Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Review: Fires of Winter - Roberta Gellis

Series: Tales of Jernaeve #2
Genre: Historical romantic fiction
Pages: 544
Published: Nov 1, 2011 (1987)
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Source: For review

A sparkling prize, the beautiful Mellusine of Ulle is awarded to the bastard-born Bruno of Jernaeve as a spoil of war. Bruno vows to tame the rebellious spirit of the captive beauty, but ultimately surrenders to her charms. Born of different worlds, joined in the flames of passion and intrigue, they find new strength in each other's arms...and a burning love that defies all eternity.

My thoughts:
This book can be mistaken for historical romance, but personally I would not say it is that. It is more the child of Historical fiction and romance. It is the tone, the vibe, the story that makes it so. 

The book is also part 2 in a series, but works wonderful on it's own. Book 1 is about Bruno's half sister so they are connected, but does not have to be read in order. 

Bruno is told to marry Lady Melusine and so he does. There is no instant love between these two. They both know they have duty and that they can't say no. Sure there is later lust, and she feels she would like to have a child. But there is no romance, and do not take that the wrong way, that is good, that is real. Melusine is a woman who knows what she wants, the land back that the king took from her after her father died fighting the king. That is all she asks for. Bruno on the other hand is a bastard of a lord, he knows his place, he is favored by the king, and he is very loyal. He also does not really find out what Melusine is all about. I think that is where he lost me at one point of the book. On every page he mentioned that he does not trust her (the queen says she is a rebel), it got old. I do understand it, but Melusine never did anything to prove it right, so he could have trusted her a bit. 

What makes this book different from the HR you might get from the cover is that there are a lot of facts. Never dry ones though, but we get to see the fight between King Stephen and Empress Matilda. Cities that are taken, who changed side, what did King David of Scotland do and so on. Because of the couple's proximity to the royal couple these are events they talk about and experience. 

As for romance, the love that slowly grows between these too is a fiery passion, a love for home and the man or woman who might be right for you. A truer love that takes time to grow. 

My thoughts:
It was an interesting book places against a time of turmoil in England. A good lovestory and what I just love, history, facts and the feeling you are there in the dirty streets and the beautiful halls.

Pretty :)


  1. I can't help but think it is a Christmas read with that title.

  2. I think I read this book, but since I did not start keeping track until years later, I really have no clue. ;o)

  3. I think I'd like this one. Great review.

  4. So does he ever grow to trust her? I guess I am just wondering if the ending was satisfying. I read romance or historical fiction/romance mixes because I need lighter read and happy endings are need to make it that.

  5. Ooo good one Blodeuedd, you really make me want to read it myself.

  6. *waves to Chris*

    Oh, I should have saved it for xmas! Now I got nothing :(

    It was compelling :D

    Now that is a problem I can't help with, but you can always read it again ;)

    Lol *whispers yes* But it takes a bloody time. And the ending is a happy one. No need to worry there.

    And I would like to read more by her

  7. I've wanted to try her books and it's good to know you liked this. I love reading about this era!

  8. What makes this book different from the HR you might get from the cover is that there are a lot of facts. Never dry ones though, but we get to see the fight between King Stephen and Empress Matilda. Cities that are taken, who changed side, what did King David of Scotland do and so on. Because of the couple's proximity to the royal couple these are events they talk about and experience.

    My, my soon enough you will read proper historical books! I am so proud of you, my lady!

  9. Elysium
    It truly is my favorite era to read about :)

    Hey! I take offence to that Missy! I do read proper hist..wait..hirst...wait a bit more
    Histrocail books. That thing you said ;)

  10. "A truer love that takes time to grow."

    LOVE that! The slowly-built relationships are my favorite, I like all the added tension and the "will they or won't they" type of feeling. The trust issue would get a bit old, but I could easily overlook it I think!

  11. Jenny
    It was in the middle when it annoyed me, but I got over it a bit later but yes it truly did bug me for a while cos I just wanted them to be happy

  12. I have enjoyed this author and am really happy that Sourcebooks has re-released her works!

  13. Staci
    I am glad too cos else I would have a hard time getting hold of these books

  14. Hey! I take offence to that Missy! I do read proper hist..wait..hirst...wait a bit more
    Histrocail books. That thing you said ;)

    Nice try but not buying it, not at all! ;) You know a lot about history and it shows! Just get rid of that fluffy disguise!

  15. Historical fiction had a baby?! Wow!

    Love the sound of the slow building romance. Those are my favorite.

  16. Blog spotlight? Hey, Thanks! I don't know how long that has been up because I'm strange, but that is so sweet!! <3

    Now about the book... you have me at the slowly building relationship. With the fastness at which a lot of books build their relationships, this would be a nice change.

  17. That is a great cover and the book sounds good. I enjoy a good historical.

  18. I'm receptive to the idea that the love is depicted here as growing over time and not in an instant or confused with lust.

  19. oooooooooh, I like the cover. I don't know why....but I do. ^.^

  20. This sounds like a romance with some depth to it. I'd definitely like to give this one a try.

  21. Oh this sounds like a good read. Fiction with romance and not the other way around. Thanks B :)

  22. The child of historical fiction and romance -- I like that!

    I have this book to read next week...

  23. Ana
    NEVer! I have no idea when the battle of Hastings took place or who Olaf the holy and Olaf Trygvvesson was (oh those two I like for some reason) or..oh wait, dang, I stepped in it now didn't I....

    Yes a baby who can be passionate, a tad fluffy even and the mother is quite proud...wait make that father. I think HR is the mum

    You did not miss it, I just put it up that evening so perhaps a few hours before you visited :) It is your week *throws confetti*

    I do like it slow, sure fast can be good, but real love takes time.

    I do like the cover, so oldschool in a way without looking like a silly bodiceripper that makes me roll my eyes ;)

  24. Steph
    Well they are lusty at first, but then that is where the HR comes in. But it is lust, and not love. The love takes it's time as they grow close and it felt nice

    You and me both :D

    And I would like to read more by her for sure

    It was realy good, and I am happy that I got to read it. YAY for Sourdebooks for re-priting it

    Hihi, Ia m glad :)

  25. I'm still not sure what to think. I think I might like it. The cover makes me think of a romance though. I like love stories.

  26. Alexis
    The cover screams romance, but much of the things happening inside, not so much


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