Sunday, 17 January 2016

#FitReaders: Weekly Check-in Jan 15 2016

#FitReaders is hosted by Geeky Bloggers Book Blog  and That’s What I’m Talking About.

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Sat 1 h walk
Sun 6,5 km walk
Mon 12 km bike
Tue 1 h yoga. 8 km bike. 1 h workout class
Wed 4 km bike, 1 h zumba
Thu 8 km bike, 30 min walk, 45 min zumba toning
Fri 4 km bike, 30 min walk
Sat 1 h walk

This was the week I meant to do the 10 k. And it was going well. First we went out on this lake, I was scared to death, cos seriously you do not want to know what is on the bottom of that lake....if it was summer I would not touch the water with a stick.

Then we walked on this small river. Someone had been there before so we judged it safe. Then we went over some smaller lakes and then we went into the woods. How to get back? Oh let's go out on the lakes again but do it by this ditch. Well that was a mistake. Suddenly my entire leg went through, I could not feel the bottom. The ice was cracking, but I got up by a tree. This would not have been that dangerous. But it was -17c, we were more than 1 hour walk from home if we even found the shortest route. Lesson learned. Ditches suck. But no worries! I did not have to walk home in fear of freezing my toes off! We were 10 min away from a road so I called my parents who live in that direction.


  1. Oh my what an adventure. So good you were able to contact your parents to rescue one freezing leg.

    1. I did panic considering it was bloody cold outside

  2. oh wow, that's scary, glad you got out safely. You make me laugh with "if it was summer I would not touch the water with a stick."
    You're doing great with the fitness challenge!

    1. There is something at the bottom of that lake...that could kill you

  3. I love the way you vary your workouts. Keep up the good work.

  4. Yikes! I'm glad you're okay! That was quite the adventure! That's why I only go outside in the winter when absolutely necessary.

    1. It was not a good moment, on all other sides were were far from anything, but luckily to that one side there was a road

  5. Oh, brrr, glad you got out of that safely without further issue. I'm always nervous about walking out on the lakes even if it has been deemed safe. The whole time I iceskated on a pond I was secretly freaking out inside. :)

    1. I would not walk there again, that's for sure. Yes we went out on a pond yesterday but it felt pretty solid

  6. O wow B, that is seriously dangerous. And now I am curious about the lake you don't want to touch with a stick. A Nessy in there, or pollution?

    1. White phosphorus at the bottom, so stuff can blow up if you touch the bottom. The military dumped the stuff there, eejits

  7. Oh, wow - Linda, this sounds VERY dangerous! I'm glad you're okay, but you had better NOT repeat this stunt ever! I don't have to tell you what horrible death awaits under the ice on a frozen lake... I shudder to think. Once again, SO glad you're okay (and that you got to keep your toes, too - yay!) Take care, my friend!

    1. yes Miss Ramona! I promise! it did scare the daylight out of me

  8. Phew, lucky escape! Beautiful walk, even if it was scary and freezing. Hugs x

  9. That would scared the daylights out of me. I'm glad you're safe. Be careful out there.

    1. It sure did, then i cried, but mostly cos my mitten was ruined

  10. Those pictures are so gorgeous but I would freeze to death lol I can't believe I grew up in New England and cold winters. I just can't do it anymore.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  11. What a scary ordeal! I'm so thankful that you are okay and your parents lived close. Stick to the paths next time and you'll get that 10k!

    1. Will do! And now it has to turn warmer, sigh

  12. Oh my glad you are ok and that your parents were able to get you!!! Your workouts are always so inspiring, manage to do so much and then your lovely photos! Hope you have a better week coming up! :)

  13. Ewwww on the water. Glad your parents were close by!

  14. That sounds scary! Glad you are okay. Those pictures are beautiful.

  15. Whoa, it's like a winter wonderland! We got snow today, but it didn't last. Everything here was wet and grey and ugly :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  16. OMG. You're lucky your parents live close by! I cannot even imagine the panic I would feel had that happen to me.

    Good job on the fitness, though! Keep up the good work.


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