Wednesday 2 October 2013

Review: Close to the Wind - Zana Bell

Georgiana da Silva is catapulted out of the Victorian drawing rooms and into a world of danger when she escapes her fiendish fiance to engage in a mad dash across the world to save her brother before an unknown assassin can find him.Meanwhile, Captain Harry Trent is setting sail for New Zealand. With a mission to complete and the law on his heels, he's got enough trouble of his own without further complications.Thrown together, unable to trust anyone, -Georgiana and Harry are intent on fulfilling their missions despite the distractions of the other. But liberty comes at a price and the closer they get, the more they must question the true cost of being free.

My thoughts:
What does a woman do who wants to travel to the other side of the world do when it's the 1800's and she is like I said a woman....I am not gonna spell it out but you guessed right. Well I hope you did, she is honorable after all. Naughty readers. Lol

Anyhow, Georgiana is to marry her cousin, yay?...not so yay after all. Her brother is in New Zeeland and she is, different, yes very different cos of her upbringing. She was a bit of fresh air (again I will not say anything cos I am horrid that way with teasing).

Harry is a captain who is in a spot of trouble and has some secrets from his past. If you expect some whirlwind love story then no, this is not it. They become friends, they become angry, they become friends again, they want each other and after a long long time they actually do fall in love. But the road there is long and rocky. As it should be, no insta love here.

I actually liked the ship part the most :) I blame it on a certain tv-show I watched many years back.

If you want slow-building romance and a bit of suspense at the end then this is the book for you.

Paperback, 352 pages
Expected publication: October 15th 2013 by Choc Lit (out as ebook already)
Romantic historical fiction
For review


  1. I like that there's no insta love and it's a bit of a rocky road for them - that always makes the happy ending a bit sweeter I think! Thanks for your thoughts on this one:)

  2. Definitely not yay that she's about to marry her cousin, more like gross. But I do love a slow burning romance! Great review.

    1. Haha, well he was an idiot and she did not wanan

  3. I love slow building romances and a sea captain and feisty woman who argue..bring it!

  4. Yay for no instalove! I adore slow building romance with real obstacles, so this sounds like one I'd definitely get on board with. Fab review!

    1. I do love all kinds but yes this one is the most real one

  5. Now I'm curious about the ship part!

  6. Hmm did you watch Love Boat?

    1. I liked the show..this was not the love boat

  7. Yep this book sounds like it is for me. BTW, yes, you are horrid at teasing... :D

  8. :D
    Sounds super good. YAYY FOR NO ISNTA-LOVE!

  9. This sounds good. I like when people don't fall in love in an instant too. Much more realistic.

    1. Like it should be,, instalust, well ok that is true

  10. I love slow-building romances and suspense. Sounds like the read for me.

  11. You've made me curious about this one!



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