Wednesday 9 October 2013

Review: My Lady Quicksilver - Bec McMaster

Determined to destroy the Echelon she despises, Rosalind Fairchild is on seemingly easy mission. Get in. Uncover the secrets of her brother's disappearance. And get out.

In order to infiltrate the Nighthawks and find their leader, Sir Jasper Lynch, Rosalind will pose as their secretary. But she doesn't count on Lynch being such a dangerously charismatic man, challenging her at every turn, forcing her to re-evaluate everything she knows about the enemy.

He could be her most dangerous nemesis—or the ally she never dreamed existed.

My thoughts:
This had to be my favorite in the series so far. I really liked reading about Rosalind aka Mercury and Lynch.

I am so torn. Yes the vampires are bad, but they are good ones too. Yes the humanists have a worthy cause, but some have done bad things. I do wonder how it will all turn out in the end...

Rosalind then, who is also Mercury, is the leader of the Humanists. She was resourceful and strong. Lynch was also strong and well he did not have to do much, I just thought he was such a hottie. He is the leader of the Nighthawks and plan to hunt down Mercury. Ohhh drama, sexy drama.

The world is cool, vampires ruling, humans are low class and food. A paranormal London and people are unhappy. But steampunk, eh, just that you give someone a mechanical hand does not steampunk make. Still it works as it is.

There will be romance, danger and cool things to come


Mass Market Paperback, 425 pages
Published October 1st 2013 by Sourcebooks Casablanca
London Steampunk #3
Paranormal romance / Steampunk romance
For review


  1. Oooo this looks like a fun book! Love that cover so much, and Rosalind sounds like an awesome heroine:)

  2. The romance and the danger sound like a great combo

  3. Oh sexy drama is good. :D Sounds like a good book.

  4. I love the cover and this series is on my wishlist..I need to grab them and start, I love romantic suspense and steampunk!

  5. It was steampunk thrown in, but the important things was the vamps and romance ;)

  6. I think you would :D I did not mind it, I just felt there could have been more but for this book it was perfect

  7. Another series I should read. The question is when?

  8. From seeing the cover I bet not many want to get in her way!

  9. Bec gets the best covers. I agree with you about the steampunk in her books, not really steampunk becauseI feel like the tidbits are added in merely as cosmetic. But the story is fun nonetheless!

    1. Totally :) Steampunk is nice, but the story is what matters in the end

      And yes she is blessed by the cover gods

  10. Yes, I want to get these. I love the sounds of the blend here.

  11. You said the magic words "sexy drama". Glad to hear the world is cool, I always like stories where vampires are in charge, but you're right this doesn't really sound like steampunk. Can't wait to meet Lynch!

    1. Vampires in charge, rawr, I like it...but I would not like to live there cos the vamps can be rather nasty

  12. Another series still on the wishlist. some day ...

  13. I have this one on my Nook, it sounds good!

  14. I've just finished reading this, B.! Agree, my favorite so far, such a great set of characters! :)

  15. I too love that cover! I'm gonna add these to my TBR so I can start them soon.



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