Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Dark Deeds - Michelle Diener

Fiona Russell has been snatched from Earth, imprisoned and used as slave labor, but nothing about her abduction makes sense. When she's rescued by the Grih, she realizes there's a much bigger game in play than she could ever have imagined, and she's right in the middle of it. 

Battleship captain Hal Vakeri is chasing down pirates when he stumbles across a woman abducted from Earth. She's the second one the Grih have found in two months, and her presence is potentially explosive in the Grih's ongoing negotiations with their enemies, the Tecran. The Tecran and the Grih are on the cusp of war, and Fiona might just tip the balance. 

Fiona has had to bide her time while she's been a prisoner, pretending to be less than she is, but when the chance comes for her to forge her own destiny in the new world she's found herself in, she grabs it with both hands. After all, actions speak louder than words. 

My thoughts:
I found myself wanting more romance, what? Come on! Oh me. I am never happy, well except for in romance, then there is enough romance. But when it comes to books walking that line between being romance or not being romance I am always too little! Too much!

I did not have anything to say about that in book 1, hmm, maybe enough romance there then? Or maybe I just did not feel that Fiona and pointy ear alien got enough time together. There could be another book, ohh, nah, a short story, where Fiona and her pointy ear elf, I mean alien, find the romance.

Instead we have Fiona being rescued. Oh these aliens, kidnapping human women *head shake*. She meets pointy eared aliens (and other ones.) She meets her own Class 5 space ship. People are trying to silence her, see it's not good going around kidnapping sentient beings. The others frown upon that. So yes there is action and some snark and laughs thrown in.

But the romance, eh, that was lacking. I could have it cut out entirely, since I did not feel they had enough time to fall in love, or even fall in lust. I need to feel they belong, here, eh, maybe they will have fun and then not see each other anymore. I am fine with that.  But if you want romance, yes, not even any tension in here before way at the end.

Still a good space opera.

Kindle Edition, 1st. Edition, 340 pages
Published January 4th 2016 by Eclipse
Class 5 #2


  1. I do need a little romance. It helps me attach to the characters and worry about the outcome. Otherwise I find I drift off lol

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  2. Too bad on the romance! Glad it was still a solid read for you though:)

  3. Not a big fan of this genre, but I have enjoyed books in the past. Glad there are parts that you liked about this sequel. Great review!

    1. I used to be all scifi, bleh, but I have grown to like it

  4. O.o !!!

    I just find I can't do a lot of sci-fi/space anymore.

  5. I preferred this much romance, thought the first book forced the characters to have relationship too quickly, and here the pace was better :) Still, I'm glad you've enjoyed the rest!

    1. I did feel that there, but here I felt like I never saw it happen

  6. I felt the same way, there was not enough romance. Although, if I'm honest, I was kind of okay with it... but I liked first book better... maybe because it had more romance... o_0

    1. Haha, me too, first one was better, we are both weird

  7. Oh you must tell her about the series

  8. It has been too long since I read a good space opera. I might have to try this one. Too bad about the romance.

  9. it is a bit hard to be satisfied with a story like this where the romance isn't enough. I do love a good sci fi though.

    1. The thing there is, I like scifi, does not need romance, but here it was rushed and should have been more of it

  10. Interplanetary/space hook-up!

  11. Aw, sorry to hear that the romance department was lacking in this one

  12. a touch of romance helps a bit. :)

  13. So hard to get the balance right. We are such demanding readers, LOL. It does sound good, otherwise.

  14. I'm difficult with aliens books, I don't like that a lot so I don't know but I understand for the romance

    1. These are not that difficult, that is why I like them

  15. That happens with my mysteries sometimes - not enough balance of romance with mystery.

  16. Hmm. I might like it then. :) Sounds neat though. Thanks for sharing!

  17. I can't read a book without romance nowadays. Sad, really.

  18. A good story despite the lack of true romance? Then it might not bother me.

    1. Lol, dunno I complain! The best stories for me are romance free, even if no one believes it


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