lucas—who (much to Wickham’s dismay) does not find red coats nearly as appealing as clerical collars.

Although Darcy yearns for Elizabeth, he feels honor bound by his promise to Lydia. Elizabeth has also developed feelings for the master of Pemberley, but he has never seemed so far out of her reach. How can Darcy and Elizabeth unravel this tangle of hilariously misbegotten betrothals and reach their happily ever after?

My thoughts:
Poor everyone, especially Darcy! This is a most evil variation that makes poor Darcy engaged to Lydia! I know, the horror, but is such a gentleman and there was a situation that was misunderstood.

Just think about it, Darcy shackled to Lydia, he would be the laughingstock of England. And I was all how will he get out of it! 

But this whole mess leads to more messes. Amusing evil messes. Like Jane and Collins! The horror. Bingley and Lizzy! (well that one could actually be content in the end even if both would be unhappy.) And last Charlotte and Wickham. Aye, everyone is unhappy in different ways.

What a mess of couples, I will keep on saying it. It made for such a good read!

This was an amusing variation, and like always, everything will be sorted out. Of course, people will get happy endings. It's just a messy way to get there.

I wanted to hug Darcy so much. Poor guy. Give him a drink someone!

Funny! Well written and quite the tale.

  • Kindle Edition, 188 pages
  • Published June 29th 2016
  • Pride and Prejudice variation
  • For a blogtour

Tour Schedule:
Sept. 22: Margie’s Must Reads (Review)
Sept. 27: Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell (Review)
Sept. 30:  Eva Lucia Reviews (Review)
Oct. 3:  All Roads Lead to the Kitchen (Review)
Oct. 4:  Diary of a Stay at Home Mom (Review)
Oct. 12: A Bookish Way of Life (Review)
Oct. 25: Write-Read-Life (Review)
Nov. 4: True Book Addict (Review)

About the Author:
The author of numerous best-selling Pride and Prejudice variations, historical romance writer Victoria Kincaid has a Ph.D. in English literature and runs a small business, er, household with two children, a hyperactive dog, an overly affectionate cat, and a husband who is not threatened by Mr. Darcy. They live near Washington DC, where the inhabitants occasionally stop talking about politics long enough to complain about the traffic.
On weekdays she is a freelance writer/editor who specializes in IT marketing (it’s more interesting than it sounds) and teaches business writing. A lifelong Austen fan, Victoria has read more Jane Austen variations and sequels than she can count – and confesses to an extreme partiality for the Colin Firth version of Pride and Prejudice. Visit her website. View her blog, visit her on FacebookGoodReads, and on Amazon.

Monday, 26 September 2016

Murder at Sorrow's Crown - Steven Savile and Robert Greenberger

It is July 1881, and a frantic mother comes to 221B Baker Street, begging Sherlock Holmes to find her son. A naval officer posted to HMS Dido, he was part of the Naval Brigade that joined the Natal Field Force to fight the Boers. But he did not return with his men, and is being denounced as a deserter.

So begins a twisting tale of assassination, diamond mines and military cover-ups. Can Holmes and Watson uncover the truth, a truth that threatens the very fabric of the British Empire? 

My thoughts:
You know what, I have actually never read a book about Sherlock Holmes. Ok one, but let us not count the monster one. There might have been another mashup too.

I imagine you know about Sherlock Holmes, if not, then you are kind of living under a rock. I am not gonna explain him. He is eccentric, to say the least.

And then there is Watson, and they do compliment each other so well.

This mystery is about a mother wanting answers. And they dig deep and it gets complicated. There is the Boer war, political intrigues and conspiracies. All while trying to find out what happened to a soldier...

I enjoyed the book. It was light, there were a good mystery and Holmes and Watson is quite the pair.

  • Paperback, 320 pages
  • Published September 13th 2016 by Titan Books
  • Historical mystery
  • For review

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Author post: Phaedra Patrick

Today I have Phaedra Patrick over for a post :) I read the book a few months ago and really enjoyed it.

‘My Inspiration’ 
As I showed my own childhood charm bracelet to my son, and  told him the stories behind each of the charms, the idea came to me about an elderly man who discovers a mysterious bracelet in his late wife’s wardrobe. I wanted to write a story straight from my heart, and create a character that people would want to cheer, laugh and cry with. I love to collect ideas in my head, so each scene and character in the book was influenced by someone I know, something I’d seen, or personally experienced. 

I once holidayed in India and bought a small brass elephant pendant, and this was the inspiration behind the first charm that sets Arthur off on his epic journey of discovery. 

I knew I wanted a tiger in my novel and I loved the idea of a lord and lady who live in a crumbling manor house with their tigers prowling around the grounds. I really enjoyed writing a scene where Arthur is accosted by a ravenous tiger in his attempt to find out the story behind the tiger charm on the bracelet.

I wrote the book at a time when I’d had five previous novels rejected, and also after losing a close friend and a family member. I ploughed on with The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper whilst thinking about how life is for celebrating and living. So whilst Arthur’s journey is sometimes sad, it’s also poignant, funny and uplifting.

Thank you!

(HQ, £7.99, 22nd September)

40 years of marriage, 8 golden charms 
One man’s journey of self-discovery 

On the first anniversary of his beloved wife Miriam’s death, Arthur steels himself to tackle the task he’s been dreading: clearing out her wardrobe. There, hidden in a shoebox, he finds a glistening gold charm bracelet that he has never seen before. Upon examination Arthur finds a telephone number on the underside of a gold elephant charm. Uncharacteristically he picks up the phone. 

And so begins Arthur’s quest – charm by charm, from York to Paris and London and even India – as he seeks to uncover Miriam’s secret life before they were married. And along the way, find out more about himself. 

The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper is a joyous celebration of life's infinite possibilities, heralding the arrival of a major new talent in Phaedra Patrick. Phaedra Patrick studied art and marketing and has worked as a stained glass artist, film festival organiser and communications manager. She was inspired to write Arthur Pepper’s story by the memories of her own charm bracelet. Phaedra lives near Manchester with her husband and son. 

Saturday, 24 September 2016

Carole's Saturday Review: The lady of the rivers - Philippa Gregory

Author: Philippa Gregory

Title: The Lady of the Rivers (The Plantagenet and Tudor Novels #1)
Genre: Historical Fiction, Romance, and Fantasy
Pages: 502
First Published: September 2011
Where I Got It: Borrow from library

Jacquetta, daughter of the Count of Luxembourg and kinswoman to half the royalty of Europe, was married to the great Englishman John, Duke of Bedford, uncle to Henry VI. Widowed at the age of 19, she took the extraordinary risk of marrying a gentleman of her household for love, and then carved out a new life for herself. 

I truly have a love-hate relationship with this author. I either like her books or I hate them. There are a couple that fall in between. Sometimes the authors bends the historical facts too much and sometimes she does a good job. I think she does have a bias against some characters and she bends them too much for my liking. 

Now, this story follows Jacquetta who is very underrated as a historical figure. She really intrigues me whenever she pops up. I find her story interesting. She is forced to marry an older man who dies. She gets his title and all that. Instead of marrying within in station, she marries a man who use to work for her late hubbie. Which this man is WAYYYYYYYYYYYY below her station. Very interesting for the times. What is even more interesting is that the king at the time quickly forgives her and her husband. Too quickly, but the king was a a decent man in some aspects.

In this version of the story, the author plays on the fact that Jacquetta was accused of being a witch and does make her have some supernatural powers like telling the future. Very interesting take to actually have her have visions and whatnot. I liked it, but I didn't really care for her first hubbie approving of these powers and trying to use them for his gain. At the time, I don't think he would have approved of her powers and would have screamed witch. 

This was a fun book to read, because I liked the characters. However, there were SO MANY LULLS and nothing happening that I legit fell asleep a couple of times. I feel that there should have been some POV changes when Jacquetta was at home giving birth to her millionth child. Yes, the woman was a freakin' rabbit! xI But yes, sooooo many lulls that I did a lot of skimming.  

The ending dragged on and on and on. The ending was cliff-hangerish if you do not know your history. And I get why she did that, because the story is not over yet. 

In the end, I liked this. However, it was slow moving and the ending never ended. I am curious in reading the next book. This wasn't great, but it was okay. Out of five stars, I shall stamp this with 3. 

Friday, 23 September 2016

#FitReaders Check-In: September 23, 2016

#FitReaders is hosted by Geeky Bloggers Book Blog  and That’s What I’m Talking About.

Join in

Sat 1h walk
Sun 1h  walk
Mon 4 km bike. 30 min walk
Tue  1 h yoga,. 6 km bike. 30 min walk
Wed  4 km bike
Thu 8 km bike, 1 h zumba toning. 30 min walk
Fri 30 min walk, 4 km bike

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Merry Cowboy Christmas - Carolyn Brown

'Tis the night before Christmas and all through the house is the presence of one wickedly hot cowboy who's come to stay for the holiday. Fiona Logan is downright shocked to return to her childhood home and find that the tall blond stranger who came to her rescue on an icy road will be sleeping just across the hall from her bedroom. Talk about temptation . . .

Jud Dawson never believed the Lucky Penny Ranch would live up to its name until now. Fiona is gorgeous, smart, funny, and everything he thought he'd never find. Now all he has to do is convince her to stick around town instead of hightailing it back to Houston. But with wild weather, nosy neighbors, and a new baby in the family, getting her to admit that she's falling in love might just take a Christmas miracle. 

My thoughts:
You can not go wrong with Carolyn Brown's cowboy books. Sassy heroines, good food, great small town, and cowboys looking for love. All wrapped up in a sweet package.

It works perfectly as a stand alone, even if it is book 3, and yes the couples from before are in it, and friends and family. But this is Judd and Fiona's romance after all.

Fiona is the last Logan sister and she comes home after her failed marriage. She is the one who does not want to stay in this small town.

Jud is the last Lucky Penny owner to arrive, the lucky one. But oh oh, they must share the house together!

Aww sweet romance. They do like each other from the start, as friends that is. And it grows into more. The real question is can he make her stay?

And during the sweetness of it all, we have some passion too, friends and family coming by, and a certain couple from the last book that made me soo mad! But it is time for redemption. Everyone can change, and it felt believable.

Sweet and now I want it to be Christmas and I would love to spend it with these folks.


Paperback, 336 pages
Expected publication: September 27th 2016 by Forever
Lucky Penny Ranch #3
Contemporary romance

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Gods of Nabban - KV Johansen

The fugitive slave Ghu has ended the assassin Ahjvar's century-long possession by a murderous and hungry ghost, but at great cost. Heir of the dying gods of Nabban, he is drawn back to the empire he fled as a boy, journeying east on the caravan road with Ahjvar at his side. 
Haunted by memory of those he has slain, Ahjvar is ill in mind and body, a danger to those about him and to the man who loves him most of all. Tortured by violent nightmares, he believes himself mad. Only his determination not to leave Ghu to face his fate alone keeps Ahjvar from asking to be freed at last from his unnatural life. 
Innocent and madman, god and assassin--two men to seize an empire from the tyrannical descendants of the devil Yeh-Lin. But in war-torn Nabban, enemies of gods and humans stir in the shadows. Yeh-Lin herself meddles with the heir of her enemies and his soul-shattered companion, as the fate of the empire rests on their shoulders. 

My thoughts:
The last book ended with Ghu and Ahjvan leaving for Nabban, and in this book they are on their way. We only meet 2 old characters, Ivah and Yeh-Lin (who used to rule Nabban and who sort of killed all their gods, but not really they all formed Mother and Father to fight her.) This all has a point since Mother and Father are dying and Nabban needs gods.

But first we have Ghu, a former slave, now a god to be? All very strange.
Then there is Ahjvan who gets more effed up with each book. At least he does not have another soul riding his body anymore. But he still can't die and is well effed up.

In Nabban we have a few players, I will not say more. Spoilers you know. But all is not well in Nabban, there is bloodshed and darkness. And everyone wants something. War is coming, well war is already here. Not everyone is fine to be ruled by the Emperor. 

There will be fighting, and throne to pull down, and a new god to be made.

It's an interesting series, but I do warn you, if you do not have previous books fresh in your mind, it might be hard. I had to go read my old reviews to remember it all again.

  • Paperback, 565 pages
  • Published September 6th 2016 by Pyr
  • Marakand #3
  • Fantasy
  • From the publisher

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Ultima - Stephen Baxter

In PROXIMA we discovered ancient alien artifacts on the planet of Per Ardua - hatches that allowed us to step across light years of space as if we were stepping into another room. The universe opened up to us. Now in ULTIMA the consequences of this new freedom make themselves felt. And we discover that there are minds in the universe that are billions of years old and they have a plan for us. For some of us. But as we learn the true nature of the universe we also discover that we have countless pasts all meeting in this present and that our future is terrifyingly finite. It's time for us to fight to take back control.

My thoughts:
The things he comes up with, my heads always spins after reading a Baxter book. He also seems to like the End Time. You know the end of it all.

I always feel all WOW. Here we have multiverses and hatches, and, aye beyond me.

The two people from the last book stumbled into a multiverse in the last book, and here Rome never fell so Rome went to space.

But that is not the only multiverse. A few other characters also from that previous verse makes it here and explore this brand new reality. And it is fascinating. What if this and that never happened, what if time took another direction. So much to explore.

The possibilities are endless.

Good book. He is a great author

Hardcover, 560 pages
Published November 20th 2014 by Gollancz
Proxima #2

Monday, 19 September 2016

Audio book Giveaway and interview: SC Flynn

Today I have a short interview with author SC Flynn, and you can win his book Children of the Different that I reviewed two weeks ago.

Tell me about yourself.
I was born and brought up in Australia, but for many years I have lived in Europe: first London, then Milan and now Dublin. My second language is Italian and my wife is Italian. You are a bit of a traveller as well, I guess, ending up in Finland! 
Like most of your readers, I suppose, I am a great book lover. Followers of mine will have just seen that my library has expanded even more, with a whole new level added on top!
I am a lifetime jazz musician (trumpet). I grew up playing in my parents’ band and kept on going.

Tell me about your new book.
CHILDREN OF THE DIFFERENT is a Young Adult post-apocalyptic fantasy novel set in Western Australia, where I am from. Nineteen years before the story starts, most of the world’s population died from a brain disease known as the Great Madness; the survivors all had something different about their minds that saved them. Now, as a secondary effect of the Madness, at the beginning of adolescence, their children enter a coma, during which they travel through a dream-like world called the Changeland. Depending on what happens in the Changeland, the kids emerge either with special powers, or as permanently damaged Ferals.
The main characters are psychic twins: Arika (a girl) and Narrah (a boy). Separately, they have many adventures and face many dangers both in the Changeland and in the outside world. Their new powers turn out to be crucial for the future of humanity.

What was the inspiration behind it?
The landscape and creatures of Western Australia, above all. The state is so big that it varies from huge temperate forests in the south to tropics in the north, with a lot of desert in between. Like the rest of Australia, it is full of weird animals that lend themselves very well to fantasy. 
Arika and Narrah have lived all their lives in a small non-industrial community in the great forests of South West Western Australia, near where I come from. Their adventures take them to the city of Perth, the Indian Ocean and the desert.
All of these things are seen from the twins’ viewpoint. They can read and write, but their language and range of references is necessarily limited by their background. The simple, clear style of the novel reflects that, I think, and also suits the Young Adult age group.

Thank you so much!

Audio Book Giveaway
1 copy of Children of the Different (from so you have to have that)

1. Enter by commenting
2. Open to all (if you can download from that is)
3. Ends Sep 25th

And as always, remember that if I can not find your email then I can not find you.

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Book Discussion: The Spellman Files - Lisa Lutz

Happy September everyone! This week Carole and I are discussing, "The Spellman Files" by Lisa Lutz.
Author: Lisa Lutz
Title: The Spellman Files (The Spellmans #1)
Genre: Mystery and Comedy
Pages: 370 pages
First Published: January 1st 2007
Where I Got It: Borrowed from library

Isabel Spellman, the uncompromising—okay, obstinate—twenty-eight year-old San Francisco private eye in Lisa Lutz's riotous debut novel, THE SPELLMAN FILES has her share of problems. And those problems all happen to be named Spellman. Her parents, Albert and Olivia, co-owners of Spellman Investigations, think nothing of placing their daughter under 24-hour surveillance simply to find out if she has a new boyfriend. David, her perfect older brother, who escaped the family business by becoming a lawyer, is hypercritical of just about everything Isabel says, wears, or does. Fourteen-year-old sister Rae lives on sugared snacks, considers recreation surveillance her favorite hobby, and believes that life is one endless opportunity for intra-familial blackmail. And good-natured Uncle Ray, a former cop and health food nut, now embraces gambling and drinking; and when he's not in battle with his niece Rae over the whereabouts of his favorite shirt, must be rescued from "lost weekends."

Welcome to Izzy Spellman's off-kilter world. Equal parts Sam Spade and Bridget Jones, she's a damn good investigator—if only her dysfunctional family would back off and let her do her thing. Izzy's cynical—okay, wise—enough to realize that a primrose-covered cottage with a white picket fence is not in her future. That's okay with her. Ever the jaded P.I., she catalogs her ex-boyfriends with calculated brevity, reducing her romantic misjudgments to curt summaries of name, age, occupation, hobbies, duration, and last words. No sooner has she met a new man that she begins composing his exit profile.

Hired to trail a husband whose wife suspects he's gay, Isabel easily determines that nothing could be further from the truth. Indeed, Daniel Castillo, the object of her subject's misidentified affection, turns out to be a gorgeous—and straight—Guatemalan dentist whom Isabel quickly zeroes in on as the future "Ex-Boyfriend #9." Keeping her family and Daniel from discovering the truth about each other, though, proves harder than she would have guessed. While other parents might be happy to learn that their daughter is dating a professional man, Olivia Spellman has a pathological distrust of dentists. When Isabel discovers that her folks are not only having her followed, but have hired Rae to do it, her outrage pushes her to quit her job at the family agency—even though it's the only job she's ever had and the only thing she does well.

But just because Izzy says she is leaving the family fold doesn't mean that the family has any intention of loosening its hold on her. Besides, she's under contract. So, they make a deal—one last, ice cold case, from twelve years before when a Marin County teen went missing in the woods near Lake Tahoe.

Izzy throws herself into the case, thrilled at the prospect of getting away from Spellman Investigations for good. But then Rae, who has been expertly manipulating every member of the family with her ill-gotten knowledge of their individual secrets, disappears without a trace. Izzy, who loves the little creep in spite of everything, is propelled into the most vital missing person search of her career.

B: Truth be told we were supposed to read something else and went for this one instead, i n my opinion that never works out. Or what do you think?

C: Nope - I don’t think it ever has so far. Le sigh.
B: Lesson learned then, never ever change book.
C: We are truly in the minority with this one. I was going through Goodreads and EVERYONE gave this a 3+ only 2% of the reviews had 1 star. But I tried...I tried REALLY hard to like this. Normally books like these are fun, but it was a failure in my eyes. How about you??
B: I saw that, everyone was all, it’s funny, cute whatever. While I was all, what is this weird crap? It felt like it jumped from one thing to another, flashbacks here and there, which timeline are we on? Messy. And well, so not funny. Everyone were also idiots and I did not like anyone.
C: I felt the same. The beginning….OH MY GOODNESS. I had such a hard time getting through it. Yes, I love backstories as much as the next person. However, we went through her entire childhood. It took over 100 pages to get through to get to the actual story. By then I was not caring at all. The only character that was bearable was her brother, but he was the perfect character and I can’t handle perfect characters. Bllleeeehhhh
B: I was all, why is she talking to that person….why is these whatever things still here...omg still on this. And when we finally learned what was going on I had stopped caring. It took WAY too long to get there. I was done with these people. They are creepy stalkers all of them.
C: It was especially creepy how they made their kids work for them! They had them track, stalk, and monitor people. that safe???????? What type of parents do that?
C: Yes he did. Just strange….IDK why you want to have your PI office where your kids are. Do they not realize that if baddies find out where you live you are putting your lives and your kids’ lives on the line! Just...I couldn’t care about the family because they are messed up. Sure some parts were funny like the dad and mom interrogating her when she was a child. She was witty and I found that funny. But the rest? No.
B: How are these kids alive? Bad parenting all around. The dad had the cops in his pocket.
B: I could not even find her witty. The book was just sad and skimworthy, nothing else. A huge huge disappointment. I promised you a fun ride with this book and it failed. Noooooooooo! I am the worst picker of books.
C: Oh hush. You are not ;) You picked a few good ones! Getting bad ones makes us extra love the good ones we find! Trust me. ;) Like I have been itching to re-read “The Snow Child” and “Me Before You”. Two awesome picks that I just randomly remembered. Hehehe

B: But yes - this was a super bummer. It truly had SUCH promise.That reminds we, we were supposed to read book 2 one day, me after you or whatever. But yes I do not really have much to say about this book. Just do not bother reading it. I skimmed a lot. It was not funny, people were idiots and I was disappointed. It did hold promise as you say, but for me it totally failed to deliver on that promise.

C: Yes, not funny, characters were annoyingly idiotic, and the beginning was the most long-drawn out thing EVER. It made Nathanial Hawthorne look speedy. Simply a bummer.
B: Lol, I think this is one of our shortest discussions ever. It was just so bad that we can't even rant.
C: There is not much to say. I couldn’t even enjoy the main part of the story, because I was so done after 100+ of backstory on this crappy family. LOL!
B: Ha. yes for me it would have been a dnf but I wanted to read so we could talk about it...well skim ahead ;)
C: Skim away m’am!!!!! My turn to pick the next book I suppose ;)
B: By all that is holy, make a better pick than I did.
C: *kneels* I shall try milady! Hehe B: The end?
C: Then end of a bad tale.

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Super Short Review: Wayward

Rori Lane is trying to start a new life when she reunites with her mother in Japan, but ancient creatures lurking in the shadows of Tokyo sense something hidden deep within her, threatening everything she holds dear. Can Rori unlock the secrets of her power before it's too late? Jim Zub (Samurai Jack, Skullkickers), Steve Cummings (Legends of the Dark Knight, Deadshot), and John Rauch (Invincible) team-up to create an all-new Image supernatural spectacle that combines the camaraderie and emotion of Buffy with the action and mystery of Hellboy. This volume collects the first five issues of the acclaimed comic series, Wayward. 

by Jim Zub (Goodreads Author), Steven Cummings (Illustrator), John Rauch (Illustrator)

My thoughts:
Japanese mythology and 4 teens with powers finding each other.

Nice drawings.

I really do not have a lot more to say. It was good.

Paperback, 144 pages
Published March 25th 2015 by Image Comics
Wayward #1
Graphic novel, UF

Friday, 16 September 2016

#FitReaders: Weekly Check-in September 16, 2016

#FitReaders is hosted by Geeky Bloggers Book Blog  and That’s What I’m Talking About.

Join in

Sat 1h walk
Sun 2,5h  walk
Mon 10 km bike
Tue  1 h yoga,. 4 km bike
Wed 1h walk, 4 km bike
Thu 8 km bike, 1 h zumba
Fri 30 min walk, 4 km bike

Some of the classes started again :)

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Miss Goodhue lives for a night - Kate Noble

Cecilia Goodhue is a schoolteacher with a past, living with her sister and her husband in a tiny English village. Resigned to a quiet life, Cecilia is surprised when she finds out that her young cousin has run off with a man of no means.

Cecilia had once been a teenaged girl who also fell for a young man’s charms—only to be devastated by his betrayal. Determined to not let her cousin meet the same fate, she heads off to London to but is shocked when her investigation leads her right to the front door of the very man who broke her heart: Theo Hudson.

Together, they reluctantly embark on finding her cousin and returning her to her family. During their searching in London, it soon becomes clear that they both remember their short-lived romance differently and perhaps now, years later, they have a fresh chance at love. 

My thoughts:
This was a cute and funny novella. Yes there has been a misunderstanding, but it was not dragged out forever, they actually talked and understood that there had been a misunderstanding. I know, it's hard to believe, but people talk about things in this book.

We have Cecilia who eloped at 16, and now lives with her sister and ass of a brother in law. But it's a good enough life, she does like teaching. She can not forgive the one she eloped with.

Theo was the one she eloped with and he can not forgive her either.

They meet again. They need to find Cecilia's cousin. They talk, they flirt and live happily ever after.

It was cute, short and nice. Noble does not disappoint.


ebook, 144 pages
Expected publication: September 19th 2016 by Pocket Star
Winner Takes All #2.5
Historical romance, novella

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

The Prince and I - Karen Hawkins

Gregori Romanovin, Oxenburg's warrior prince, is escorting his grandmother to a ball deep in the Scottish Highlands when he and his entourage are robbed at sword point by a group of ruffians. Led by a man dubbed the Scottish Robin Hood, battle-savvy Gregori senses that something's amiss - that 'he' is really a 'she'.

Lady Murian is a young, beautiful widow seeking revenge against the powerful earl who murdered her husband and stole his birthright. Living in the woods, she and her banished band of men rob wealthy nobles visiting the evil earl.

But when Murian ambushes the Prince's golden coach, she gets far more than she bargained for. And she's left fearing that he is the real thief...of her heart. 

My thoughts:
I have never read one of XoXos free reads, and now I did, and was all omg why did I not do this before! Arghhh, the books I have missed that have been free!

I have read, like 2 novellas in this series, but I do think this is the first full-length book. And yes it's part of a series, and no I did not read in order. But this is historical romance, a man meets a woman, they fall in love, in lust and live happily ever after. I do not need to see his brother fall in love to follow along with that. Which means, yes it works as a stand-alone, never read a HR that did not.

Murian is a widow after an ass of a Lord killed her husband and stole her castle. Now she robs people.

Max is a general and prince of his country, and he is bringing his grandma to the ass of a lord for some reason he does not understand.

They fall in love, they do it, there is drama with the ass of a lord, and they live happily ever after.

The next book sounds fun too.


Mass Market Paperback, 400 pages
Published August 25th 2015 by Pocket Books
The Oxenburg Princes #2
Historical romance
XOXO free read

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Once Broken Faith - Seanan McGuire

Politics have never been October “Toby” Daye’s strong suit. When she traveled to the Kingdom of Silences to prevent them from going to war with her home, the Kingdom of the Mists, she wasn’t expecting to return with a cure for elf-shot and a whole new set of political headaches. 

Now the events she unwittingly set in motion could change the balance of modern Faerie forever, and she has been ordered to appear before a historic convocation of monarchs, hosted by Queen Windermere in the Mists and overseen by the High King and Queen themselves.

Naturally, things have barely gotten underway when the first dead body shows up. As the only changeling in attendance, Toby is already the target of suspicion and hostility. Now she needs to find a killer before they can strike again—and with the doors locked to keep the guilty from escaping, no one is safe.

As danger draws ever closer to her allies and the people she loves best, Toby will have to race against time to prevent the total political destabilization of the West Coast and to get the convocation back on track…and if she fails, the cure for elf-shot may be buried forever, along with the victims she was too slow to save.

My thoughts:
I do love these, and they are still good. Of course, I do want them to end soon cos I fear that it will go down like so many other series, but before that....

Time for the nobles to gather and talk about the cure for Elf-shot. And Toby has to be there cos she does have a hand in a lot.

There will be dangers as not everyone wants the cure to be around. A bit of heartache and the usual Toby adventures as she tries to find answers.

I really do not have a lot to say. It is book 10, I have said it all before...

Another good addition to the series. I look forward to the next one.


Mass Market Paperback, 1st, 420 pages
Published September 6th 2016 by DAW
October Daye, #10
Urban fantasy

Monday, 12 September 2016

Book Giveway: Katie Ruggle bundle

To Celebrate the October release of In Safe Hands by Katie Ruggle, I got the chance to host a giveaway to win the series.

The chance to win a bit of romantic suspense to keep you company when Fall Season has arrived.

As the captain of Field County's ice rescue dive team, Callum Cook is driven to perfection. But when he meets new diver Louise "Lou" Sparks, all that hard-won order is obliterated in an instant. Lou is a hurricane. A walking disaster. And with her, he's never felt more alive...even if keeping her safe may just kill him.

Lou's new to the Rockies, intent on escaping her controlling ex, and she's determined to make it on her own matter how tempting Callum may be. But when a routine training exercise unearths a body, Lou and Callum find themselves thrust into a deadly game of cat and mouse with a killer who will stop at nothing to silence Lou-and prove that not even her new Search and Rescue family can keep her safe forever.

As a Motorcycle Club member and firefighter, Ian Walsh is used to riding the line between the good guys and the bad. He may owe the Club his life, but his heart rests with his fire station brothers...and with the girl he's loved since they were kids, Rory Sorenson. Ian would do anything for Rory. He'd die for her. Kill for her. Defend her to his last breath-and he may just have to.

Every con in the Rockies knows Rory is the go-to girl for less-than-legal firearms, and for the past few years, she's managed to keep the peace between dangerous factions by remaining strictly neutral. But when she defends herself against a brutal attack, Rory finds herself catapulted into the center of a Motorcycle Club war-with only Ian standing between her and a threat greater than either of them could have imagined.

George Holloway has spent his life alone, exploring the treacherous beauty of the Colorado Rockies. He's the best survival expert Search and Rescue has, which makes him the obvious choice to lead Ellie Price through deadly terrain to find her missing father. There's just one problem-Ellie's everything George isn't. She's a city girl, charming, gregarious, delicate, small. And when she looks up at him with those big, dark eyes, he swears he would tear the world apart to keep her safe.

With a killer on the loose, he may have no choice.

Ellie's determined to find her father no matter the cost. But as she and her gorgeous mountain of a guide fight their way through an unforgiving wilderness, they find themselves in the crosshairs of a dangerous man in search of revenge. And they are now his prey...

Coming October 4,  It's all come down to this...

Daisy Little has lived in agoraphobic terror for over eight years. Trapped within a prison of her own making, she watches time pass through her bedroom window. Daisy knows she'll never be a part of the world...until the day she becomes the sole witness of a terrible crime that may finally tear the Search and Rescue brotherhood apart for good.

US Only

Pssst. The prequel novella, On his watch is free right now on Amazon! Hurry.

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Carole's Sunday Review: Escape to Redemption - Peter M Parr

Author: Peter M Parr
Title: Escape to Redemption
Genre: Fiction
Pages: ebook
First Published: June 24th 2016
Where I Got It: My Shelf (Given to me by the author/publisher for my honest and unbiased opinion)

Josie only had the gun to frighten Curtis Rook, but his son disturbed her. One startled reflex and now he's dead. Josie flees to Poland leaving her boyfriend Snaz to take the rap. A reformed criminal offers her refuge from the police and the chance to begin a new life, but she cannot hide from her guilt. As the stakes rise, Josie begins to realise that only her own forgiveness can set her free.

Can't help but love people stories especially when it comes to finding oneself after horrible events. This story not only follows Josie, but Snaz her "boyfriend". I put that in quotations, because he calls himself her boyfriend, she called him her friend and used him. Not really a shining relationship here. Josie finds out a haunting secret about Rook and his connection to her mom's death, so she decides to force Snaz to help her scare Rook. Sadly, it ends in blood and running from the law. 

Now...Josie...GAH I hated her face. She was such a horrible person especially before that night. She used boys to her advantage, she was nasty to her family, and she was selfish. Yes, I understand that she blames her dad for her mom's death, her stepmother was never really nice to her, and her brother turned on her. I get it, but she certainly didn't help. At the end she really did turn around and I respect her, but the beginning and middle I wanted to kick her.  

Poor Snaz and poor Pete....they were so used by Josie for her own selfish needs and desires. Especially Snaz. She used his feelings for her to force him into going with her and getting a gun. Yes, he should have been the bigger person and not let love/lust cloud his moral judgement, but you can't help who you love. 

I really liked this story. It felt like a soap opera at parts, but it felt SO realistic in others. I can't help wondering what I would do in certain situations. If I accidentally killed someone what would I think and feel? It's easy to reprimand Josie for running from the law, but we haven't been in that situation. Panic sets in and you bolt. It falls into the fight vs flight mentality. I'm sure I might run. IDK I would like to say I would own up to my crimes and take the punishments, but I really don't know. I think that is what I really liked about this truly makes you think and connect with the characters even the nasty, selfish ones like Josie. 

Yes, I hated her. She made up for it, but still. 

This was a good book and I highly recommend it if you do like stories about people, forgiveness, growth, guilt, and redemption. The story had moments of soap operaness, but the rest was super realistic. It made me feel feelings and it made me think. I call that a win. ;D I shall stamp this with 5 stars. 

About Me

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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

Publishers/authors: I am open for reviewing books so please contact me if you want your book reviewed.

Look at my review policy for more info
I review from most genres on this blog, and those genres are: fantasy,chick-lit, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA, historical/+romance, contemporary romance and literary fiction. + some other genres read by my guest reviewers.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site are my own, if not stated otherwise. Then they were sent for free by the author, publicist or a publisher. I do not get any compensation for my reviews. I do this all for fun. google-site-verification: googlec45f9c3acb51f8cd.html
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