Friday 19 May 2017

Weekend Update: A new Arrival

And here is an update in case you missed it :)

I miss my fitreaders posts, but yes I am going to not do those for some time now. But anyone who wants to join in then go do it :D. It does help, it pushed me to do things so I had something to show at the end of the week :D And you can do whatever you want, yoga, walking etc.

Anyway, to the post then ;)

What did you bring home?
He is still not cool with it

This is Sigrid. She finally arrived 2 weeks too late on the 12th of May. They tried inducing labor on Thursday but that did not work so there was another try on Friday with strong meds.

This pic was mostly for the view I had :) And cos I do not want to show her too close.

I call her Siggi. I did not mean to go with some super ancient Nordic name, but she just is a Sigrid.

Like I said before, I have read LOTS and I have posts scheduled for months. Don't think I have time to read that much, I just saved and saved posts so I would have something to show.

Sigrid /ˈsiːɡrɪd/ is a Scandinavian given name for women from Old Norse Sigríðr,meaning "victory", "wisdom", and "beautiful". Sigrid = Sigr + fríðr ("victory" and "beautiful", respectively).


  1. She is amazingly precious, and I love the name. She's already a heroine in her own story! CONGRATS! And give Luci and extra hug for me!

  2. Aw. She's precious! I love her name and what it stands for. Congratulations again! I hope you and baby are doing well.

  3. Sigrid is adorable, and I love the little sheep blanket!


  4. I've been listening to the Myths and Legends podcasts and just finished one about a Sigrid lol

    Congratulations and she's a cutie! (From your Twitter pics - not this one lol)

    For What It's Worth

  5. She adorable!! I love the name.

  6. Congratulations! Love the name :)

  7. You think? I hope so :( I miss him. He does not come to me anymore.

    I finally had time to read today, yay.

  8. Congratulations! She's adorable. And understandable about the fitreaders posts, maybe you can update on your life of new mommyhood :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. At least I should be able to get some exercise with her soon. The midwife gave me the ok sign

  9. Welcome, Sigrid! Beautiful name. I knew a Sigrid in college - she liked to be called Sig. Hope you're all settling in nicely and getting into a comfortable routine.

  10. She is the cutest thing. Kitty will warm up and love her. He is just upset he is not the baby anymore. LOL

  11. I love babies! Beautiful. Congratulations!

  12. Congrats!! Beautiful name- love it! And kitty will come around... :)

  13. She fits her name already, strength, beauty, wisdom. Yeah, that about covers it :) She's perfectly precious and I'm sure she's precocious too. It kind of fits with Sigrid. Love to all, special hugs to Luci (he's going to miss being the only one in your life).

    1. Aww thank you :D

      He sure is missing that life

  14. Awww congratulations. Poor herd kitty. He does not look impressed. lol BabyG wouldn't either. Hope he comes around soon.

  15. Aww congratulations! She's adorable and I love her name.

  16. Congratulations! Have a great week ahead!

  17. Yay congratulations!! Sigrid is beautiful :) I love the name.

  18. Congratulations! Welcoming a new baby into the world is such an exciting time. Sigrid is a beautiful name! I'm sure Luci will get used to your new addition. :)

  19. Belated congratulations!! I had no idea...

    1. ;) I am sneaky that way

    2. That's exactly what I was thinking when I read this post. ;p

  20. Congrats! A beautiful name for a beautiful baby!

  21. Oh so adorable. Congrats. And Luci will grow to love her. :)

  22. Oh my gosh, congratulations!!! I am just getting through all my backlogged emails and saw the announcement. Wonderful news!!




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