Tuesday 17 July 2018

TMST: Audiobooks

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

July 17th: What do you love about audiobooks?

Well, see my posts from June! Hehe, what do I NOT love about audiobooks? They are amazing.

- They are perfect when I now have a toddler. I have no time to sit and read, and if I do she is there taking my book.

- I feel that I connect on a whole other level with audio. They truly bring me into the story.

- A good narrator can make a meh book good and even great. Some are a joy listening too.

- Good for your eyes ;)

- Good for multitasking. Especially when out walking.

Conclusion: I love audiobooks and they fit my life perfectly at the moment.


  1. I can see why they would be prefect for you right now and I've noticed that you enjoy more of a variety in genres since you started audio books.

    but *sigh* I still can't do them. I can't multitask with them and I drift off when listening lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Honestly YA, omg, I have read SO much, so yes you are right :)

      And I totally get it! If I do something around the house I have to listen to slow slooow speed

  2. I do love a good audiobook, but find I must have something else to do while listening, like going for a walk or travelling. If I just try to sit back and listen, I usually doze off!

    1. Ha, yes I could never just sit still and listen, that would be weird

  3. I have been enjoying your audio reviews and I totally agree even without a toddler :)

  4. I'm not a real audiobook girl

  5. I mostly just use audiobooks when I'm on a long driving trip - they definitely help keep me awake.

  6. Totally agree with you on all counts, although this week I just can't seem to pick mine up and get listening!

    1. It's not always easy, but I hope you find the time to want it

  7. "- A good narrator can make a meh book good and even great. Some are a joy listening too." YESSSS

  8. Okay... I'm back. Can't really catch up, but trying to keep up now. AUDIOBOOKS ROCK. I love how a good narrator brings the story to life with great dialogue and powerful emotion.

  9. I seem to be listening to more audiobooks every single year. I am amazed by how good some of the narrators are.

    1. They are so amazing! I would love to be one, but alas, nop

  10. Yeah, I can't imagine my life without audiobooks now. If it weren't for audiobooks, I wouldn't get any books finished!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. i am so glad for audiobooks and if I had not been blogging I would never have tried them

  11. Yes, loving them and all the things I get done and still get to have my books. :)

    Cute pic!

  12. Yes, all the reasons but especially multi-tasking.

  13. I manage one print a week, which would have meant, yes one review a week then :/ Thank you audio!

  14. There are so many good things to love about Audiobooks, but if I can't get into a printed book then I pick it up in audio and sometimes that will help.

    1. I think that would work for me lots f times too

  15. Audiobooks are wonderful for all the reasons you mentioned. So many great narrators that really add to a story and can make a good story great (a bad narrator can do the opposite too).

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Books of My Heart



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