Please help me welcome Anita Clenney to my blog today. And at the bottom of the interview is a contest where you can win her newest book Awaken The Highland Warrior.
Welcome to Mur-y-Castell!
Tell us something about yourself, so that we can get to know you better…
AC: I live in Virginia with my husband and two kids, as well as a white boxer who thinks she owns us. I’ve always loved to read, which lead to wanting to write, but the notion didn’t occur to me until rather late in life. I’m admittedly obsessive about things I love. I have two speeds. Off and full blast. I’m working on happy mediums but it’s not working out well so far.
Your newest book is called Awaken the Highland Warrior; can you tell us what it is about?
AC: This story was so much fun to write. It’s loaded with big brawny warriors, castles, demons, and swords. The foundation for the story is Michael the Archangel has a secret clan of warriors. Faelan is the mightiest warrior of his time, but he gets trapped in a time vault while trying to save the world from a vile demon. Bree is a historian who feels more like Indiana Jones. When she finds a treasure map in the old house she’s inherited, she’s expecting anything but the Scottish warrior who comes leaping out of his tomb at her.
The attraction between Faelan and Bree is instantaneous, and for a good reason, but so is the frustration, because they’re from vastly different cultures. Faelan can’t fathom a female being so bold and rash. The woman attracts danger like a bloody magnet. And she won’t let him protect her; he, a renowned warrior since before she was born. If he could drive that bloody thing she called a car, he’d toss her over his shoulder and get her away from her house before the demon who locked him up comes looking for him.
Bree feels something for Faelan that goes way beyond attraction, frighteningly so, but on the other hand she’s ready to stick him back in the time vault if he doesn’t stop with this over protective nonsense. It’s not the 19th century, for God’s sake, and he’s treating her like a child. Women are tough and independent. But after she finds out what has this big, bad warrior so worried, she’s glad to have all that muscle close by. And she’d give her pinkie toe to get her hands on that talisman hanging around his neck.
Where did the idea for this book come from?
AC: It started with a dream. A very scary dream, but the story isn’t really dark, just lots of suspense to go with the sizzling romance, adventure, and humor.
If this book became a movie, who would you see in the lead roles?
AC: I think Bridget Regan of Legend of the Seeker resembles Bree in looks, but the personality is probably more Rachel Weisz of The Mummy. Faelan could probably be played by Gerard Butler, especially in his Attila role.
What’s coming next in this series?
AC: Embrace the Highland Warrior comes out in November. There is a lot of history and betrayal between the hero and heroine. It’s very poignant. And we’ll see all of the characters from the first book as secondary characters. Including Ronan. Everyone seems to be in love with Ronan. But his story won’t come for a while. Unleash the Highland Warrior comes out Fall 2012. It will have a unique twist. Again, all the characters will return in secondary roles. Here are blurbs for books two and three.
EMBRACE THE HIGHLAND WARRIOR. When the powerful demon that left Shay for dead discovers her empty grave, he comes seeking retribution, believing she possesses an ancient book he has sought for centuries. Knowing she can’t fight the demon alone, Shay returns to her clan and the Scottish Warrior who betrayed her…the only man she’s ever loved, where she discovers that betrayal isn’t always what it seems. Sometimes it’s far worse.
UNLEASH THE HIGHLAND WARRIOR. A talisman belonging to Tavis Connor’s brother is the only weapon powerful enough to kill the demon hell-bent on stealing the clan’s Book of Battles so he can destroy the world. But the talisman has been locked in a time vault with Tavis’s brother and won’t open for 150 years. In desperation, the Scottish warrior breaks the clan’s sacred rules and uses another time vault to travel forward so he can protect the book and rescue his brother, or if he’s dead, finish his quest. But when Tavis finally wakes in modern-day New York, he discovers he’s the one in need of help. Anna MacKinley has been searching for her clan’s Book of Battles which has been missing for 150 years, but instead she finds a warrior with no memories who claims he’s come to save the world.
Answer me this, what is so sexy about a man in a kilt? ;)
AC: I wish I knew, but it’s just about the sexiest thing there is. I’m trying to get my husband in one. He already has the tattoos.
And last, do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
AC: Don’t give up. Learn all you can from other writers, but don’t judge your journey by theirs. Writing isn’t one size fits all. Then write a book that would knock your socks off as a reader. Think big and write deep.
Thank you!
Two winners /Awaken the Highland warrior
1. US and Canada
2.Edited: It will end on May 29th instead
3. Just enter or
Ask Anita a question, comment on the interview or tell me this: Why do you like highlanders or why are men in kilts so hot?
Winners: barbara and Mckenzie

A Man From Another Time…
Faelan is from an ancient clan of Scottish Highland warriors, charged with shielding humanity from demonic forces. Betrayed and locked in a time vault, he has been sleeping for nearly two centuries when spunky historian Bree Kirkland inadvertently wakes him. She’s more fearsome than the demon trying to kill him, and if he’s not careful, she’ll uncover the secrets his clan has bled and died to protect…
Could Be the Treasure She’s Been Seeking All her Life…
When Bree inherits an old treasure map, she discovers a warrior buried in her backyard. But the warrior isn’t dead. Bree shocks Faelan with her modern dress and her boldness, and he infuriates Bree every time he tries to protect her.
With demons suddenly on the move, Bree discovers that Faelan’s duty as protector is in his blood, and that her part in this fight was destined before she was born. But nothing is ever what it seems…
Anita Clenney writes paranormal romance and romantic suspense. Before giving herself over to the writing bug, she worked in a pickle factory, at a preschool, booked shows for Aztec Fire Dancers, and was a secretary, executive assistant, and a realtor. She lives with her husband and two children in suburban Virginia where she is working on her next book, Embrace the Highland Warrior, which will be in stores in November 2011. For more information, please visit and