Tuesday, 10 July 2018

TMST: E-readers

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

 July 10th: What do you like about reading on an ereader?

Honestly...almost nothing- The only good thing I can think of is that you can read in the dark. Yes that is a good thing.

But I will never fall truly for ebooks. I like looking at the cover, not having to backtrack. I like to suddenly read the blurb- I like for things to happen at once. Maybe there is a map, omg this takes 2 secs. F that!

Yes there is good that you can have many books on it, but then the battery dies and I am all ffffff!

E-readers are good in the dark. *shrugs* I prefer print and audio ;)


  1. Ditto! Give me my print books all day to hold and enjoy. Something about turning pages just soothes me. Hugs...RO

  2. The only good thing I see in e-readers is you can take a lot of books with you when you go out of town. I have a lot of e-books and have to make myself read them.

    1. I have mostly freebies and I never read them

  3. They serve a purpose. I like being able to adjust the font size.

    1. That is a good thing but everything else always get funky for me then and too few words on the page

  4. Oh not me I LOVE the features you can access, holding on a word to get the definition and the convenience of mobility you have with a digital read. I'm always whipping out my phone at drs appts etc.. to read my latest kindle offering. There are special books I want in print but I'll take an ebook over print any day

    1. I like big pages, everything is just so tiny you know

  5. I love ebooks. Paper will always be the best, but I do love ebooks

    1. Maybe if I had some super awesome e-reader

  6. yeah I agree with you about that

  7. I prefer print books for all the reasons you've said but I I use my e-reader more just because I can read so much more (usually romances) on there. Cheaper, not as many books on my shelf and I can read in bed at night.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. If I bought from amazon then sure, otherwise they just are not cheaper, and hell, if I am to buy an ebook it better b cheaper damn it

  8. Look at that baby! I love my kindle. I love the light and the portability. I read on the train and the weight makes a huge difference for me. But there are some books I just need to hold too.

    1. I know, so big!
      You are right, 800 p book do get heavy so that is a good thing

  9. I like the actual printed book but I like my ereader too because I can read books that I otherwise couldn't get my hands on so win/win.

    1. For me it's easier to get print to be honest. Ebooks are expensive and when I have bought from amazon they have been drm protected at times

  10. I travel a lot so use my kindle for convenience, but it doesn't beat holding a Proper book :-)

  11. I do love my Kindle. My eyes are great and I sometimes have a lot of trouble with the font size in paper books. I do like print as well though. Baby S is getting big!

    1. I do get the font size thing, but for me I get annoyed that there is like almost no page left after it, it feels like it takes longer to read

  12. Unless I am buying the hardcover for my bookshelf, or audio I actually prefer my Kindle Oasis. Easier on my eyes and lighter for the hands.

    1. Hardcover might be my least fav lol. Best to look at, but hardest to hold

  13. I do too but I do like that you can stuff more than a couple of books to travel with you. :)

    1. That is good, until it dies ;) My own fault, I should learn to turn it off

  14. I like that they're convenient and for reading in the dark, like you say- but I'll always take a real book!

    1. The dark thing honestly beats that you can have many books in it :)

  15. I like the kindle because I don't have a lot of space for physical books, but I do love my physical books. Also, I read faster on it because I can only read at night so it's easier since I cannot turn on the light with hubby and kid sleeping in the room.

    1. I do read faster too, which might be a bad thing cos I have a harder time remembering ebooks :/
      But yes I did read for 30 min this morning in the dark while S slept

  16. I have access to freebies and cheapies (now that I think about it, that might not be a pro..., but the big this are the light for at night and the ability to change the font larger than some of the mass market paperbacks that I can't see anymore.

    A print book will always be my first love, but I've gotten more flexible for the ebooks and audios. :)

    1. LOl, yes I have like 2000 and I will never read them cos I do not remember them. i need a better system!

  17. I prefer print as well. But when I get a 600 page hard cover book that I want to read, it's nice to have it on ebook so I don't hurt my hands trying to hold the big heavy book for hours. lol

    1. I read this 1500 page book and omg I suffered


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

Publishers/authors: I am open for reviewing books so please contact me if you want your book reviewed.

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I review from most genres on this blog, and those genres are: fantasy,chick-lit, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA, historical/+romance, contemporary romance and literary fiction. + some other genres read by my guest reviewers.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site are my own, if not stated otherwise. Then they were sent for free by the author, publicist or a publisher. I do not get any compensation for my reviews. I do this all for fun. google-site-verification: googlec45f9c3acb51f8cd.html
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