Monday 14 October 2013

Review: Secret Unleashed - Sierra Dean

After her last mission tested the limits of her humanity and took her out of this world, Secret’s friends, determined to keep her safe from her old nemesis Alexandre Peyton, keep ushering her from one babysitter to the next. 

Couch surfing would be a lot more fun if Alexandre would let up on her long enough to allow her to get in some alone time with her lovers. Including Holden, her self-appointed shadow. 

As if living out of coffin isn’t bad enough, Secret literally brings down the house while hunting a rogue, causing the council to exile her from New York—for her own safety, of course. 

With her list of people to trust getting shorter and shorter, Secret ends up embroiled in a mystery to find a vampire warden gone AWOL and a missing artifact. Things go from bad to worse when she falls into the hands of a man who will prove that humans can be the worst monsters of them all. 

Warning: Contains a cross-country journey, an unexpected family reunion, heated lovers’ embraces and a hell of a lot of trouble.

My thoughts:
While reading this I had sat down in an uncomfortable position, but did I move? NO! That would mean precious lost reading time. And when it comes to Secret then that is not acceptable. Yes I did start reading this almost the minute I got it, and yes after having slept (evil sleep!) I did start reading again and did not stop.

Secret is as cool as ever. Her life is crap as always as Peyton is on the loose. Her love life is screwed up as always. But I am all Team Des. He is a puppy and I wanna hug him. Holden is, well hot, but nope. He does not do it for me. And now to my confession, it's a dirty secret, but in this book, I can't! Ok, I still have feelings for Lucas! I know, shoot me now. But there they are Lucas feelings popping up again.

The book takes Secret on a trip and shit hits the fan. This is one evil author I tell you. Poor Secret. I have more respect than ever for her. And while on her mission, ohhh the secrets we learn. We learn something about Sig and something about, spoilers darling. Spoilers.

I really can't say anything about this book. It feels like one huge spoilers. But it will give you action, romance and secrets ;)

Read this series.

ebook, 343 pages
Expected publication: October 15th 2013 by Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
Secret McQueen #6
Urban fantasy
for review


  1. The action and glued to the page ability make this sound great.

  2. I'm glad this series is still going strong, even after 6 books. Great review! :)

  3. Awesome, so can't wait! I have book 4 and I really need to read it!

  4. hahaha, next time sit some where comfortable, I love when a book draws you in and doesn't let go..

  5. Wow, you sold me. I'm adding this series to my wishlist.

  6. Sounds like too many men for me but glad you're still enjoying it after so many books. That's rare.

    1. Well yes too many men, but....I am sure they are gonna fall one by one

  7. I don't know how I've forgotten to put this on my wishlist. But now it's there.

  8. Wow I have a ton of catching up to do before I get to this, but it sounds like a wild ride with a lot of secrets and twists. I love that you cursed sleep while reading it. I've been there so many times. Damn sleep! :-)

    1. I could have stayed up, but hey sleep is important. I used to skip it as a teen when I was hooked but I know better now

  9. Wow, sounds like she has quite a few men in her life! Color me intrigued:)

  10. Haha, best feeling ever (and worst ;)

  11. hahaha I love it when you are uncomfortable, but refuse to move. That happens to me all the time. This series does indeed sound rather good.

  12. I always love your reviews. Poor characters with evil authors! Oh yes, you know that made me want to read it. I guess I'm an evil reader. :D

    1. Haha, some authors are just so eeeeevil!!!! Lol

  13. I hadn't heard of this series before. Definitely gonna check it out B!

  14. Hahaha, tragic when you can't let an old character go. Lots of love triangles going on huh? The rest sounds fun, I might have to check this series out.

    1. I usually do not like triangles but for some reason she makes it work

  15. Hahaha, hope your back doesn't hurt to bad. ;) I need to start these. I really do.

  16. I am reading it and hope to finish it today (after catching up on a week of blogposts). Loving this series.



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