Monday, 18 January 2016

City of Blades - Robert Jackson Bennet

The city of Voortyashtan was once the domain of the goddess of death, war, and destruction, but now it’s little more than a ruin. General Turyin Mulaghesh is called out of retirement and sent to this hellish place to try to find a Saypuri secret agent who’s gone missing in the middle of a mission, but the city of war offers countless threats: not only have the ghosts of her own past battles followed her here, but she soon finds herself wondering what happened to all the souls that were trapped in the afterlife when the Divinities vanished. Do the dead sleep soundly in the land of death? Or do they have plans of their own? 

My thoughts:
I was impressed. Maybe I have read too many series, that has had a first good book and then gone down. But here book 2 was even better! YAY! I love when the series gets better and better. 

I meant to write this review earlier, but I had one of those, how to express how cool this book was moments. I just do not know how to express it, but I will try.

This is book 2, our main character was in book 1, had a big part, but was not the main character. I really got to like Turyin here. First, she is smart. Second, she has her issues and third, well she is old. An older heroine. Yes, I liked that.

The book is about her retiring, but then they drag her back in! And she has a mystery to solve. Which I really liked. A mystery fantasy book. And I must stop writing in short sentences!

I am not doing a good job, I have so many things I want to say! Like how I felt like you could read this one without having read book 1, cos he just made it work. Sure you'd be a bit confused but he would just pull you right into the story.

And how I like that there used to be gods and now they are gone, all their miracles gone and the world left in chaos because of it. And the whole god thing was dealt with so well here.

The world is cool and made up from different cultures, and the place without a God is now the one ruling. I remember not liking them in book 1, but here, well they are trying to make things better.

Oh oh! And yes the whole flintlock fantasy thing. They have guns, they have railroads, they are modern, and getting more since magic is gone with the Gods. But the world still feels raw and dark, and so intriguing.

I was impressed. It pulled me right in and I can't wait to see where the road takes us next, and who will be in charge of that book.


Paperback, 448 pages
Published January 7th 2016 by Jo Fletcher Books
The Divine Cities #2
For review


  1. It's always great when the second book blows the first book away! That's rare nowadays.

  2. I love when books are so great that you can't express it in words. It's like the review will be "I LOVE IT - READ IT NOW!" haha!

    1. If I could write that and nothing else, love it!

  3. I was pleasantly surprised to see Turyin become the main character here - I think it made for a much more entertaining read. The mythology here, and the questions of an afterlife, were a cool new spin on the whole idea of dead Divinities.

    1. I really liked her here, she was the perfect main character :)

      So loved the afterlife aspect

  4. That's me when I love something - *g#j!!w&ht!! Incoherent lol

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  5. Seeing so many great reviews of this around the web today, it's great. This book blew my mind, it was so good!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  6. It's so rare that the second book is the best so yay! :)

  7. oh wow...this story sounds amazing!! I love those gritty reads. Glad you enjoyed reading it.

  8. Oh like the sound of this one. Not only is the worldbuilding good, but so are the characters. Brilly review!

  9. Ooo, this sounds pretty good! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm a fan of the cover, too, which is a good thing ;)

  10. I know! Sometimes it's harder to review a book you really loved.

    1. I want to say so much but all that comes out is my preciouuuuuus

  11. This is a huge book! But it sounds really good.

  12. This sounds amazing! I love when the second book is even better too. :) Yeah! Thanks for sharing.

  13. you had me at mystery fantasy, but a stronger second book is an enticement, too.

  14. it sounds really interestingmainly regarding the world but I wonder if it would be for me...

  15. Awesome!! This sounds like a great series. I'm curious about it now. :)


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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