Friday 2 August 2019

Best of July

Happy August! I cannot believe summer is nearly done D:  

Here are our favorites for July. 

Best Movie of the Month:

My pick..........Shazam! (2019)

Shazam! Poster

"Best Movie. Shazam, slow start, but then it turned funny :)" 

Nothing for Carole this Month

"Didn't watch a lot of movies. The couple I did watch sucked. Booo"

Best  Audiobook of the month:

First, Carole's pick..........Hope Flames by Jaci Burton

Hope Flames (Hope, #1)

"I had two realllllllyyyy good audios this month. However, I will have to say this was the best by a hair. Mainly because of the pups in it!"

Next is my pick...............Written in Red by Anne Bishop

Written in Red (The Others, #1)

"Best book obviously goes to Written in red! And I shall convert Carole to a believer!"

Best Paper/Ebook of the month:

 First is my pick............The Grey Bastards by Jonathan French

"Ok best book, The Grey Bastards, dark, edgy and damn good!"

Next, Carole picks........The Book of Lost Souls by Michelle Scott

The Book of Lost Souls

"I'll have to say this one. It was fun and refreshing for the genre! I enjoyed it and read it pretty quickly."

Best Cover of the Month:

 Carole's is the on the left and mine in on the right

The Colonel and the Bee
So flipping cool!
Best cover. That is one hot orc!


  1. Ahh! I'm waiting for my Shazam hold to come through the library! And yes, oh yes to the Grey Bastards.

  2. I need to watch Shazam! I LOVED Written in Red! I listened to the audio and read the book. The audio is sooo good! :)

  3. Wait, are you rereading The Others? I love that series! We watched Shazam with the kids. I wasn’t expecting much, but I caught myself laughing out loud several times. It was a surprise. I will have to look up Grey Bastards.

    1. I am listening :D Wohoo re-read, like i have time, but I am doing it

      I did not think Shazam would be good either, but I laughed and enjoyed it

  4. I haven't read any of the books but I agree The Grey Bastards has a great cover.

  5. I still need to see Shazam. It looked cute!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  6. The Grey Bastards... hmm.

  7. I remember loving the Shazam and Isis cartoons when I was a kid. Didn't know there was a movie...

    Yay for loving both the Jaci Burton and the Anne Bishop, Carole.

    Your orc book does look fab.

    1. I never watched those, but I wanted to watch this cos I like levi

      Carole was not loving Bishop ;)

  8. Shazam looks hilarious! I will have to watch that one.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  9. Written in Red is a great book! I have been curious about The Grey Bastards.

  10. I've heard a lot about The Grey Bastards, but haven't read them yet. Are they super dark?

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. I do not like grimdark cos of its darkness, and this is grimdark, but it was not grim for me even if dark, so I say not dark

  11. A huge YES to Written in Red. So goooood.



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