Monday 9 September 2013

Review: Geek Girls don't date Dukes - Gina Lamm

Leah Ramsey has always loved historical romance novels and dressing in period costumes. So when she has a chance to time travel and experience the history for herself, she jumps at it—figuring it can't be too hard to catch the eye of a duke. After all, it happens all the time in her novels.

Avery Russell, valet and prize pugilist, reluctantly helps Leah gain a position in the Duke of Granville's household . . . as a maid.

Domestic servitude wasn't exactly what she had in mind, but she's determined to win her happily ever after. Even if the hero isn't exactly who she's expecting.

My thoughts;
I liked Leah, I mean she was me. She wanted to go back in time, find her Mr Darcy/Duke and live happily ever after. Awesome. Did that happen? Yeah...kind of.

In book 1 a geek girl went back in time through a mirror, in book 2 her friend goes back. All in the quest of true love. Sure Leah is a bit blind first. When the witch tells her she will find true love in the Duke's house she at once assumes it's the Duke she will fall for. Now that would have been great, but the twist is that it's the valet, Avery she meets. He is a gentleman, all sweet and kind. He helps this crazy woman and gives her a job. The perfect guy, just, she does not see it.

What else was different is that in this book we get to see the downstairs regency era. And that is not something I see a lot, usually it's just the glittering ton.

There is also a little sideplot that causes some drama as Avery is a boxer and is in a bit of trouble.

Cute time-travel romance!

His head does not look like it belong on his body

Mass Market Paperback, 352 pages
Published September 3rd 2013 by Sourcebooks Casablanca
Geek Girls #2
Historical romance /time-travel romance
From the publisher


  1. Well it sounds cute and the cover is really cute! So I'm sure it's a cute book.

    1. I am sure you are not surprised when I do say it was cute

  2. Yeah! I used a Discover New Love credit on this one :)

  3. Cute title and sounds like story inside is too

  4. Sounds like a cute read! I like that she doesn't actually fall for the Duke. That's nice. :)

    1. It was different. I mean she wants too, but you can't force love

  5. I love the sound of this. I'm reading a YA version of this premise right now.

  6. Time-travel just rarely works for me. It does sound cute though.

    1. I always liked time-travel, ever since I was little :)

  7. He looks like a bobblehead!!!

  8. The cover is cute.the book sounds to be want. Can you read it as a stand a lone

  9. Oh I like these kinds of reads. I just wonder if she will bring the guy to the present instead. That would be interesting. :)

  10. This looks great! I'm adding this to my wishlist. LOL about you cover comment. You're right :)

  11. This does sound like cute time-travel romance!

  12. I do need a real toilet and toiletpaper, lol

  13. What a cute sounding story! And I love that you get the downstairs aspect of that era too. Great review!

    1. I seldom see that so it was different and fun

  14. This sounds like such fun! Adding to my list!!

  15. This sounds like so much fun! Adding it to the list.

  16. O this sounds good, thanks B! adding it to my wishlist.

  17. I'm glad to see you liked it. I'm reading it now. I do like the 'downstairs' angle too, otherwise it might be a bit same-y.

    1. Always the ton ton ton. The funny thing is that I just read another book too with a downstairs theme

  18. I hadn't looked that hard at the cover until I read you comment. Then I laughed. That's definitely photoshopped.

  19. Sounds fun! I'm sure that would happen to me; I'd time travel and end up a maid. LOL

    1. Haha, no one would get the Duke, sad sad day

  20. This book sounds just nice. I'm adding it to my TBR. :)

  21. hahahaha I would totally do what Leah did. XD Must read this.

  22. Aww, this sounds cute! I like that the hero is a boxer/valet.

  23. This sounds like such a cute read! I love the title and the cover is pretty darn cute too :) Looks like I should add yet another book to my TBR thanks to you :)

  24. I actually like the idea of seeing the downstairs regency. We read about it so rarely.



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