Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Review: Kindling the Moon - Jenn Bennett

Meet Arcadia Bell: bartender, renegade magician, fugitive from the law. . . . 

Being the spawn of two infamous occultists (and alleged murderers) isn’t easy, but freewheeling magician Arcadia “Cady” Bell knows how to make the best of a crummy situation. After hiding out for seven years, she’s carved an incognito niche for herself slinging drinks at the demon-friendly Tambuku Tiki Lounge.

But she receives an ultimatum when unexpected surveillance footage of her notorious parents surfaces: either prove their innocence or surrender herself. Unfortunately, the only witness to the crimes was an elusive Æthyric demon, and Cady has no idea how to find it. She teams up with Lon Butler, an enigmatic demonologist with a special talent for sexual spells and an arcane library of priceless stolen grimoires. Their research soon escalates into a storm of conflict involving missing police evidence, the decadent Hellfire Club, a ruthless bounty hunter, and a powerful occult society that operates way outside the law. If Cady can’t clear her family name soon, she’ll be forced to sacrifice her own life . . . and no amount of running will save her this time.

Series: Arcadia Bell #1, Genre: Urban fantasy, Pages: 358, Published: 2011 by Pocket, Source: My own

My thoughts:
I saw what people on my friend's list on GR thought and there were 4 and 5s all around. I did like the book, but I just did not fall for it as much as I wanted. I think I was caught up in the hype again and felt a bit let down.

Arcadia was cool, she is a wizard, she owns a bar, her parents are serial killers..wait what? Yes they were framed and she is hiding. The world she lived on was cool. No one knows about magic except those working with it, the demons you can conjure up and Earthbounds. Now these I liked. Demons put in human form, they mated and tadaa, lots of offspring 400 years later.

The love interest that shows up is Lon Butler (one of those with demon genes, oh yes). They have a few issues at start but we all know they will end up falling. Even if he is 40, so old ;)

The book was good, I liked it. But I fear there is a ghost over this review, the ghost of wanting to like it more. And expectations that did not turn out are just the worst. 

What saves it for me is in the end her past and future. There is something about her. And I am curious.

Cover: I would prefer to see her head


  1. There's something about the title I love, but it doesn't sound like one I'm going to bother picking up.

    1. I was just torn by my enormous expectations. In the end I did not even know how to grade it

  2. Demons put in human form, they mated and tadaa, lots of offspring 400 years later.


    Maybe her head on the cover was taken by one of the demons? Somehow I don't think I would like this one but your review was very nice - short and funny!

    1. Lol, thanks :D I try my best..*coughs* ok I do not try at all, it's just the way I write ;)

      Darn demons, stealing heads and all

  3. I know that feeling - a book gets talked up so much that it just can't live up to the hype.

    1. I was hoping for another goodreads 4, which for me then means that I really liked it. And i want the next book at once. I still liked this book, I just do not need book 2 at once

  4. i have the sequel to this one, so i'm hoping its good. sorry it didn't totally live up for you.

  5. I recently read a 5 star review the second book in this series, it looks good, but maybe i will hit the library first based on your review..thanks for sharing it!

    1. Don't listen to me, I just wanted too much. It really is best to go in without any ideas of what to expect at all in the end

  6. I often find the first book of a series is not that great but there is something there, some idea or niggle that makes me stick with the series and more often than not it improves. Somehow I get the feeling this is one of those...I am still interested in reading thise series!

    1. True. The Kate Daniels series did not rock me from the start. But I did not give up and I read more and it was awesome! Though that book was actually much worse than this ;)Lol, this was one was good just not awesome

  7. Funny, because when I see too much hype around books, I lose interest in reading them. Sorry to hear that ghost is now haunting you. Hopefully, more of what you want will come.

    1. Silly silly ghost! I should know better. Hyped up books are never as good as I want them to be. I expect the heaven to cry while I read

  8. I was drawn to this book by it's cover. I like the contrast of colors. And of course it's urban fantasy. I had high hopes that this is a start of another great series... now it looks like I would wait and see first before starting this series....

    1. Book 2 is coming and honestly everyone is loving that one too. And I just liked it..ok like is good, but I wanted to love it too

  9. I hate it when you expect a book to be something really special, because that's how other people experience it, and then I just like it instead of LOVING it. As long as it was still good, I guess it's ok. :)

    1. I know I should be happy. Like is good. Let the rest love it to pieces. I will love another book soon enough too

  10. It sounds good but I don't think it will go very high on my wishlist.

    1. Maybe I will get book 2 and we will see then ;)

  11. I'm sorry this one didn't live up to your expectations!

  12. Mhmmm, I am sorry you were let down a wee bit. It happens I guess. The book just doesn't live up to the hype.

    1. I know better. I would have enjoyed it so much more without the hype

  13. I find that I always put off reading books with lots of hype so I won't be disappointed if it doesn't live up to it.

    1. So true. Those are mostly YA books for me, perhaps cos the hype is bigger there

  14. Oh I have this one. And thanks for the review. I'll know to relax when I go to read it. ;) Thank you!

    1. Yes relax and do not think about anything. Then you will enjoy it :)

  15. Headless covers are a pet peeve of mine = so I agree. Great review as always.

    1. I do hate them, at least we get a face here but still

  16. "The ghost of wanting to like it more" - Very nicely put! I've that feeling before about a book but never described it as well as you have.

    1. Thanks :) it was hard to put to words, I just had that feeling, and how to describe it now. But it worked :)

  17. I have also fallen for the hype, and ordered the books last week or so. Am curious about them myself.

    1. I do hope you will go in without being all YAY finally! Trust me, that is never good. Just read and enjoy

  18. I'm sad you didn't like it as much as I did, but I totally understand those things happen. Are you planing to read second book?

    1. I am not rushing out to get it, but yes I do want to continue. I just have lots to buy before it

  19. Those ghosts can get in the way. I have the second book waiting for me to read and I still need to read this one. I haven't read too many reviews so perhaps that ghost won't bother me as much. :)

    1. Reviews are evil cos in the back of my mind I have the gushing and the squees of joy going around and around

  20. As usual, I enjoyed your spunky review :)

  21. Too bad you didn't like it more but hey, you read so many books that I'm sure the next one will be stellar!

    1. It was still good so it's ok :) I can't read books that knocks the breath out of me all the time ;)

  22. Ah.... I just won this book from a blog contest... here's hoping it works out for me :)

    1. it did work, I just hoped it would be even awesome


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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