Monday, 4 January 2016

The Bloodbound - Erin Lindsey

A cunning and impetuous scout, Alix only wishes to serve quietly on the edges of the action. But when the king is betrayed by his own brother and left to die at the hands of attacking Oridian forces, she winds up single-handedly saving her sovereign.

Suddenly, she is head of the king’s personal guard, an honor made all the more dubious by the king’s exile from his own court. Surrounded by enemies, Alix must help him reclaim his crown, all the while attempting to repel the relentless tide of invaders led by the Priest, most feared of Oridia’s lords.

But while Alix’s king commands her duty, both he and a fellow scout lay claim to her heart. And when the time comes, she may need to choose between the two men who need her most… 

My thoughts:
A fantasy romance, with a bit more fighting than romance. So the romance could have been left out entirely, cos Alix sure spent a lot of time thinking of her men. Focus on the war woman!

So this society lets it's women fight too. Ok good for them. But it did raise some questions. If you are allowed to fool around during your two year service, what happens if the woman get pregnant? I doubt the lords would like when their daughters come home with a bastards. So all bastards are just put into orphanages? Accidents do happen. And is it just highborn ladies that must do military service? Or lowborn too? Cos I did not see any lowborn ones? And then there is the fact that men are stronger, sure many women became scouts, but still. I sure would not want to do military service for 2 years, that would suck.

Back to the book. Alix is very good at sneaking around, so she is a good scout. She is highborn and serving during war. But then she spends lots of time thinking about the love triangle she created. She suddenly falls for 2 men, but might like one more. She should have put an end to it at once, I did not like how she played it. And even if the book does have a happy ending, I did not like how it ended for one. All parties can never be happy in a triangle.

For those who love fantasy romance and lots of romance, then it might not be enough. For those who does not want romance in fantasy then there will be too much ;) But for those who just enjoy a good story then give it a go.

Politics, war, even some sort of zombies. I enjoyed the book and I want to read more. 

But! I so want a map, I want maps in fantasy, I want to take look where they live. 


Mass Market Paperback, 368 pages
Published September 30th 2014 by Ace
Bloodbound #1
Fantasy romance


  1. I thought this was a great fantasy romance. I'm not a regular reader of romance either so for me this struck a perfect balance!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I just wished she had not created a triangle, still, good :D And I want more now

  2. I do love when they provide helps my poor brain make sense of everything. #strugglesofthereader

  3. Sounds like there are too many holes in the worldbuilding... and yet you liked it. Okay, that makes me curious. :)

    1. Not so many holes as just too many things not explained, not developed

  4. So overall, not a bad experience? I think I'll still read it. :)

  5. So overall not bad? I'll still give it a try I think;)

  6. I've added this to my want to read list on thanks. I love a good love triangle and you're right, what happens to the babies?

    1. Yay :D
      There have to be babies. Or they are way ahead with their contraceptives, and even if they use treebark and good days, accidents still happen

  7. Okay sounds like one I'd like.

  8. Yeah, unless there's a menage situation going on, triangles always end badly for someone.

  9. the Graceling trilogy tackled the issue of birth control with great finesse.

  10. I recognize this cover, but I don't remember anything other than I have seen this cover before. Glad you liked it. I agree that maps for fantasy books are great.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. I am sure it has been over at Rabid thinks

  11. I haven't heard of this one before, but it sounds unique. I do love maps in fantasy books too! :)

  12. No to the love triangle, but yes to fantasy romance. Definitely love the thoughtfulness of including maps and key word guides. :)

  13. Oh a kind of zombies? I heard great things about this one and sometimes it's nice to have a romance just not too present. maybe.

  14. It's a shame there's a love triangle, but I feel like I'm more open to reading them now because they don't bother me as much as before.

    Great review!

    1. As long as everyone is treated well, here, well the heroine could have handled it betetr

  15. I'm not sure if this is a book I'd like, but I do think the cover is nice :)

  16. Lots of female soldiers in battle, but often not the high born ones, unless they are on a quest of course. I think I'll pass.

    1. Here it is 50/50 and that is not something u see often

  17. I despise love triangles, so this one is a no-no for me.

    1. I will read book 2 since I liked this one but I hope she keeps from straying

  18. haha! I like romance and fantasy - sometimes together and sometimes not!


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