Thursday 17 October 2013

Review: Holidays at Pemberley - Alexa Adams

Both a Christmas celebration and conclusion to Tales of Less Pride & Prejudice, Holidays at Pemberley begins where First Impressions ends, with the marriage Fitzwilliam Darcy to Elizabeth Bennet, and spans the course of Second Glances to conclude their story. As the Darcys enjoy their first years of marriage, Charlotte Lucas is often invited to join them. Watching as the Bennet sisters, one by one, marry to both outrageous advantage and with great affection, her only ambition remains independence and respectability, stubbornly blind to the virtues of a love match. Miss Lucas thinks she has found an acceptable husband in David Westover, rector of Kympton and determined bachelor, but he remains oblivious to the implications of befriending a Miss Lucas. It may mean some heartbreak, but if Mrs. Darcy's pragmatic friend will only surrender to Cupid, she may find wild fantasies do come true, even for ladies dangerously close to thirty.

My thoughts:
I like these books cos they feel real, more austenuesque in the way they are written :)

And this book is Charlotte's book (even if we see all the rest and they get plenty of room too). In this re-telling Charlotte did not marry Collins, no Mary did that (and she was so the better fit). Charlotte is not spoken for and spends time at Pemberley and meets a gentleman. But of course we need a bit of drama and things take a long time to work out.

I liked what she did in the book. First impressions (book 1) is here were Charlotte meets David. Second Glances is their second chance (and was Kitty, Georgiana and Lydia's book) and the last part is the Third encounters and will Charlotte finally get a HEA?

There is also Lizzy and Darcy as they settle into their home, The Wickhams, Bingley's and the best Aunt Catherine there is, she is actually nice.

A sweet sequel and re-telling of what could have happened if other choices had been made.

186 pages
published in 2013 by Outskirts Press
Pride and Prejudice sequel
For review


  1. I always love when Charlotte doesn't end up with Mr. Collins!

  2. I love these type of books.
    But...I don't know why...I like Charlotte and Mr. Collins together. hahaha. One of the few out there.

  3. I guess it's a way to make things "right" lol

  4. I love the idea of Mary marrying Collins instead of Charlotte. Charlotte is a much more interesting character and it would be lovely to see her get her own HEA. I'll have to check this out. I agree with Heidi, creepy cover though!

    1. Mary and Collins is such a great fit, I always thought so. So I am glad Charlotte got away

  5. That cover is kind of creepy.

  6. why have I not read these? Huge Austin fan, and this sounds good, and that cover is a tad creepy.

    1. haha, that seems to be what everyone says

      And yes more Austen

  7. I hadn't heard of this series before - it sounds nice.

  8. Thanks for the great review! I'm so glad you enjoyed how I structured the book.
    Best, Alexa

  9. These sound great. I haven't had a chance to check any of them out but they'll be on my TBR list =)

  10. I always forget these days!! bad me :/ But yes a bit creepy

  11. Sounds like a good series to read. That cover is a bit strange though.

  12. How cute is this. I never wanted Charlotte to marry Collins anyway.

    1. I am glad you agree :) She could do better

  13. You so keep tempting me to read one of those B! And I do love the sound of this series.

  14. sounds cute, I'll read one eventually haha



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