Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Review: Legacy - Lois McMaster Bujold

Series. The Sharing Knife #2
Genre: Romantic Fantasy
Pages: 356
Published: 2007
Publisher: EOS
Source. Library

Fawn Bluefield, the clever young farmer girl, and Dag Redwing Hickory, the seasoned Lakewalker soldier-sorcerer, have been married all of two hours when they depart her family's farm for Dag's home at Hickory Lake Camp. Having gained a hesitant acceptance from Fawn's family for their unlikely marriage, the couple hopes to find a similar reception among Dag's Lakewalker kin. But their arrival is met with prejudice and suspicion, setting many in the camp against them, including Dag's own mother and brother. A faction of Hickory Lake Camp, denying the literal bond between Dag and Fawn, woven in blood in the Lakewalker magical way, even goes so far as to threaten permanent exile for Dag.

Before their fate as a couple is decided, however, Dag is called away by an unexpected--and viciously magical--malice attack on a neighboring hinterland threatening Lakewalkers and farmers both. What his patrol discovers there will not only change Dag and his new bride, but will call into question the uneasy relationship between their peoples--and may even offer a glimmer of hope for a less divided future.

My thoughts:
This time I knew it was romantic fantasy, but honestly, how can so little happen? 

They came to the camp, peeps hated his farmer wife, tension -> tension -> and more tension. He went to fight. -> silence. More tension and then the end. 

Sure I still enjoyed it, but I think it is the world that saves it for me. It is a splendid world. I am so angry at the farmers for their stupidity. I think the lakewalkers should let those idiots get eaten. They save the farmers and do not even get a thank you. I am happy to get more explanations of times long gone. So yes the world is good. 

Ok, let's get back to the reason why it was icky in book 1. Spoiler warning but that you gotta take if you are reading a review of book 2. Dag is in his 50s, Fawn is 18 and is short as a kid. He mistook her for one the first time they met. Sure lakers live longer and therefore he looks to be in his 40s. Coughs, not much better now is it.... 

But I will read more, because I want to know how this story unfolds. A lot may not happen, but she still got me reading.

Suits the book (nothing happens in it ;)


  1. Wow, this sounds soooo dull. :)

  2. Sounds like a lot of tension. LOL But I'm glad the world building worked for you and evoked a strong reaction.

  3. Hm. While I really enjoy tension, it's not all that interesting to read about when there's not much else going on around it. Glad the world is at least interesting though!

  4. So far your reviews of these books have not made me run to read them. Congrats to you for sticking with them.

  5. Not good. SHE should be in her 50s and HE should be 18. Still a bit creepy to me, but I get tired of the old men getting the young chickie... needs to be the other way around. LOL

    Not a book for me. Needs to be more story with the tension.

  6. I'm suprised that you even got through the whole book since hardly anything happened.

  7. Chris
    Well..yes ;)

    That sure worked and I am so curious about this world

    No, I can't say that that would be interesting :/ Still I read this book, so freaky

  8. Dana
    Lol, yes I am not really selling these am I ;)

    Lol! Ok cool it there Miss. Let's make him 24 instead ;) But yes always the old men

    i know! Nothing happens still I am pulled in to read more

  9. No thank you. Sounds like a fairly boring book and the guy's way to old for her.

  10. i like romantic fantasy, but this sounds really slow.

  11. Yeah, I also found this book to be rather boring. It's why I never read book 3. It's a shame because I really enjoyed the first one.

  12. The world building sounds like it was great. I do remember your reviewing book 1 and the ick factor then.

  13. lol at the description of your cover. You have so much more patience then I do when it comes to fantasy books. I think I'd have trouble with the 50-18 thing as well, even if they did live longer.

  14. I saw the first book as Dag being in her community, and this one as Fawn being in his community. I liked them, but not loved them!

  15. He's 50 and she's 18? That is a fantasy! In this world and that one.

  16. Ok, I am not sure this is a series I could handle. Also, sounds like a little bit of old man loving on a young girl which always creeps me out!

  17. Mhmmmm. I like dull books sometimes, but yea...I think I may pass this up. hahaha. Great review though! I hope it gets more action-ie next time!

  18. Lol another slow one. Not going to appear on my wishlist, however much you might like it anyway.

  19. Carol
    I am with you there

    It's..oh who am I kidding, it's a bit boring.

    I do plan to read it (call me a sucker for punishment). I just want to know how it ends.

    Oh yes and back in that one I did not tell you all, but yes this was the how old he truly was.

    I could have dealt with him being a 100 year old elf, it's just that he looks old. And even if they live a bit longer, he is still old. And everyone called her his childbride...

  20. marg
    And book 3 them being out on their own..I wonder what book 4 is about

    A 50 year old warrior with a hook for a hand ;)

    He was married for the first time before she was even born..yup icky.

    I will keep you all updated ;)

    Lol, maybe I will surprise you all with book 3

  21. I recognize the authors name. I know I've not read any of Lois' books, but dang if that name sticks with me and I don't remember why. Darn. Thanks for the review!

  22. Uh oh. It doesn't sound very exciting. I think I'll have to skip.

  23. I'm not sure about this book, I think I'll pass.

  24. Melissa
    Sci-fi books? There are those too. And another fantasy one..I think

    I hear ya ;)

    I am so not selling these to anyone it seems ;)

  25. Not sure if this one is for me but I love your enthusiasm!

  26. This author's "voice" is masterful. It captivated me in the Chalion series. But yes this author has a tendency to be long winding...

  27. Lol, thanks Staci

    On and on...and then on again


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