Thursday 26 September 2013

Review: The Crimson Shield - Nathan Hawke

Fantasy needs a new hero. Meet Gallow - Truesword, Griefbringer and trouble for anyone who crosses him.

I have been Truesword to my friends, Griefbringer to my enemies. To most of you I am just another Northlander bastard here to take your women and drink your mead, but to those who know me, my name is Gallow. I fought for my king for seven long years. I have served lords and held my shield beside common men. I have fled in defeat and I have tasted victory and I will tell you which is sweeter. Despise me then, for I have slain more of your kin than I can count, though I remember every single face.

For my king I will travel to the end of the world. I will find the fabled Crimson Shield so that his legions may carry it to battle, and when Sword and Shield must finally clash, there you will find me. I will not make pacts with devils or bargains with demons for I do not believe in such things, and yet I will see them all around me, in men and in their deeds. Remember me then, for I will not suffer such monsters to live. Even if they are the ones I serve.

My thoughts:
Think Vikings, then again you only need to see the cover to think that. And they are a way. This is a fantasy world after all.

A world where the Forkbeards from the North hold a country across the seas. The Marroc (guess they are England then) who lives there are not happy. But that is not the end, oh no, there is a third army trying to conquer the Marroc and the Lhosir (the vikings) tries to hold them back. Yes you can guess that there is a lot of fighting. 

Who to root for? The Lhosir plunder, The Vathan too (oh and I guess they are Hun/Mongols). The Marroc are beaten down and have given up. And the main character, oh Gallow. He is a Lhosir who settled and married a local woman. He is hard, a true fighter.

I am more of a epic fantasy reader, you know, adventure, quest (I blame the early books I read). While this one felt, almost historical at times. And I do love historical novels. I feel he should write a fiction book about real vikings too cos he has the words for it.

The ending, oh, yes I had to read the blurb for book 2 cos I was SO curious. It was a cliffhanger.

What to say then, yes at times it was a bit too action filled for me.

Yeah.....I need a title and author name. I do not like it

Paperback, 336 pages
Published July 11th 2013 by Gollancz
Gallow #1


  1. A title would be nice. haha. Sounds like fun! Gah, but I don't like overly actiony books sometimes. I would have to be in a special mood.

    1. I like action...just not all the time. That is what movies are for

  2. I see that you liked it but I confess I have a problem with the cover

  3. I love the cover, though marketing wold have been wiser to make the title and authors name stand out.
    I think this book sounds great, even if it doesn't reach the epic plateau.

    1. The cover is cool, but the whole concept that there is no title or not so good

  4. Vikings and fantasy? Sounds exciting! That cover is just weird. Nice pic but you wouldn't know it's book cover just seeing it.

    1. Nope and if you saw it in the bookstore you would be

  5. I don't mind action or historical details, so this sounds wonderful, but I do mind a cliffhanger! Hopefully you'll find out soon so you don't have to stay hanging for too long. :-)

    1. It was one really evil cliffie, so very evil

  6. I have such a soft spot for Vikings, but I really dislike cliffhangers. GReat review!

    1. Well peak in the next book and you will live ;)

  7. I"ve not read a Viking book yet and this one seems cool. I like to more historical based fantasy books from time to time. I think they wanted to make the cover seem like a painting. Thnx for the review. Adding to my tbr

    1. I think so too and yes it looks awesome but maybe too experimental for me

  8. I like the cover, but it really does need the title and author on it.

  9. No name on the cover seems a bit preposterous but otherwise a nice story :D

  10. Hmmm...Vikings can be interesting when mixed with action, adventure and a bit of romance. How odd not to add any kind of text on the cover though.

  11. Oooo, you read this one. Some how I missed it all this time and just recently found the books. I need to get them. :)



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