Monday 21 October 2013

Author Interview and giveaway: Michelle Diener

Today I have Michelle Diener over for an interview and there will also be a giveaway of her new book.

Welcome to my blog again Michelle. What is new in your life?
Thank you for having me! My life is not that exciting, :) so at the moment it's the same old same old. But that's good for my writing!

Your new book is called Banquet of Lies,  how did you think of using the backdrop of a certain treaty in this book?
I've always been extremely interested in the secret diplomacy between the nations of Europe. It was a topic I studied in history at university, and while I focused more on Bismark and a slightly later period than the Regency in my degree, I knew there had been a lot of secret deals and back stabbing going on during the Napoleonic Wars as well. For someone like me, who loves intrigue, I didn't have far to look to find the deal that would work for this book, and the deal was negotiated only a few months after the events that take place in The Emperor's Conspiracy, which worked perfectly time-wise for me, as well.

And before I die, pleeeease tell me there will be more regency "spy" books.
LOL, of course there will! How could I possibly stop? 

On to the next question then, are you working on something right now?
I'm working on another connected book. Lord Durnham and Lord Dervish appear in this new book, along with Lord Aldridge and Giselle, but the main characters are the Duke of Wittaker and a brand new heroine. Because the Duke of Wittaker is the hero of this book, of course his chef, Georges Bisset, is in this one, too.

I liked how you put in some folklore in this book. Is that something that has always been of interest?
Folklore and fairy tales are a passion of mine. I have been under their spell since I could first read. I have a great many collections of fairy tales and folk tales on my shelves and I've read everything I can about them, from their origins to what they are trying to say. I love reading books by experts on fairy tales like Marie Louise Von Franz and others. I actually have a fantasy novel based on a fairy tale that I'm putting the final touches on right now. I absolutely loved weaving folklore into this book. It made it even more fun to write.

Have you tried the dishes that Giselle cooks in this book? I certainly want to taste them :)
I've made them all, as I love baking and cooking! And my readers can, to, as I have created a page on my website with all the recipes:  I can promise they are all delicious.

Until next time, thank you!

Thank you so much! I am so glad you enjoyed Banquet of Lies. Thank you for your always thoughtful and well-written reviews.

1 copy of Banquet of Lies

1. Open to ALL
2. Ends Oct 31st
3. Just enter :)


  1. Not entering the giveaway, just wanted to say it was a great interview. I'll have to check out her books...

  2. Can't help but love regency spy books. :D
    Count me in!!!

  3. Yes, yes, yes!! I would love to have this book. Sounds SO good!
    campbellamyd at gmail dot com

  4. I wish I loved cooking! I fail at it. Epically. I love looking through recipes though, so I'll be checking those (and the book) out for sure!

  5. I have yet to try one of your books Michelle but I certainly plan on it. Great interview =)

  6. Great interview. I'll be reading this soon and can't wait.

    No need to enter me.

  7. I am entering. I love the Prussia of Bismarck

  8. I love to cook and love when recipes are included. I want to enter in the giveaway, please. The book sounds great. I enjoyed the interview.

  9. I love books like that, I'm really curious about this book. It's a really nice cover too. thanks for the interview

  10. Oh sounds wonderful! I love these kind of books and so glad there will be more when I get to them. Of course enter me for the book! :D

  11. I'm stoked that there'll be more Regency spy books! Thanks for the recipe link; that lamb and artichoke stew will be featured at my family's next Sunday dinner.

  12. Great interview. Love that Michelle has a recipe section on her website. I will definitely be checking that out. Thanks for your giveaway!
    i_love_books at aol dot com

  13. Great interview Blodeuedd! Really looking forward to reading this book - I've heard so many good things and I love cooking! So, this is a perfect book.

    Thanks for the giveaway! ;)

  14. I LOVED this book, simply loved it. Wonderful interview and Michelle..more regency, folklore and suspense please!

  15. Great interview ladies. Banquet of Lies sounds good. I like the folklore aspect of it.

  16. Enjoyed the interview. Banquet of Lies is going straight on my wishlist, what's not to like ... I love historical fiction and cooking, great combination!

  17. Hahaha, so glad you got an answer...before you die. ;D Thank you!

  18. Eager to read the book so please enter me in the giveaway. Interesting interview as well.

  19. thank you for the giveaway!!
    cannot wait to read this!!

    cyn209 at juno dot com

  20. Thanks for the nice interview ladies! Reading Blodeuedd's reviews of your books over the years, has made me put them on my wishlist.

  21. This book sounds wonderful, and I have to confess I'm also interested to read her fairy tale fantasy when that comes out too. Wonderful interview!

  22. This book sounds perfect and I checked the recipes and want to cook them all.
    Thank you for the opportunity and good luck to me ;)

  23. Napoleonic era? Spies? Sign me up for the giveaway.

  24. Love the interview. I have some books written by Ms. Diener and always found them fascinating with the history behind the story. I love that this book will be a regency "spy"! Hi like very much historicals set in the Regency era. thank you

  25. Fun interview - will look for this book because I enjoy a Regency spy book from time to time!

  26. I just heard of this book recently and must add it to my wish list.

    lag110 at mchsi dot com

  27. I love these kinds of books and i would greatly appreciate it if i got it. I am 13 and i need more a.r. points and this is totally up my alley=)! If you give this 2 me i will totally tell my friends 2 read your other books!!!!!!!!

  28. Ohhh yeah if I win heres my email just in case=)

  29. Love the recipes on the site. Brioche - too hard. But I printed out the french onion soup. I am going to have to use regular sugar though.

  30. This does sound amazing. Looking forward to checking out the recipes.


  31. I just read your review and would love to be entered.


  32. I love historical fiction! Thanks for the giveaway!
    mestith at gmail dot com

  33. Great interview! I have got to read this series!

    mmafsmith AT gmail DOT com

  34. Sounds like a great book. I would love to read it. Thanks for having the giveaway.


  35. love anything regency era! and from your review Im gonna love this!


  36. I love it ^^ I want to enter if it's still open



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