Thursday 24 October 2013

Author Interview and Giveaway: Bec McMaster

Today I interview Bec McMaster and do not forget the giveaway at the end :)


1. Tell me 3 strange things about yourself...
Bec: Hi! So... three strange things about myself? One: I'm obsessed with tea! English Breakfast, to be precise, so I really struggled on my travels through the US lately, as the tea there is different. Two: I was raised on a steady diet of movies like The Princess Bride, Willow, Ice Pirates and Ladyhawke, so I have a bit of a weird notion of humor, romance and interests in general. I often quote The Princess Bride, but my boyfriend has no idea what I'm talking about. Heathen! Three: I'm terrified of horror movies. I had this incident once, where I went and watched The Ring by myself at the late-night movies. When I returned home, I was alone and there was a storm up in the hills. To get it out of my head, I decided to sit up and read until my friends came home but the power died about ten minutes in, so I was left sitting in the dark, holding the book, barely breathing... Since then, I just can't watch them, but I have this sick obsession with reading the backs of horror movies because I'm really curious about them.

2. Your new book is called My Lady Quicksilver could you tell us a little about it?
Bec: My Lady Quicksilver features Sir Jasper Lynch, the dutiful Master of the Nighthawks - and a rogue blue blood - and Mercury, the masked revolutionary seeking to bring down the ruling blue blood elite in London. When Lynch is tasked with finding and delivering Mercury to the authorities, he doesn't realize she might just be a little closer than he realized - under his nose, in fact. It's a lot of fun - my cat-and-mouse romance, so to speak, and I really enjoyed forcing Lynch to choose between duty and passion. 

3. Is steampunk hard to write?
Bec: I think it's the same as any sub-genre - you just have to think, what are you aiming for here? Steampunk is a little more than simply writing about the steam-powered technology - it's also about challenging the status quo of the world too, so I'm really interested in pushing the boundaries of what my heroines can do in a male-dominated society, challenging the whole state of that society, in fact. I'll be honest, the series is lighter on the steampunk aspects than most, which was quite deliberate. I wanted a world where readers who'd never encountered steampunk before could step right in and enjoy it without being overwhelmed, and considering I have a background in reading fantasy and paranormal, there were always going to be those aspects included. 

4. Will there be more books in this series?
Bec: So far I'm contracted for five books in the London Steampunk series - extending it will depend on editorial and reader demand. Forged by Desire is due out next September (2014) and will feature some secondary characters from My Lady Quicksilver, and Of Silk and Steam is scheduled for March 2015, where it will complete the five book series plot arc. I prefer to finish an overarching plot within a certain amount of books, so technically this will close the ongoing storyline, but it leaves the world open for me to explore other plot arcs if there's demand for it. I hear a lot of call for the verwulfen clans, I'll admit - it's made me realize werewolf fans are way more rabid than vampire fans. :)

5. Would you rather live in a steampunk world or the Victorian era?
Bec: Interesting question. I guess I'd have to say which steampunk world? Some of them sound quite wonderful, some... a little dangerous. I'm always fascinated with different worlds however, so I'd have to say a steampunk world, as the Victorian one was a little restrictive for women for my liking. I'd love to live in my own London Steampunk world for a day, but I think I'd rather be a blue blood (in a position of power) or someone connected to Blade's Whitechapel gang (featured in Kiss of Steel) as he tends to look after his own. Otherwise, it would be a little dangerous. 

6. Is there a genre you would also love to explore?
Bec: I love Urban Fantasy. Love it. In fact I probably read more UF than PNR or Steampunk, but so far finding the time to write it is a little difficult. 

Thanks for having me!

1 copy of My Lady Quicksilver

1. US and Canada only
2. Nov 2nd
3. Just enter :D
But be free to ask questions or tell me..vamp or were? ;)

He will find her no matter what. As a blue-blooded captain of the Nighthawk Guard, his senses are keener than most. Some think he’s indestructible. But  once he finds the elusive Mercury, what will he do with her?  

It’s his duty to turn her in—she’s a notorious spy and traitor. But after one stolen moment, he can’t forget the feel of her in his arms, the taste of her, or the sharp sting of betrayal as she slipped off into the night. Little does Mercury know, no one hunts better than the Nighthawk. And his greatest revenge will be to leave her begging for his touch…

Award-winning author Bec McMaster lives in a small town in Australia and grew up with her nose in a book. A member of RWA, she writes sexy, dark paranormals and steampunk romance. When not writing, reading, or poring over travel brochures, she loves spending time with her very own hero or daydreaming about new worlds.

Read more about her at or follow her on Twitter, @BecMcMaster.
To purchase My Lady Quicksilver


  1. WILLOW AND THE PRINCESS BRIDE! YES! Two of my all time favorite movies ever:) And I'm terrified of horror movies as well, I'll never be able to watch The Ring. I would likely curl into a fetal ball and cry.

    I'm such a huge fan of steampunk, I'm really looking forward to this book!

    1. Hi Jenny. Yeah, don't watch the Ring. Ever. It's way too creepy!
      Hope you enjoy!

  2. Great interview. I've been following Bec's "blog tour" and she's shared quite a bit of fun stuff on her books and characters - I'm quite impressed and fascinated! Really enjoyed this installment of the London Steampunk, but can't believe we got to wait till September next year!!! This will be tough.

    1. Heh, I've been hearing that a lot. Just got a review back from my first beta reader of Forged by Desire and she cried, which is a good thing.

    2. LOL! You are not helping Bec! Making us want the next book that much more! ;)

  3. Oh how I loved watching The Princess Bride over and over as a teen. Absolute greatness!

    As for vamp or were? Both!

    1. Ha, I like both too! But there's a lot of people clamouring for more verwulfen!

  4. You know what B and Bec? I have yet to read any steampunk (don't throw anything at me lol)...I just haven't had the chance to pick up anything in the genre yet. But I must say Bec I've seen your book everywhere and I'm so tempted to put everything on hold and jump into your novel =)

    I'll get some steampunk under my belt, eventually. Promise!! And it's awesome to see you have a five book contract Bec, so I'm set lol

    Really loved the interview ladies =)

    And I agree with Texas Book Lover B.. I'm definitely a team BOTH kinda gal. If I simply had to choose I think I like weres a teensy bit more.

    1. Do it! You won't regret it (I may be biased though LOl).

  5. Great interview! I loved The Princess Bride.

    1. My Dad is a good parent. He cries with me at all the right parts too.

  6. "Steampunk is a little more than simply writing about the steam-powered technology - it's also about challenging the status quo of the world too" <--- love this! I adore steampunk but so often it's just tacking on cool gadgets, and that to me is not steampunk. Very excited to read something by Bec now. Great interview!

    1. Thanks Lauren! As I said, it's not as heavily gadgets-r-us in the first book, Kiss of Steel, but we're getting a little stronger on those elements now that the world's opening up and the challenging the status quo has definitely been there since day one.

  7. Oh thanks to a Friend, I really loved book 1, and I really need to read book 2 now.

    1. Hi Melliane! Glad you enjoyed - and best of luck!

  8. This sounds fab! Do enter me for that book! Also, love the cover.

    I'm not sure I would want to live in Victorian age but I'm with you... depends on the steampunk world. :)

    1. I could do Alexia Tarabotti's world - I like tea, so I think we'd get along fab. What about you? Any particular worlds?

  9. I just have to say I love the cover. What a wonderful interview, and steampunk has always been a favorite for me.

    1. Thanks! I love my covers so much! Gene Mollica is the artist and he's amazing.

  10. Thank you Bec, and yay that there will be more :)

  11. I prefer vamps! Werewolves are too hairy!
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    mestith at gmail dot com

    1. LOL. My werewolves aren't! It's more to do with lycanthropy - as a condition mixed with a virus - than with changing into a beast.

  12. My family loves and often quotes The Princess Bride. Great interview.

    1. Thank you. It's such a great movie to share with a family. When I have kids, its one of the first things they'll be watching (once they're old enough for the ROUS's).

  13. My boyfriend has learned to ignore me when I randomly quote books! And I would totally live in a steampunk world... and Victorian... I CAN have both, right? I defintiely need to have both.
    Thanks for sharing this fun interview.

    1. You can have both. I formally decree it (:

  14. Thanks for such a lovely review. I much prefer vampires to werewolves. I haven't read anything by Bec, so this would be a wonderful opportunity for me to read her book, as I love finding new Authors.

    Thank you for the chance to win.


  15. My choice would be werewolf. Your book sounds great. I love the cover.

    1. Thanks Crystal. It's a beautiful cover. Rosalind is perfect!

  16. I watched The Ring once. I've regretted it ever since....

    Anyway, My Lady Quicksilver sounds awesome, and I'm a werewolf fan myself. A little rabid? Maybe...


    1. A little rabid's okay (: See, I told you everybody loves werewolves!

  17. I don't like horror movies either, especially if I'm by myself later. I've never watched Princess Bride, although I know so many people love it. Will need to rectify and watch it.
    strive4bst(AT) yahoo(Dot) com

    1. It's very campy - but all the best movies are!

  18. Hi Heidi! As I said, the first book of the series isn't strong in-your-face steampunk, but the idea of challenging the world begins there and runs through the over-arching plot. The steampunk elements grow stronger throughout the series, so be warned that its not heavily-steampunked.

  19. Both!!! I'm not a currently horror movie watcher... they are too scary but I do love the golden oldies :) Congrats on the new release! Oh and I love both vamps and weres!

  20. Not entering! Thanks for the nice interview, I have those books on my wishlist. The covers are gorgeous, and I want to read some steampunk soon.

  21. I love the cover! I'm I vamp girl! Thanks for the giveaway.
    aprilnu2003 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  22. Tough question, I love both. Vampire has a slight lead.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  23. I love that your heroine is pushing the boundaries.

  24. I like vamps. Sounds like a great book, love the cover. Thanks for having the giveaway.



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