Discussion Post:
The Art of DNF
I have always wanted to write some kind of discussion post, but omg, I so suck at them! First if you plan for it once a week, once a month, well, there is the pressure that it have to be done. I like to live pressure free. But, yup, here comes one anyway. Mostly because I felt like I wanted to say it, and try this for once too.
I DNF a lot, whaat? You had not noticed? Really? I DNF a lot, I am not ashamed of it. And that is why I wanted to write this post. I always go all 0_o? when people tell me how sorry they are that I DNFed so many books. Don't be! I am not, and now I will tell you why not.
For me there would be nothing worse than reading the same freaking book for 2 weeks. Hating it, lamenting the fact that I have to finish it, suffering, reading 1 page a day, and just feeling all blergh! And then after 2 weeks all you have to show for is 1 book read. 1! When the world is filled with millions of books! When books are written everyday! Too many books, too little time. Life is not meant to be suffered through, it is meant to be enjoyed, and hey, the same goes for books.

When I go to the library I look at pretty covers and take what I want. Do I take books that are my genre? That fit me? No, I take whatever I want because I will never read them all, and these are just the English books! I do not even look at the Swedish books anymore because not enough time in the universe (well I really should read that medieval one I saw the other day, I just have to find book 1.) I DNF them and do not look back. There are many more waiting for me.
When it comes to my own books I DNF those too, but I do tend to read them a bit longer, I did buy them after all. Still, I am not gonna spend a week reading crap. I think that after all this time I know what crap is.
And the only time I feel bad is if the book is actually really well written, but you know, just because a book is good, does not mean the book is for you. We are all different. So I get over it pretty quickly, I shrug my shoulders and take up another book.
Now, story time. I once read this book that I hated all way through, it was the time when I seldom DNFed books, because I felt that I HAD TO FINISH. Gods! I still hate that book and think of other books I could have read instead. When I finished I threw it at the wall and shouted at my friend that I was so mad at her. Then she came in and said let's throw it in the trash! So we did, we both hated it to bits. But I was young and stupid and read from start to finish. Now I just peak at the end if I am curious and DNF.
Guide to happiness when you DNF:
*You do not have to read books that you do not enjoy.
*Life is short, take a chance on another book.
*DNFing is hard, I know! I still read those only ok books at times, but, they are few, and sometimes a book start off good and turn into an ok one, better just finish it then. Review books are the hardest and I do end up skimming sometimes just so I can tell them what did not work. When all I really want is to DNF. But luckily I do not get many of those cos I am really picky when it comes to review books.
*I feel such a relief when I DNF, it means I get to read another book instead :D Which makes me happy.
*Happiness is good, you should be happy when reading.
And that is all for me. I thank you for listening to many crazy ramblings.
And that is all for me. I thank you for listening to many crazy ramblings.
I totally agree. There was a time when I felt terrible about not finishing a book. I had to suffer through! But, no more. Like you said, there are a million other books out there to read!!
ReplyDeleteSo many many MANY books!
DeleteI am glad I got over it and could start DNFing
I need to get better at this!
ReplyDeleteIt's hard, I know
DeleteI DNF alot more than I used too and I don't feel bad. They don't write the books specifically for me and I don't like everything I read. The only time I write about a DNF is if I read 40% of the book then I explain (mostly to myself) why it is I stuck with it that long (those are usually the well written with at least one character I like ones but something happens --then nope!). I do the same thing at the library--I just randomly pick up books that look interesting. I feel zero pressure to finish them all and/or to even get past the first chapter if it doesn't suck me in. My own books oddly I feel even less pressure--they can sit on the shelf till doomsday if I pick them up and they aren't pulling me in. I have learned that sometimes DNF's are in the moment--I wasn't in the mood right them but might be later. That is ok too :) With my own books (if I don't donate them) then I will give them another chance down the line :) Great POST!
ReplyDeleteI do not show everything I DNF either, some of those omg this first page sucks! Well those, yeah ;)
DeleteBut I do show most of it, mostly so I remember them too :)
The library books, oh those really suffer on page 1 sometimes. But so many more out there :D
I have donated quite a few DNFS, but I do not care. I usually read a lot in them so if they do not work, no second chance. Sorry books! ;)
Thank you for enjoying my post :D
I used to feel obligated to finish a book, especially if it was for review, it's the type-A personality in me. Now though, I'm fine with taking a pass if something's not working. There are too many books out there I want to read to waste time on one that just isn't for me!
ReplyDeleteExactly :D
DeleteI do always read the end, that I confess, I need to know what happens, even if I only read one page, lol
I love your ramblings and DNF is an art I am going to master if it is the last thing I'll do before death. Yes, it's hard, I know, but I will do it. One day. ;p
ReplyDeleteOne day!! You will get there too! But then you do like to finish what you start
DeleteI don't DNF as much as I used to, and the ones I DNF are mostly from the library. I am choosier when I purchase books and know they will be ones I finish. Great post.
ReplyDeleteI am choosier too, and with the library, well there we do not have to :D
DeleteYou make me laugh! I can't believe you read the ends! I couldn't do that. I have already DNFd 2 books for the year which is pretty big for me. I didn't even think about looking at the ends though. I think if I don't care enough to keep reading, my time with that book is over and done.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteHihi, well if the book truly sucks, then no, but the rest, a quick look, and mostly I have no idea what I just read.
I DNF also but in 2 categories, usually I know within 5 - 10% if I am just not in the mood but want to come back to it and the real DNF is this is crap and I feel tortured reading it.
ReplyDeleteI joined a book club and last year was brutal, a year of torture and this year I refuse. The meeting is sometime in Feb and I'm stating either I only come if i'm interested in the book as a guest or I leave the book club but I can't torture myself anymore, it was the worst year of reading.
I would like to figure out how to give feedback to NetGalley reads though, it has only been 2 books but I usually would say to the author/publisher that I DNF. It is such a relief to do.
You seem to DNF within the first chapter WOW, I'm giggling at that, no survivors. Or limited.........
Some I do wonder about, and keep in mind. But I also realise I will never get back to them. There are so many other books. If I did not like it once, eh, who cares. So far I have only gone back to one book
DeleteOh no! But I totally get that, a bookclub might mean many books that ultimately is so not for you. Do not torture yourself anymore.
Hihi, sometimes on page 1 ;) Some I get to page 100 and realise I have skimmed it all, dnf to you
I'm a dnf-er, too - life is too short to finish crappy books! :) I'm also a chronic re-reader, but that's a totally different post... ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd you're smart not to get caught up in a regularly scheduled posting schedule - except you already have some, don't you?! :)
I used to re.-read, not many books, mostly two...heh. But that was years ago, I did feel an urge to re-read recently
DeleteI reread hockey fanfiction all the time - much less so with non-fanfiction. Sometimes, with "regular" books, I'm a little scared that the book won't be as amazing as I remember when I reread it...
DeleteI am so scared to re-read some of the books I have loved...SO scared
Delete*clutches Blodeuedd in sympathy and terror*
DeleteYep, I used to feel guilty and pushing myself to finish review books instead of DNF. Now I just feel that all I'd have produced is a negative review which the author would not want to see anyway, so DNF all the way is for me too. And of course I am ruthless DNFing my own books. The only time I will read an awful book to the end is if it's Laurell K. Hamilton. Even when horrid she is too damned entertaining not to finish! :)))
ReplyDeleteLOL! I have not read her, but to be honest, could I finish? But then I finish those dang Steph Plum books I have grown to hate. I keep wishing they will get good again and that is a whole other post
DeleteI really should start adopting your attitude. I've actually always wanted to try DNFing more because life is too short to read bad books, but it really feels awful to force myself to keep reading something I just don't enjoy. At the same time, I've had the rare occasion where a book completely turns itself around and I end up loving it. It happens so rarely that it really shouldn't play into my future decisions, but I just can't help it, my OCD prevents me from putting a book aside. It would literally bother me to no end if I don't finish something, hopefully one day I will finally get over this feeling.
ReplyDelete~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum
I get that. Once I put down a book and once I was so bored so I took up the same book and liked it. It just had the worst first chapter in history. But that was once, it has not happened again. Sometimes I do wonder but hey do not have such a crappy first chapter then
DeleteThere are a few books I have DNF'ed over the past few years. I find I'm a lot more choosy now though so it doesn't happen quite so often. Great post!
ReplyDeleteMostly with those dang downloads for me ;) OH I DL waaaaay too many books
DeleteThis is such a great post! I don't DNF very often, but I rarely want to. I'm picky about the books that I pick up. I have so many books that I want to try because I've read reviews that made me want to read them. That list is so long, I rarely just randomly pick up a book. I do DNF, though I rarely post about them.
ReplyDeleteI am getting better about DNF series too. I quit two series last year that I hadn't been happy with for a while, but kept reading them based on books from several years ago. It left me unhappy after each read. There are too many good books for crap. So I quit them.
Great post! I love it!!
Thanks! :D
DeleteOnly rarely? Well, I do pick up lots randomly, so that might be my case of DNFitis. All those freebies, all those library books.
Oh those series can be hard. You just keep wishing they will turn good again, sigh. Sometimes they do, many times not. I am giving one series it's last chance soon
Another thing I did recently was DNF an audiobook. I'm going to finish reading it, just not listening. It was a Kelley Armstrong book. I love her, but I couldn't get into the two narrators. They were boring me out of my mind. I love Kelley Armstrong, so I don't think it was the book. I was 26% in. We will see what happens when I start reading.
DeleteI can see that. I have listened to some narrators and well..hate at first listen. Some books are meant to be read instead then.
DeleteI hope the book works better for you
sigh. i wish i have your discipline. life is too short to spend reading crappy books. and heck. the secondary purpose of reading is to relax and enjoy, but if you're forcing yourself to read a sucky book, then reading becomes pointless. i really should take my own advise.
ReplyDeleteYou said it! So next time a book is really bad then listen to that inner voice. You can do it. You can do it!
DeleteI liked this post! I hope you decide to write another one in the future. But no pressure. :) I wish I could be like you! I just keep thinking that it will get better and then I've already invested this much time, so I might as well find out how it turns out. Argh!
ReplyDeleteThank you :D
DeleteEeek, pressure!!!!!
LOL. I must think of something more to say.
That is the worst feeling and I know it well. And it will keep you reading nad then going all NOO when it does suck all the way through
I like the idea of having a discussion when you're in the mood and not scheduling them. This is a good topic. Over the last year, I started DNFing books in small quantities and then I noticed that I was getting behind both my personal pile of books and reviews because I was pushing hard to finish books. I took a different approach in December and have continued it. If the book isn't working for me then I'm setting it aside into either one or two piles- DNF- permanent or DNF- for now. This is freeing and is helping me get caught up and happier with my reading. I still feel the twinges of guilt particularly if it was a review book, but it doesn't overpower my relieve in not reading a book that is dissatisfying.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the discussion topic!
Scheduling is so much pressure, and I want to relax on my blog. So many have quit cos they felt it was becoming too much. So if I feel like writing one again , then I will, when I feel like it :)
Delete2 piles are a great idea. Good way to start. Reviewing books started it for me, I realised I neglected my own books, the library. SO I got choosier, and I also started to DNF
Isn't that freeing feeling the best!
Awww thank you :D I need to think of more things to say ;)
ReplyDeleteI used to be SO bad at it, SO BAD. Strange that it was reviewing books that changed that for me
I don't DNF a lot but I do, mainly when publisher sends me books I don't want to have but you know we spoke about it. I'm always a bit sad because I always wonder if the book can be better so I try and try and try. But I agree with you. I should try to do that more often when I don't like a story. When I say I'm sorry when I see a DNF book, I confess that it's more like I'm sorry you had a bad one but I hope the next one will be better. But well, we can't love everything, right!
ReplyDeleteYeah I know about those, and those can be hard. Since you did not ask for them and still get them. Tricky.
DeleteOh I get that :=) People look differently at those DNF books.
Your reasons for DNFs are very sound and inspire me. I don't accept review books unless I really want to read them so I don't often DNF one of those. But I have a lot of freebies on my reader that I will definitely use your DNF guidelines for :) Life is too short and I'm not an immortal either, ha.
ReplyDeleteYes please use my guidelines for those freebies :D There are many more out there
DeleteI don't DNF often, I tend to know the type of stories I'll enjoy. I don't feel guilty about DNFs though, there are just too many books out there to waste my time with one I'm not into.
ReplyDeleteThat's the truth :)
DeleteI am a habitual DNF'er too. I have entirely too many books on my shelf to plug away at a book that I know I wont remember in the future, or one that I could care less about the ending. Lately it seems that I have been finishing books that have one element or another that keeps me going, but in the end wonder why I bothered.
ReplyDeleteAdmittedly, it is harder for me to not finish a review copy since I don't like to review books that I didn't finish, but I worry about that Netgalley review percentage, which is a drag.
I did get to a nice number on my tbr pile when I DNFed the hell out of many. So glad I did that.
DeleteI even went to the extremes at giving OK books the DNF label. Who cares about mediocre books, I got plenty more.
And yeah, I have read a few books that I wondered why do I bother? They are not bad, but not excellent either.
Luckily I do not get many NG books, but yes percentage, booo
I'm one of those people who NEEDS to know how it ends if I'm attached to even one character. But I'll skim and finish in 15 minutes so I consider that a dnf lol
ReplyDeleteKaren @For What It's Worth
Haha, I do that too!
DeleteI DNF but not nearly as often as you do. Thankfully more seem to work for me. I'd feel like I wasted so much time 20 pages here 20 there. But yeah no need to finish every book you start.
ReplyDeleteYeah, sometimes I am on a dnf spree, it is those darn freebies
DeleteI completely agree! I don't DNF all the time, but it sounds like I don't have as many books as you do :-) That said, I fully believe that reading is for pleasure and not for pain, so read what makes you happy. I do sometimes read books for a couple of weeks, not because I struggle through them and don't like them but because sometimes a book requires more time and energy and effort and I can only give it that amount of attention sometimes.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I like books a bit too much ;)
DeleteSounds like my current audiobook, those I give the time, even if it takes a year. I am so slow!
Love this post - you finally wrote it!! I love your DNF posts, so I never feel bad for you. haha.
ReplyDeleteI have the same attitude about reading, except I am EXTREMELY picky when picking up a book - which is why I don't DNF very often. And since I am so picky when getting a book, I do tend to give the book the benefit of the doubt. Twice recently I stopped reading a book in the middle, ready to DNF, but gave both a second chance after a break and I'm glad I went back. But I do DNF and won't look back, when necessary!!
Aww thank you :D Hihi my first post. I should do it again, but what to say...
DeleteI do know what works for me these days, and sorry pnr, you do not get that benefit of a doubt for me.
I also borrow way too many books from the library now ;)
I'm late on posting a comment for this...
ReplyDeleteI wish I was better at DNFing. xI I feel so obligated to finish something I started. But maybe I'll be better and start DNFing things and officially make posts for those poor books. LOL
You can do it!
DeleteI think I am very good about picking books that I will like, since I rarely DNF. However, I agree, life is too short to read crappy books or once that aren't your thing.
ReplyDeleteIt has turned to it that ok books..meh
DeleteGreat discussion post you have here!! I agree about DNF's. I used to never DNF a book, even if I wasn't fully into the story. But now, I am way more picky. Usually if I am not into a story by 100 pages, I set it aside. You are right about life is too short to waste time on books we aren't enjoying.
ReplyDeleteI tend to put them aside before sometimes ;) But those are the crappy crappy pnes
DeleteI used to never DNF a book. Partly because I was too curious to see how it turned out. Also, this was when I'd spend $10+ on hardcopy books. Now, I have plenty of other choices to make me happy.
ReplyDeleteI never bought hardcopy, and that is why I am still waiting for a PB everyone else has read
DeleteLove love this post B ... I used to never DNF a book. I was way too OCD, I'd suffer and groan and and of course I was always hopeful it would get better haha. Now it's rare I even get a DNF book because I'm picky and I no longer review too many and I finally got it in my head that life's just too short for a crappy book :)
ReplyDeleteThat is the way to read :D
Delete'But that darn OCD does wanna creep out now and again
I need to be braver and dnf more often. Even with the audio books I've been listening to. And there has been one or two that I wanted to stop right then and there. *sigh* Thanks for the boost to want to be better at this. :)
ReplyDeleteYou can do it! Audio is tricky cos sometimes, well the narrator just do not work, but maybe reading could be better