Tuesday 19 February 2013

Review: Alloy of Law - Brandon Sanderson

In the three hundred years since the events of the Mistborn trilogy, science and technology have marched on. Scadrial is now on the verge of modernity, with railroads, electric lighting, and even the first steel-framed skyscrapers racing for the clouds.

Yet even with these advances, the magics of Allomancy and Feruchemy continue to play a role in this reborn world. Out in the frontier lands known as the Roughs, they are crucial tools for those attempting to establish order and justice.

One is Waxillium Ladrian, a rare Twinborn who can Push on metals with his Allomancy and use Feruchemy to become lighter or heavier at will. After twenty years in the Roughs, Wax must now put away his guns and assume the duties incumbent upon the head of a noble house—until he learns the hard way that the mansions and elegant tree-lined streets of the city can be even more dangerous than the dusty plains of the Roughs.

My thoughts:
I do like Sanderson's works, but please focus on one thing! He has a crazy amount of books going on. This one, that is a stand alone continuation of the Mistborn series will have a follow up in 2014. Or whenever. And will it be a real follow up? I do not know, but I hope so as things sure were left unfinished.

Still it was a good, if weird fantasy novel. As it takes place after the Mistborn apocalypse (or whatever we should call it). The world has turned to steam and guns. It's a western world. And it certainly is nothing I have come across. I am sure some would talk about steaampunk too, but nah, would not say that it's that. Just normal progress,

Into this returns Lawkeeper Wax to become Lord of his House. A pretty cool guy. A nice sidekick turns up too. Wax tries to be a good Lord, and he also tries to marry to get some money into the house. All while things and people are stolen in the city and he is soon on the case.

So we are left with a western fantasy mystery. An easy read that I enjoyed. Still maybe to new for me. I like my fantasy old. I also wanted more and I do hope I get come closure.

Cover Cool
Series: Mistborn #4
Genre: Fantasy, mystery, "fantasy mystery western"
Pages: 392
Published: 2012 by TOR
Source. own


  1. Despite all that is going on..you have me curious to read it!

  2. A fantasy mystery western? I can't say I've ever read anything that would fit in that genre! Makes me want to give it a try:)

    1. It was a hard one to put a genre on, crazy really :)
      Such a mix of things

  3. I quite liked the first Mistborn novel, but the rest of the trilogy fell flat for me. It's always a risk when you remove the main character from the picture, and this is one case where I found that gamble failed miserably.

    1. I liked the Mistborn trilogy, to a certain degree. The end, nope I did not like it at all. That fell flat for me and ruined it a bit for me

  4. I'm not sure this is my thing but I do have to agree on the amount of books he has. I went and looked once because you like him and I couldn't make my through the different series to know what was what.

    1. It's crazy and he writes them all at once! I have waited 2 years now for the next book in one series. And will wait a long time

  5. Cool :) This fantasy is of course all fantasy in a land far far away. And the Western is not seen a lot, but it's there

  6. SOunds like a unique premise and mesh of genre, and glad that you enjoyed the mystery.
    I haven't read anything by sanderson except what he penned from Jordan.
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

    1. I do like him on his own too, I have read a lot of what he has written

  7. I still need to read his books. Everytime I see one of his covers I want to read it. So curious about a fantasy western. Very curious!

    1. It was cool :) Just like sci-fi western is cool (go firefly!)

  8. A western fantasy mystery? What they will invent next? A southern dark goth drama? ;p

    1. Lol true ;) But what makes this one different is that it's not a western. It's a fantasy book, with a western vibe. And 200 years ago it was just fantasy. I am sure in the future it will be sci.fi if he writes more

  9. Haven't read Sanderson but sure want to, just don't know where to start! It's probably going to be one of these authors who write gazillion books a year... ;)

    1. Oh yes!! It does drive me insane. Especially when I was waiting for WOT. And now I want another of his series. His 1000 pages per book series. But he seems to have a case of too many projects fever going one

  10. I have been wanting to try something by him just not sure what!

    1. Hm..I...well...Elantris for example was a one book deal :)

  11. Hmmm, I've been curious about this one and do have it on the shelf. Thanks for your thoughts on it. :)

  12. Mhmmmmmm....I oddly like the cover....also sounds like a good read.

  13. I like the cover because you get two men. However, the book might not be for me!

  14. Great review, and perhaps I will read this series one day.

    1. You can always just jump to this one. Most of the humans in the world died in the trilogy

  15. Hmm, a mystery western? I might want to check this out. Glad you enjoyed it in spite of it being too new. Great review!

    1. Well a fantasy mystery ;) with western influences

  16. I like that this is a western, it sounds good.

  17. Western, fantasy, mystery?? Huh. That sounds odd enough for me to give it a try!

    1. A weird mix :D And he is a lawman, coming in from the rough



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