Friday 23 August 2019

Friday Night Movie: Book Club

Four lifelong friends have their lives forever changed after reading 50 Shades of Grey in their monthly book club.

Director: Bill Holderman
Writers: Bill Holderman, Erin Simms
Stars: Diane Keaton, Jane Fonda, Candice Bergen

I did enjoy it, but yes there are some issues.
Like how the book club is only about high lit. And they all looked down on 50 (ok so who doesn't ;), but that is not the point. The thing is that I guess romance is trash so why even have that in their book club. *eyeroll*

But I did like how the book made them look at things in a different light. 

Like how one wants more fire in her relationship
One has not dated for 18 years.
One of them is a widow, but maybe she can date again.
And of course the serial dater who never gave love a chance.

So there are fun times to be had, a few laughs, and they really like 50, ok then.

Plus it had Andy Garcia and he is so hot. He still has it


  1. I saw this in the theater and thought it was okay.

  2. Ohh I saw this one. I enjoyed it so much. ;)

    1. I really did not know what to expect so I was pleasantly surprised

  3. I didn't see this one because the trailer made it seem like romance was a silly thing to read and oooh 50 Shades is so taboo and the standard by which the genre is measured.

    I probably was overthinking it lol but eh

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I had the same problem, but then it did make them see what they needed or wanted

  4. High Lit snobs are annoying and this is coming from someone who took classes in literature. All books are lit. SMH. Have fun and read some gross romance novel ;)
    I DO want to watch this tho

    1. Lol, yes exactly!

      But if it's on, watch it for sure

  5. Never heard of this movie, but the premise made me chuckle :) I'm sure it made for lots of great material, lol.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  6. I watched half this but gave up, just didn't hold me!

    1. It could have been better, still, fun for me

  7. I was initially interested in this one and then forgot about it. It sounds good. Thanks for putting it back on my radar.

  8. A book club that only reads lit? Boring! The movie does sound like fun, though, and yes, Andy Garcia! :)

    1. Silly people!
      Andy Garcia was worth it all

  9. Love the movie.

  10. I started this movie then I couldn't finish it. I'm glad you enjoyed it though. Yes lol, they were reading 50 Shades.

  11. I watched this one because of the actresses, and it I thought it had lots of good moments too, but some things put me to sleep.(lol) Overall, I'd say it was a good one. Hugs, RO

  12. It looked cute, but I've not watched it. I'll need to give it a try.



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